Check your posts (notes, articles, etc.) are marked up with h-entry:


We found the following reply h-entry on your site:


Tantek Çelik

In Reply To

Content no cross-posting at all, that post, and this reply are federated directly from my personal domain. If you look at the top of my post in your Mastodon client / reader you can see that it’s from — no need for a username when you use your own domain. Regarding “why the expanded link preview is to one of the (first) hashtags and not to one of the links in the post”, that’s likely a #Mastodon link preview bug with how it treats hashtags. If you view your reply in your Mastodon (client), you can see that the first hashtag in my post #webDevelopers is correctly (re)linked to your Mastodon’s tagspace:, so Mastodon is at least getting that part right, recognizing it as a hashtag, and linking it correctly for your view. However, Mastodon is still for some reason using the default link for that hashtag on my site (where I am using as the tagspace¹) as the link for the link preview. Since you use Mastodon, perhaps you could file an issue on Mastodon to fix that bug? Something like: If Mastodon recognizes a hashtag and converts it to link to a local tagspace, it MUST NOT use that hashtag’s prior/default hyperlink as the link for the link preview shown on a post. Thanks! #hashTag #linkPreview #federation #fediverse #federated #tagSpace References: ¹



Syndicated Copies

Add URLs of POSSEd copies!

<a rel="syndication" class="u-syndication" href="…">…</a>


  • Mastodon
  • webDevelopers
  • hashTag
  • linkPreview
  • federation
  • fediverse
  • federated
  • tagSpace

Your h-entries should have, at minimum, the following properties:

  • e-content — the main content of the post
  • p-name — if your post is an article with a name, use this classname.
  • dt-published — the datetime the post was published at, in ISO8601 format, with a timezone
  • u-url — the canonical URL of the post, especially important on pages listing multiple posts

It’s a common convention for the published datetime to be a link to the post itself, but they can be separate if you want.

There should also be some way to discover the author of the post — either link to your homepage (which should have your h-card on it) from anywhere within the body of the page with rel=author, or optionally embed a p-author h-card in the h-entry.

The web is an expressive medium, and as such there are many other properties which you can add to your posts. Check out the h-entry documentation for a full list.

Want to be able to use h-entry data in your code? Check out the open-source implementations.

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