Join Us

Here’s why you should join …

  • The Coalition works in three major areas: Advocacy, Information and Outreach.
  • 300+ organizations  have united with the Coalition to fight multiple insurance fraud issues today.
  • 30 years of being a valuable strategic partner to our members and we’re still growing strong.
  • Diverse organizations united to support the insurance fraud fight, share data and trends and expand vital fraud fighting connections.
  • Insurers, public interest/consumer groups, associations, associate/business partners, government agencies and international partners agree that the Coalition is a valuable investment.


The Benefits of Membership …

  • The Coalition can help amplify your voice across our industry wide spectrum of thought leadership and organizations.
  • The Coalition is both a national and international hub for the anti-fraud community.
  • To learn more, download our membership brochure to see our member benefits.
  • Learn why insurers and our business partners invest in Coalition membership.
  • Two major Coalition networking events with anti-fraud leaders during the year.
  • Access to time saving searchable databases focused on fraud laws & regulations and arrest & conviction data.
  • 10 member law firms are ready to provide valuable legal support through amicus briefs.
  • Existing FREE customizable Coalition videos & infographics to apply your organization logo & URL.
  • Creative services to assist members in a variety of capacities.
  • 10 Committees / Task Forces to choose from and join.
  • Members are the first recipients of any new major studies that is developed by the Coalition and partners when completed.
  • Opportunities to submit articles for the coveted JIFA (Journal of Insurance Fraud in America) publication run by the Coalition.
  • Write blogs on topics your organization wants the membership to know about.
  • Ability to participate in Webinars and FraudPods.
  • Company featured Member Spotlight in our digital Fraud News Weekly newsletter to thousands members.
  • And much much more!