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Epic and fun! I find myself coming up with excuses to take breaks during the day just to play it!

Hello Madguy unfortunately what you told me to do to reset the settings for streets of rogue did not work and I have tried everything. what should I do?

Not sure exactly. I'll put a fail-safe into the next build to revert the game's resolution on first startup.

Hello Madguy I am writing about my recent issue with finding the locallow on my computer to delete my streets of rogue settings BUT I have found the locallow description through my recycling bin oddly enough and deleted the streets of rogue data settings. Thank you for all of the help you have given me and I cannot wait for the full version. Keep doing great things =)

(1 edit)

Cool game

(2 edits)

I have a bug on 0.14.0, the accept button for the character selection doesn't work so does the leave and the random select.

Hey dude, I found a little bug in version 0.14.0. When I'm on the mission screen(when you talk to a person with an "M" above their head), I can't click on the "Accept" button, I have to manually press "E" to agree with the mission. That's it from me, thanks for the awesome game man.


Yup, fixed in the next build!


i think this idea good forest level map: it has bandit,ranger,animals,hunter,and wood cutter i think this might be good idea


Feed back button dosent work :P


it does e_e


Hello, great game, I love it, but when I launch the game it says "game.install.could_not_launch (game.install.no_executables_found)". I searched the game files there is no .exe file. When I tried to reinstall it, there was still no .exe. What can I do.


I ran into the same problem. I think it has something to do with my use of multiple drives, the Itch app is confused or soemthing. Find the zip file that was downloaded in the /downloads/ folder of the drive you setup for the game. When you unzip it, you'll see the EXE and the Data folder. Drag them over your the existing game files, and run the EXE. The Launch button isn't working from the Itch app though. =/


Yeah, sorry, the itch app is a little out of my jurisdiction. But you're having trouble, you can always get the game from

How do i send the crash thing?

Send output_log.txt in the \StreetsOfRogue_Data directory to matt dot a dot dabrowski at gmail dot com

Amazing game! I cant wait until the full release :)

This game is awesome! I reall like the vampire and the hacker.

Hello. Madguy This may sound embarrassing but I have no System C: so is there any more alternatives and I have a question about future updates. If you released anymore updates or when the full game comes out will that mean my previous problem would be solved. Thanks bro I'll try to get the C: but thanks for the help and support.


If you don't have a C:, just change the first letter of the directory I posted to whatever your hard disk is called. For example, if your hard disk is E:, the directory would be E:\Users(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\Streets of Rogue\Streets of Rogue


I need help. I was looking at changing the screen resolution after turning the game off of full screen and then when I confirmed my changes to the screen resolution the game shrunk and there is NO way I can get back on. please help me soon as I would love to get back on to this awesome game.

Go to C:\Users(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\Streets of Rogue\Streets of Rogue and delete GameSettings.dat. AppData is a hidden folder, but it will work if you type it into the address bar. If this doesn't work, try deleting the other files in this folder as well.

nice game i can´t wait for the full release and until now i didn´t find any bug wich is nice :D

Got some bug! (0^0)

When you activate the bomb for the slave helmet, it explode you instead of the helmet.

Hope you can fix it!

Are you planning on a tablet/phone release too? From what I've seen of the controls I think it might be possible.


Maybe in the far future, but PC/Mac/Linux and the consoles is the focus right now

Cool. Thanks for the answer man!

how can i know Whats new????

I can't seem to get this game to download and install using the itch desktop app. After clicking the button to download and then intsall, it just doesn't register, only the install button shows (repeatedly). =/

Actually super excited to keep up with this game

Wish the devs all the best! I love the gorilla :)

how will i know whats new??

How do I save?

Its fucking pretty awesome!!! I want to keep involved.

This game is SOOO fun! I just played for like a half an hour and had a great time! keep up the amazing work!

So, I've played a lot of SORALPHA and I've been witnessing it in 30fps recently and I never noticed it. SO I changed my graphics to have v-sync off because it has seemed to have no effect. When I do this my fps went up to 100 but I would like to request if we could get a way to limit the fps please.


The game is great, but I'd prefer if you had an option to not automatically combine weapons you already have. I like to keep multiple so I can give firearms to my allies after I get No Infighting.

I had a very fun time going through this game as the gorilla:

I'm going to be playing more for sure.

You should add in the fourth level or fifth or the end of the level a soldier which completely guarded floor

really nice game

very cool game, love it already

Hey, this game is seriously awesome haha i did a video on it ( and will do a few more, as well as recommended it to a few other friends to try out. I'm defiantly going to keep my eye on this one xD

(1 edit) (+1)

how do i use ps3 controller(PRO EX) to play this because i want to play two player mode with my brother.


Download "Input Mapper"!

Looking really great so far. I'm not sure how the mechanics would go, but it would be fun to play as a ghost.

(1 edit)

Doesn't quite work for me, I get this screen when running.

Windows 8.1, 64-bit

Does this happen the first time you play the game, or on subsequent boot-ups? Are you able to get past the main menu? Also, can you try going to C:\Users(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\Streets of Rogue\Streets of Rogue and delete GameSettings.dat. AppData is a hidden folder, but it will work if you type it into the address bar.

(1 edit)

It happens every time. I also did what you said and it didn't change anything, and created a new GameSettings.dat

Also this is what comes up immediately when running the game, it seemingly doesn't respond to any keys and I need to Alt+F4 to close it.

What resolution is your monitor set to? Is there anything noteworthy/odd about your system? External peripherals?

(2 edits)

Yes, actually. I'm using a 32' TV monitor, and use 1360x768 resolution cause it doesn't support any higher. I'll try messing around with that.

Edit: Using 1280x768 actually runs it seeming perfectly fine, suppose it just doesn't support the resolution.. My bad if this was explained somewhere lol.


Interesting, I'll make a note of that. Resolution issues are still a thing.

The longer I play this, the more it seems criminal that I have neighbors that are playing far obsolete games. This is definitely a masterpiece in the making, thank you for this experience.

Just a quick note to let you know that the mac version can not be started by double clicking the This is because is missing execute permissions. Just add them and it works.


Interesting. I'm building the game on a PC (I don't even own a Mac), and this is what Unity spits out. Will have to look into this a bit further.

Nice 32 bit! I can play now!

I really like this game, creative and challenging. Nice and Good. Awesome and Cool. I really enjoy playing this game.

Check how dumb i played this game :

In the final version will one of the characters be a worker? I know that I've seen some around and I'd imagine it would be fun playing as one.

That is the current plan

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