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Very fun. I love how fast the combat is! The movement feels a bit floaty though and it's a bit awkward to try to jump onto the platforms. Cheers, from another GameMaker dev lmao


I made a video on your game (35:39)


Initial keyboard control kinda sucked so I went to change it and the keybinding menu was even worse, going down the menu with the arrows seemed to work for the first option and then it stopped moving me down the list, I think it automatically assignes the key you pressed on the option you've selected (left, right, attack, etc). Otherwise the game seemed fun for the 50 seconds I had patience to endure this. Maybe you can rethink this, as A S D for action keys isn't really popular I belive. I'll check this again some other time.

whats in the update?


This is awesome man

Hey I have no idea but I'm getting constant crashing. When I die, this comes up:


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: turnWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_player_Draw_0


When I kill a few enemies, this comes up:


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: turnWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_objSpawner1_Draw_0


No idea why this is happening. I would appreciate it if this could be fixed.

Thanks for letting me know! I've uploaded a fixed version, with a keyboard remapping feature I completed a while ago.

I assume this is on Windows, so I've re-uploaded a fixed Windows version, but I'm no longer able to maintain a Linux version. Feel free to let me know if the new version works, thank you!


It works now. Thank you so much!

it isn't opening on linux keeps saying exit code <some randome numbers> and this happend to me with alot of other games how can i fix it? i use ubuntu btw

(2 edits)



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: turnWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_player_Draw_0



The game works fine at first but when I get damaged this appears to me

Is there any way to fix it?


You know, the truth had to come out sooner or later. I'm glad it came out in such a safe space as this. ;'{)

Nicely done little game


This game is damn wild and awesome, love it!

To run it on linux first install this 32bit game support package
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0:i386

Dunno why, but playing through this a second time was a lot more fun than I remembered! ^_^ Great game with a fantastic artstyle. I loved skipping through the air like a literal pixie whilst hacking enemies to death


You game has some bugs when it comes to the spawner

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: turnWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_objSpawner1_Draw_0


I have a suggestion and a question.
First, is there a way to remap the gamepad controls? All I see is keyboard remaps.
Second, I think a pause feature would really help.

That said, I love this game! I love the way you just hop in and start swinging. It controls smoothly and the style is really cool, and easy to understand even with all the action.

There's no way to remap gamepad controls, sorry! A gamepad remap is really complicated to implement and not worth it for a game this small yknow? The keyboard remap system is only here because I'd done it before in a previous game. I'd 100% have more quality-of-life features like that in future games! 

And hey thank you so much, I really appreciate the nice words! ;u;

Ahh, I see. Looking forward to them!

HEY I'VE SEEN A HUGE INFLUX OF VIEWS ON THIS GAME AND IT SAYS THEY'RE COMING FROM YOUTUBE?? Did someone make a video about this, I'd love to know!!


is a video from a youtuber called "diggo", he put the video link in the commentary since the game was not easy to find.
the video in which he talks about a case that reverberated here in Brazil a few weeks ago.
sorry for my horrible english, i'm brazilian and i'm not good at that language 
Deleted 1 year ago

You can change the binds in AppData\white
There should be a file that you can edit for configs

Deleted 1 year ago

It's a good game, it's short, but it is funny. The controls are very simple, just 8 keys (including the movement ones) and the combos and moves feel "soft", it's quite satisfactory to play it. It would be nice if someday you add more levels (and waves, of course) or even a boss battle. 


I love this game. I mean, I actually love this. This is the best game I have played on And I actually wanted to make one like this. Maybe its just me liking action games but nvm. It was in my pc for a long and although I delete most of the games I download form this site, somehow I had never deleted this. Thanks for this game.



I'm actually really into the simplicity in the controls but the versatility of how you're able to use three buttons (along with your movement keys). I like the simple contrast and how the game feels, it doesn't feel to me like the normal "oh, look enemies", but it honestly feels like a battle for the most part. I would like to see more variety and more added to this, heck maybe even a story and upgrades, but given this alone I find very good.

Played through it, very fast paced, very well done, the only thing that was missing in my taste were the movement combos - dash attack, wall jump, wall dash etc.
Of course the game is still very good without it, the actual thing to nitpick is lack of enemy variety, but judging by the given timeframe, the game is still impressively made.

(1 edit)

Everytime either an enemy with a health bar, or My character gets hit i get a crash that says "

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: turnWhite

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_player_Draw_0

Hi, this is a shader error, I've got it applied to the spawners and the player when they get hit. 

DirectX version 9.0 or later needs to be installed on your computer for shaders to work. Hope that helps!

I have Directx11 installed so that cant be the problem

I have a question, how can i art like you? What tools do you use?

Hey TungDuy! I use a mouse and that weird little image editor thing that's in the free version of Gamemaker Studio.  Not sure what else to tell you, besides being patient with your work, practicing and having fun!


Uhhh I don't think that's the right version? On the fixed version, the title should have this:

BUT I haven't fixed it for Linux yet if that's what you're playing on. I'll uhhh get around to it lmao

Help! How do you select? I've got the title screen up, but I don't know how to click play. All I can do is use the arrows keys to scroll between the options at the title screen (it is enter or space, or what? None of them are working) :(

Oh hey, sorry! You press 'A'. 

A, S and D are the main buttons in this control scheme. Sorry for not originally saying this I totally didn't think about it.

Thanks! :D

It isn't working on my linux machine! D:

It starts up and displays the title screen, but none of the keys do anything. What's going on?

Aaa I'm not sure! It works for others, however there's one thing that could cause that. 

If the game detects a controller connected to your computer at all, it'll prioritise that, and ignore the keyboard! Make sure you don't have any controllers plugged in, and disable any joystick device drivers like vJoy.

Apparently, it was detecting my mouse as a joypad, so I unplugged that and it worked fine! It's pretty inconvenient to have to unplug my mouse every time I want to play, though.

Still, really fun game!


Hey there! My name is King Zaerdric! and I played this game alittle bit over on my youtube channel of the same name. And I gotta say, I loved this, I love games like this especially, everything felt super fluid and entertaining. It just feels good to play. And i noticed so little time was put into it. Great game!


Absolutely awesome video, my king! There's only 10 waves and when you quit JUST before completing it I was screaming at my screen lmao. Thank you very much for the love, and really glad you enjoyed it!

If only i knew how close i was!! I am no king! I'm a fool . A FOOOL!!! HAHA, well, king fool makes more sense. Anyway, keep up the good work! 

Hi! I wanted to play tha game, but got an error immediately after selecting the difficulty level:

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object player:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 100213.madatk(100172, -2147483648)
at gml_Object_player_Step_0

Ah, didn't catch that one. Ironic considering it was a bugfix update and it broke the entire game. I have NO idea how I didn't see that the first time around, apologies! The new working version should be up, let me know if there are any issues at all, thanks!

(1 edit)

i do not know if you will care, but you have every right, but then I came to show the a BUG, I felt obliged to show, because i am developer too
Ps: i loved your game and your protagonist, although it has no speech or dialogue, i found it quite charismatic

(1 edit) (+1)

WOW just WOW. This game is so simplistic yet hard. its controls are amazing and the game feel is perfect. its one of those games where its hard because its hard, not hard because the controls are bad


I love games like this. It's such a simple design, but works really well. The combat, while just button mashing, still feels nice. You also have double jumping, which is always a bonus with me.  The black and white aesthetic is always interesting to see in pixel games, as it gives a somewhat "artsy" feel, but without trying too hard at that. It's also good for adding depth to a game for those who like to imagine their own worlds. Overall, this was a really good time. Good job, dev person.

Have a vidja. (I babble like an idiot, but hopefully it entertains.)

Awesome video! Loved how energetic you were in this lmao. Your little analysis at the end was great. Really really loved all your praise in this, thanks so much!

You're welcome. I just hope I actually made sense with my analysis, heh.

Keep up the good work on the pixel stuff.

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