Fabbricazione di semiconduttori

Santa Clara, California 1.506.524 follower

together we advance_

Chi siamo

We care deeply about transforming lives with AMD technology to enrich our industry, our communities, and the world. Our mission is to build great products that accelerate next-generation computing experiences – the building blocks for the data center, artificial intelligence, PCs, gaming and embedded. Underpinning our mission is the AMD culture. We push the limits of innovation to solve the world’s most important challenges. We strive for execution excellence while being direct, humble, collaborative, and inclusive of diverse perspectives. AMD together we advance_

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di semiconduttori
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Santa Clara, California
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Processors, Graphic Cards, Computer Platforms, CPU, GPU, APU, Server, 64-bit, Virtualization, Cloud computing, Green IT, Energy Efficiency, Semiconductor, Components, Design, Semi-custom, Embedded systems, x86 e Datacenter


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AMD 2 round in totale

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Daniel Loeb
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