H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sita amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed




Tech companies and startups are choosing Google Cloud to get things done faster and easier.

Our fully managed and serverless offerings help you streamline app development and turn data into differentiated customer experiences.

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

to be confirmed TBD–TBD
to be confirmed

Event countdown timer




Do you want your engineers to focus on innovation or infrastructure?

Hiring well is more challenging than ever, so you want to make the most of the engineers you have. With Google Cloud, you won’t need to spend the bulk of your time on infrastructure, custom tooling, and operations. Managed services like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Cloud Run and BigQuery remove the hassle of managing infrastructure so you can focus on your roadmap and other priorities.

120 characters autem quibusdam et autae officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet voluptates repudiandae sint.

—Firstname Lastname, Title lorem ipsum dolor set amet

120 characters autem quibusdam et autae officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet voluptates repudiandae sint.

—Firstname Lastname, Title lorem ipsum dolor set amet


H2 50 characters lorem eusa qui dolor sit elis amet

180 characters autem quibusdam et officii debitis rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet quibusdam et officiis quibusdam et officii debitis rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet quibusdam et officiis

Link text

Streamline app development with managed container platforms

Let’s talk: containers

Hear from Kelsey Hightower, Principal Engineer at Google Cloud on how to get the most out of containerized applications in the cloud.

The future of infrastructure will be containerized

Learn why successful tech companies and startups are adopting managed container platforms to drive innovation over infrastructure.

The past, present, and future of Kubernetes

Explore the world of Kubernetes with Eric Brewer, Google Fellow and learn how managed services can provide a totally hands-off experience.

Ubie: Using GKE Autopilot to lower costs and focus resources

With GKE Autopilot, Ubie reduced infrastructure costs by 20% and freed up engineering resources to develop products, eliminating infrastructure and maintenance tasks.

Wix: Empowering everyone to create websites, from design to development

Wix moved away from VMs to containers in GKE which enabled the company to drop much of their management code and created a seamless infrastructure for each one of its compute services.

MakerBot: expanding access to desktop 3D printing via the cloud

By replacing all its EC2 instances and its own Kubernetes cluster with GKE, MakerBot was able to eliminate the need to manage IT and reduced Kubernetes costs by 30% monthly.

Use data to influence product direction and user experiences

Let’s talk: data analytics

Hear from Lak Lakshmanan, Director of Analytics and AI at Google Cloud on how the optimization of data helps companies save money and increase productivity.

The future of data will unified, flexible, and accessible

Learn how a simple, scalable unified data platform can save your team time and money, while breaking down data silos to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Why Verizon Media picked BigQuery and Looker

Read about a massive data migration to Google Cloud’s BigQuery and Looker from a customer’s perspective that carefully compared multiple cloud providers.

How to architect an AI/ML powered Healthcare platform on Google Cloud

In this episode of Architecting with Google Cloud, Amol Kher, VP of Engineering from Vida Health talks about how easy it is to manage and automate tasks using data analytics and AI/ML tools on Google Cloud.

Zulily: Leveraging data and AI in Google Cloud to enhance differentiation

Through Zulily’s data platform migration to Google Cloud, the company was able to cut its data platform costs by 17% and give engineers time back to focus more on capabilities that affect its user experience.

Discord: migration from Redshift to BigQuery and the lessons learned

Migrating from Redshift to BigQuery has been game-changing for Discord in addressing performance bottlenecks, capacity constraints, and being able to unlock actionable insights.

Save money through efficiency, cost optimization, and automatic scaling

Find your GKE cost optimization opportunities

Learn about powerful GKE resources you have access to right within the product that can help you establish a cost-saving culture.

Tau VMs deliver leading price-performance for scale-out workloads

Scale-out workloads demand the best performance and price. Tau VMs offer 42% higher price-performance compared to general-purpose VMs.

The economic advantages of BigQuery versus alternatives

Find out how BigQuery provides a three-year total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) that is 26-34% lower than other cloud-based solutions.

Market Logic: helping leading brands run an insights-driven business with a scalable platform

Since migrating to GKE, Market Logic has halved the costs of running its nodes, reduced maintenance work, and gained the ability to scale effortlessly.

Arabesque AI: delivering autonomous investing at scale through data, machine learning, and AI

Arabesque AI reduced server costs by up to 75% with GKE and pay-as-you-go Cloud Run and Cloud Functions after migrating to Google Cloud.

Quantum Metric: recovering lost revenue with digital experience analytics

Quantum Metric moved to Google Cloud and is using BigQuery to analyze petabytes of data in seconds and cut costs by approximately 50%.

Go to market with Google as your strategic partner

From Google Workspace and Google Ads to Google Maps and Google Play, the Google ecosystem helps you develop and scale your business. Our global community of founders, technical experts, mentors, and investors offer dedicated Google Cloud go-to-market opportunities through both one-on-one and large scale engagements. And you can access a wide range of co-marketing and co-selling benefits by promoting your solution in the Google Cloud Marketplace.

Change for the better with Google Workspace

Change management is essential for any migration. Check out these best practices and tips to plan and manage the rollout, and to help your team get set up on Google Workspace.

Plainsight: How to architect a no-code ML platform with Google Cloud

In this episode of Architecting with Google Cloud, Carlos Anchia, CEO of Plainsight discusses the democratization of AI and how their solution takes full advantage of Google Cloud Marketplace.

MariaDB: Unlocking the full power of its database platform in the cloud

MariaDB launched SkySQL on Google Cloud Marketplace providing its customers with unified billing, increased ease of use, and a streamlined path to leveraging analytics and transactional capabilities.

It’s time to move

Stay at the forefront of innovation - join the tech companies and startups that are choosing Google Cloud.

H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet


Country one

Country two

Country three

Country four ~ without images

Multi-city map

Event map and details

to be confirmed
to be confirmed
to be confirmed
to be confirmed, to be confirmed


Firstname Lastname

Developer Advocate of Machine Learning,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud


Day 1 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Day 2 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Day 3 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour


  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ


Track 1

Track 2

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ

Our partners





Three-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

Two-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

One-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

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