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Saving to text file

A topic by Kaijanmeyer created Dec 31, 2020 Views: 515 Replies: 3
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Is it possible to save text to a file? If not, do you guys plan on implementing it?

This software is the prettiest and sleekest text editor i've found, but being able to save files is somewhat critical.

Thank you for making Left!

Have you figured it out? It's CTRL + S to save but there are also options at the top. Those may be different on different platforms though (I'm using pc).

Yep, I confirm… On Mac, " Command + S " works too.

Yeah, IDK what happened that day. Maybe the menu bar was missing for some weird reason or maybe i just... didn't see it??? I don't know. But now i'm using it every now and then and it's definitely my fave text editor.