Jodhi Adhikaprana Sardjono

Jakarta Raya, Indonesia Informasi Kontak
15 rb pengikut 500+ koneksi

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⭐The MoneyBender⭐
H. Jodhi A. Sardjono, S.T., M.Sc. | Jodhias | John Vizier | His…


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  • Gambar WaCIDS (Waqf Center for Indonesian Development in Studies)


    WaCIDS (Waqf Center for Indonesian Development in Studies)

    - 7 bulan

    Educator, Podcaster, Youtuber at WACIDS

  • Gambar Asosiasi Muslim Startup Indonesia (AMSI)


    Asosiasi Muslim Startup Indonesia (AMSI)

    - 11 bulan

    Science and Technology

    Mentor for Sharia Product Management

  • Gambar Product School

    Community Organiser

    Product School

    - 1 tahun 2 tahun


    Founded in 2014, Product School is the world’s first technology business school. They provide certified courses in Product Management, Data Analytics, Coding, Digital Marketing and Blockchain to professionals across 15 campuses worldwide and offer the same courses live online. All courses are taught by real-world product managers working at top technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Slack, Airbnb, LinkedIn and Netflix.

    As an Organiser for Jakarta, I help connect passionate…

    Founded in 2014, Product School is the world’s first technology business school. They provide certified courses in Product Management, Data Analytics, Coding, Digital Marketing and Blockchain to professionals across 15 campuses worldwide and offer the same courses live online. All courses are taught by real-world product managers working at top technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Slack, Airbnb, LinkedIn and Netflix.

    As an Organiser for Jakarta, I help connect passionate product people with expert product people and innovative businesses. I am responsible for all logistics of organising events in Jakarta: securing speakers, venues and hosting and community development across multiple platforms.

  • Product (Wakaf)

    Masjid Raya Bintaro Jaya

    - 1 tahun 1 tahun

    Economic Empowerment

    Specializing in Waqf


  • Conceptualization of Waqf Marketplace Innovation Model

    Albukhary Social Business Journal

    vol2, 2 dec 2021

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  • Islamic Sosial Finance and Its Role for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

    IPB Press

    Maximizing Emoney for Waqf Development Vehicle to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

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  • Color Code: An Innovative and Attractive Way to Differentiate Products

    IEEE Quality in Research

    Currently, there are several codes to refer to things. For example, barcode and QR code. Barcode is commonly implemented for supporting retail industries, for example to identify books and products. Meanwhile, QR code is generally implemented to code URL and other internet-related things. The purpose of this paper is to provide an innovative and a new way to differentiate things, which is called color code. Color code is visually more appealing and is easily understood for the humans’ eyes…

    Currently, there are several codes to refer to things. For example, barcode and QR code. Barcode is commonly implemented for supporting retail industries, for example to identify books and products. Meanwhile, QR code is generally implemented to code URL and other internet-related things. The purpose of this paper is to provide an innovative and a new way to differentiate things, which is called color code. Color code is visually more appealing and is easily understood for the humans’ eyes. This is a strong advantage that makes color code at a distant winning if it is compared to the barcode and QR code. Color code is applicable to various applications, but because the color code technology is visually more attractive, color code is preferably implemented for entertainment and lifestyle need, because naturally humans’ eyes are more attracted to color code rather than to other types of codes. Color code can be scanned by the smartphone camera. After the color code is obtained by the camera, an application is used to interpret camera input into data, and then transform the matched flagged sign color code combination into a specific instruction. In this research, we successfully made an application to translate color code based on Java OpenCV for Android smartphones.


  • Suatu Alat Pengontrol Perangkat Elektronik Pada Rumah Berbentuk Terminal Yang Dikontrol Dengan Ponsel Pintar Berbasis Sistem Operasi Android

    Dikeluarkan ID HKI3.-H1.05.01.02 P00201502162

    Invensi ini berkenaan dengan suatu alat pengontrol perangkat elektronik pada rumah berbentuk terminal yang dikontrol dengan ponsel pintar berbasis sistem operasi android yang dilengkapi bagian untuk mendeteksi intensitas cahaya, sensor suhu, dan pengatur waktu sehingga dapat menyambungkan atau memutuskan aliran listrik secara otomatis.

    Tujuan invensi ini adalah menyediakan suatu kombinasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol perangkat elektronik…

    Invensi ini berkenaan dengan suatu alat pengontrol perangkat elektronik pada rumah berbentuk terminal yang dikontrol dengan ponsel pintar berbasis sistem operasi android yang dilengkapi bagian untuk mendeteksi intensitas cahaya, sensor suhu, dan pengatur waktu sehingga dapat menyambungkan atau memutuskan aliran listrik secara otomatis.

    Tujuan invensi ini adalah menyediakan suatu kombinasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol perangkat elektronik dengan berbentuk terminal pintar. Masukan dari proses ini adalah berupa perintah dari pengguna untuk mengontrol perangkat elektronik secara manual atau otomatis melalui aplikasi ponsel pintar berbasis Android, sedangkan proses dari mikrokontroler IOIO menghasilkan keluaran tegangan listrik untuk mengendalikan relay sehingga perangkat elektronik tertentu menyala atau mati sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna.
    Tujuan lain dari invensi ini adalah menyediakan rancangan sistem pengendali yang sederhana, teknologi yang lebih inovatif dengan harga komponen dan biaya produksi yang efisien. Pengguna invensi ini tidak membutuhkan keterampilan tinggi, sehingga invensi ini dapat dipakai langsung tanpa instalasi khusus di infrastruktur rumah oleh siapa saja dan diproduksi secara masal.


  • Global Entrepreneurship Summer School (GESS)


    During GESS, students from all over the world work together for nine days in interdisciplinary teams to develop business ideas for societal change – ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. In 2015, 35 students from 31 countries were chosen out of 900 applicants to participate in the course which is supported by the SAP Foundation. GESS is an official project of the UN Decade for Sustainable Development to educate tomorrow's…

    During GESS, students from all over the world work together for nine days in interdisciplinary teams to develop business ideas for societal change – ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. In 2015, 35 students from 31 countries were chosen out of 900 applicants to participate in the course which is supported by the SAP Foundation. GESS is an official project of the UN Decade for Sustainable Development to educate tomorrow's entrepreneurial leaders.

    Established in 2008, GESS is a joint initiative of the four leading university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich as well as the Social Entrepreneurship Academy. It is under the patronage of Ilse Aigner, Deputy Minister-President of Bavaria and Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs, Media, Energy and Technology.

    Kreator lainnya
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  • Jastech Industries


    Supported by Microsoft Bizpark, The area of business is in Internet of Things, which is everyday objects that have network connectivity, so people can monitor and control things easily. Because according to statistics, there will be 30 billion of devices which are connected to the internet. My startups are in idea stage and prototyping stage. For example, we develop navigation and fish caller embedded system for fishermen, smart home or smart light technology, and advertising platform for small…

    Supported by Microsoft Bizpark, The area of business is in Internet of Things, which is everyday objects that have network connectivity, so people can monitor and control things easily. Because according to statistics, there will be 30 billion of devices which are connected to the internet. My startups are in idea stage and prototyping stage. For example, we develop navigation and fish caller embedded system for fishermen, smart home or smart light technology, and advertising platform for small and medium businesses. Proudly, I won many competitions from my ideas.

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  • Shroom (Smart Home and Room)


    Shroom: Smart Home and Room, sebuah proyek dari beberapa mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang automation dengan mengintegrasikan software dan hardware yang menghasilkan sebuah karya berbentuk komunikasi M2M (Machine To Machine) untuk memudahkan kehidupan manusia.

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Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Awardee LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund)


    LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund) Awardee batch (PK) 44 to University of Warwick in Innovation and Entrepreneurship degree 2016.

  • First Winner Design Thinking Jam

    General Electric

    There were 30 people joined this competition. The people divided in 6 groups, which contains 5 people each. My team won first place in that competition

    Design Thinking Jam by GE is two days of tinkering and Jamming to develop "Innovative Solution for Affordable Healthcare in Indonesia."

    Working in groups, feels the excitement of understanding the needs of the community through research field work, synthesizing insights, brainstorm ideas, develop prototypes, then having it tested…

    There were 30 people joined this competition. The people divided in 6 groups, which contains 5 people each. My team won first place in that competition

    Design Thinking Jam by GE is two days of tinkering and Jamming to develop "Innovative Solution for Affordable Healthcare in Indonesia."

    Working in groups, feels the excitement of understanding the needs of the community through research field work, synthesizing insights, brainstorm ideas, develop prototypes, then having it tested to gain feedback for iteration! Also, adapting the mindsets of Human Centered Design methodology that encourages collaboration of multiple disciplinary background within a group, mindful of process, and other fluid methods.

  • Second Place Winner in National Business Competition by onein20

    Yayasan Pro Indonesia

    The Winner of all 8 cities from all around Indonesia gathered to compete in a larger scale, which is in national competition. I was the youngest of all IT related founders. However, I managed to ensure the judges about my business model with my mentor, Bob Hardian. Thus, I got the second place champion is an organization which is focused to empower Indonesian entrepreneurs. The founders of this organization are Budi Satria Isman and Yuszak. They believe that they can bring…

    The Winner of all 8 cities from all around Indonesia gathered to compete in a larger scale, which is in national competition. I was the youngest of all IT related founders. However, I managed to ensure the judges about my business model with my mentor, Bob Hardian. Thus, I got the second place champion is an organization which is focused to empower Indonesian entrepreneurs. The founders of this organization are Budi Satria Isman and Yuszak. They believe that they can bring small to medium enterprise to go to the next level with their support.

    Look at link below:

  • Second Place Winner Startup Weekend Bandung

    Startup Weekend International

    The first startup weekend in Indonesia was in Bandung. I joined the first event. People formed groups based on their interests. My team presented the gamification for designing their own houses. We got the second place

    Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable. On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds…

    The first startup weekend in Indonesia was in Bandung. I joined the first event. People formed groups based on their interests. My team presented the gamification for designing their own houses. We got the second place

    Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable. On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds. Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.

  • Winner of Regional (Jakarta) IT Business Competition by onein20

    Yayasan Pro Indonesia

    Every IT-related business owners were mentored by coaches from onein20. After 2 months of mentoring, we competed in regional level, which was in Jakarta. Proudly, I was the winner of IT business in regional level, becoming Jakarta representative for national competition. is an organization which is focused to empower Indonesian entrepreneurs. The founders of this organization are Budi Satria Isman and Yuszak. They believe that they can bring small to medium enterprise to go…

    Every IT-related business owners were mentored by coaches from onein20. After 2 months of mentoring, we competed in regional level, which was in Jakarta. Proudly, I was the winner of IT business in regional level, becoming Jakarta representative for national competition. is an organization which is focused to empower Indonesian entrepreneurs. The founders of this organization are Budi Satria Isman and Yuszak. They believe that they can bring small to medium enterprise to go to the next level with their support.

    Visit link below:

  • Second Place Winner Karya Inovatif UI

    Direktorat Kewirausahaan dan Inkubator Bisnis Universitas Indonesia

    This is a competition for Universitas Indonesia students to present their ideas and turn the ideas into reality in the field of technology. My friends and I formed a group of 3 people and implement the internet of things technology for our home. We won the second place and had opportunities to gained financial and patent support.

  • Winner of UI Young Creative Entrepreneur


    UIYCE is a program from UI incubator to support Universitas Indonesia students to turn their startup ideas into reality. My friend and I managed to get the financial support from the university

  • Panasonic Scholarship Student

    Panasonic Indonesia

    Program ini ditujukan untuk memberikan bantuan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa yang dirasa memiliki kualitas terbaik di kawasan Asia.

    Sementara Kelompok Panasonic Scholarship Indonesia telah melakukan kegiatan penyerahan beasiswa ini sejak tahun 1999. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada 47 mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah lulus S1 untuk meneruskan pendidikan mereka di Jepang. Meski sejak tahun 2014, Panasonic memutuskan untuk memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan…

    Program ini ditujukan untuk memberikan bantuan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa yang dirasa memiliki kualitas terbaik di kawasan Asia.

    Sementara Kelompok Panasonic Scholarship Indonesia telah melakukan kegiatan penyerahan beasiswa ini sejak tahun 1999. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada 47 mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah lulus S1 untuk meneruskan pendidikan mereka di Jepang. Meski sejak tahun 2014, Panasonic memutuskan untuk memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan mereka di Indonesia.

    for more information:

  • Most Outstanding Student in Entrepreneurship (Mahasiswa Berprestasi Kategori Wirausaha) 2014

    Engineering Faculty Universitas Indonesia

    Engineering Faculty Students were challenged to become one of the most outstanding student annually. I chose the entrepreneurship area. From hundreds of applicants and thousands of students, I managed to become the number one student in entrepreneurship field


  • Bahasa Indonesia


  • Bahasa Inggris



  • Asia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Society

    ASES Summit 2016 Indonesia Delegation to Stanford, United States


    Every year they 35 of the world's best collegiate entrepreneurs to come to Stanford and participate in a week of entrepreneurship, design, incredible guest speakers, and wicked problem solving. Summit is great for the delegates and even better for ASES members who get to expand their networks globally and gain first-hand exposure to global problems and ways of thinking.

  • Microsoft Bizspark



    One of 100.000 startup in the world which is supported by Microsoft. My startup in home automation get many Microsoft software, servers, and workshops to support my daily tasks. Such as Windows Azure and Windows Server. Also, I attended Microsoft Summit in Jakarta.

  • Onein20 Yayasan Pro Indonesia


    - is an organization which is focused to empower Indonesian entrepreneurs. The founders of this organization are Budi Satria Isman and Yuszak. They believe that they can bring small to medium enterprise to go to the next level with their support.

  • Global Entrepreneurship Summer School

    Indonesia Delegation to Munich, Germany


    I was the participant of Global Entrepreneurship Summer School 2015. I was 35 out of 900 applicants all around the world who were selected to attend GESS 2015 in the topic of Youth Unemployment. The vision of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is based on the claim „Billion Dollar Projects to Foster Societal Change“. We want to encourage and connect outstanding students from all over the world to challenge society’s problems by entrepreneurial means. We want the students to think big…

    I was the participant of Global Entrepreneurship Summer School 2015. I was 35 out of 900 applicants all around the world who were selected to attend GESS 2015 in the topic of Youth Unemployment. The vision of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is based on the claim „Billion Dollar Projects to Foster Societal Change“. We want to encourage and connect outstanding students from all over the world to challenge society’s problems by entrepreneurial means. We want the students to think big and contribute to sustainable change in the dimension of billion. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is a collaborative project of the four leading university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich as well as the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie – that’s why we believe in the power of entrepreneurial thinking for a better und sustainable future. During the Summer School the student teams develop ideas that have both a sustainable impact for society and a self-sustaining, profitable business model. The students learn about entrepreneurship, develop their own sustainable business ideas and build a long-lasting network of international excellent and entrepreneurial students. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer Schools fosters the important role of education, entrepreneurship and networking for a sustainable development. - See more at:

  • IEEE Student Branch UI 2014

    President Student Branch Universitas Indonesia


    I am the president or chairman in IEEE SBUI 2014. I lead more than 50 active members in a year. I formed 4 divisions, which are Information Communication and Technology, Public Relation, Education, and Human Resource and Development. I got opportunities to know IEEE headquarter members personally, and also members overseas. We bring global knowledge, experience, and opportunities in electrical engineering field for IEEE SBUI members. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student…

    I am the president or chairman in IEEE SBUI 2014. I lead more than 50 active members in a year. I formed 4 divisions, which are Information Communication and Technology, Public Relation, Education, and Human Resource and Development. I got opportunities to know IEEE headquarter members personally, and also members overseas. We bring global knowledge, experience, and opportunities in electrical engineering field for IEEE SBUI members. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch UI 2014 (IEEE SBUI 2014) is a legal organization which is monitored by IEEE headquarter. IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE SBUI was founded in 2009, which was the first student branch in Indonesia that give huge benefits to their members. Even though this is the 5th year since the initiator formed the organization, I strive to learn as much as I can, earn the benefits, and return what I acquire to lead a positive impacts to society, especially for IEEE SBUI member.

  • Microsoft

    Student Partner


    I feel so fortunate that I can join Microsoft Student Partner. Our tasks were to teach people and introduce people with Microsoft technology. Also we were the ambassador of Microsoft in Indonesia for our campus. We have Microsoft Innovation Center in Fasilkom UI, where people usually come whenever we had events.

  • Merry Riana Campus Ambassador

    Member Batch 1


    Mentored by Merry Riana number 1 Asia Female Motivator

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