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Love me a good supernatural girl. And board games.

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for playing ♡

Is Rohan wearing trans flag colors just a coincidence?


Technically yes, that's a happy coincidence, as theirs are predone creative commons sprites. But if you want to read meaning into it, you're more than welcome to! 💙⚪💗

This is such a cute story! I love how Aster and Rohan negotiate their relationship and how considerate Aster is of her needs. Also the character designs are great!

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed their story ♡♡♡♡


I looooooved this game!!! My chosen name is literally aster hahahha

I love succubi, so I was so happy with this game. it was very very cute and it was nice getting to know rohan and aster. The character design is also great!!! thank you so much for making this game

Thank you so much for playing, we're so happy you enjoyed! Can't believe that coincidence, that's so awesome! ♡

thank youuu <3

Thank you. This story made me so happy, and it made so much...sense to me? I'm ace myself and just. Yes. This was so good.

that makes me so happy to hear!!! thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad the game rang true for you ♡

(2 edits) (+1)

My chosen name is Aster

I am hypersexual but when I hit burnout the desire is just... gone

My fiancé is Ace

This feels targeted and I must play it 😅

EDIT: I finished the game and found so many more similarities between me and Aster, as well as quite a few between my fiancé and Rohan so.. that was an interesting experience. I adored the ending, and the mutual understanding they both came too!

OMG what an amazing set of coincidences!!! We're so happy this game got the chance to resonate so much with you ♡


I'm also Aster, I'm non binary

I'm hypersexual but with burnouts, I have no desire

and I had an Ace gf!!!

such a bug coincidence


This was wonderful and adorable and I loved it.

Thanks so much!!! SO glad you enjoyed ♡♡♡


OMG as a confused ace/demi/something mess, this is so, comforting. It's so sweet and honest and real. Thank you for that, thank you for all the work. 

Also I would cuddle Aster until my arms fell off, so the only thing I can only fault you for is...making her too goddamned adorable, curse you!! That and the ending CG which I believe was specifically to make me cry. Job well done. 


I'm so happy you enjoyed my game!! Offering solidarity as a fellow ace mess ♡

this was so good! loving the ace rep & i wish rohan & aster the best 💜

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it ♡♡♡


Hi, I am a suuupppper queer ace moron and I'm here to tell you this story was amazing. I like how some important ace topics were brought up, which is nice to see being mentioned in a story. 

Also yay cuddles!


Thank you so much for playing!! as a fellow queer ace moron, I really appreciate it! :3 ♡♡


This was really nice. it's a short and sweet visual novel but their relationship still feels pretty organic.

It was great!


We're so happy to hear you liked it! Thanks so much for this lovely comment ♡♡♡

(1 edit) (+2)

Drawing of Rohan

I drew Rohan because she’s the best <3

This is amazing! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! She looks great :3 ♡

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