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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


Hey everyone, I'm sorry to do another one of these so soon. Rent is due at the first of the month, and I don't get paid until the 7th. I was hoping I'd be able to take out a 401k loan this paycheck, which I was relying on to stabilize myself after move in costs, but it turns out I'm still a paycheck or two's worth of deposits away from that being available, and with the vet bill when my cat passed away, I was only barely able to squeak by to get into this place less than two weeks ago and have not been able to recover. I need $550 to be able to make rent, not counting a couple of other bills I'm behind on or looming close. I know if I can just at least make this rent payment, I'll be able to pay those bills with my next paycheck and be okay for long enough to get my shit together, but until then I am begging for any help I can get. I'm trying to start a new life after a difficult breakup and the unexpected loss of a dearly beloved cat, and I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know what else to do. I'm so sorry if I sound dramatic, I'm just extremely stressed, and it's been a really hard few months.

My venmo and cashapp are both @wretchwife. I can DM my paypal if necessary. Anything at all would be so amazing.



thank you all so so so much, i'm already up to $115, which is already so much more than i honestly expected ;w; i've still got a way to go but i'm so grateful for what i've gotten so far, thank y'all so much



just about halfway there!! thank y'all so much!!



this is so huge, y'all, i appreciate this so fucking much