Helldivers 2: Players Discover Life-Saving Bug, Leaks Hint at New Stratagem

Players are keeping quiet about the bug instead of reporting it to Arrowhead Studios.

Helldivers 2: Players Discover Life-Saving Bug, Leaks Hint at New Stratagem - Helldivers II

Helldivers 2 players have discovered a bug that saves their lives, but instead of reporting it to Arrowhead Studios, they’re keeping quiet. This bug allows players to perform emotes mid-air, preventing fall damage and thus avoiding death upon landing. A video showcasing this bug recently surfaced on Reddit.

Attention Helldivers, using an emote mid-fall may SAVE YOUR LIFE!
byu/21471824781 inHelldivers

Although the bug remains unfixed, players worry that Arrowhead Studios might address and fix it soon due to the growing attention it’s receiving. Shams Jorjani, CEO of Arrowhead Studios, even tweeted, requesting to keep this "feature."

Leak Hints at new Orbital Illumination Flare stratagem

Meanwhile, the latest leak for Helldivers 2 suggests that a new Orbital Illumination Flare stratagem is in development. This stratagem calls down a flare to attract groups of enemies, useful during Bug Breaches or Bot Drops. It can also illuminate dark areas, making navigation easier. A Reddit user named Tier5NPC revealed that this stratagem activates immediately upon being called in, has a 30-second cooldown, unlimited uses, and lasts for 25-30 seconds each time.

Orbital Illumination Flare
byu/Tier5NPC inHellDiversLeaks
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Helldivers II

Arrowhead Game Studios
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