Content Warnings

Cartoon Violence, Spider, Bugs

Project Introduction

Dung Slinger is about a Dung Beetle that has been chained to their Dung Ball. In order to make their escape from the ant hill castle both the Player and the Dung Beetle will have to master the unique movement that comes from the interaction between Ball and Player.
The game uses hand drawn textures and 2d animations in combination with a 3d environment to bring its the Ant Hill Castle and the mysterious Infection running rampant inside to life.

About Developer

We are a group of students from Berlin who came together at the beginning of this year to work on Dung Slinger as our first semester project. To make the project the best it could be, we asked a musician from Sweden with whom we've worked before to provide us with our very own OST. After finishing the first version, we decided to continue working on the game with the goal of turning it into a full commerical release!