Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
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  • 3.6% Retired
  • 70% Rating
  • 644 Beat
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etanrepus's Avatar'


20h 20m Played
Solid game. Some of the action felt cheap.
Updated 2 Weeks Ago


bhscjhdvds's Avatar'


19h 17m Played
A decent game, creates expectations to the main game.
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


wellred's Avatar'


22h 12m Played
A nice little game with interesting lore ties to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. It's too samey and fetch-questy to rate very high, but the characters are well-written (I took lots of funny screencaps) and the gameplay is solid.
Updated 3.5 Weeks Ago


MarcusStern's Avatar'


10h 40m Played
Un RPG + Metroidvania que no termina de funcionar. De los peores backtracking que he visto, una historia que pierde el interés a los 2 horas, misiones de recadero constantes, y un sistema de combate muy mejorable. Hay opciones mejores
Updated 1 Month Ago


Attomsk's Avatar'

60%Nintendo Switch

19h 27m Played
It's very very very repeatable, but it kind of works and it flows so fast and smooth that becomes enjoyable.
Updated 2 Months Ago


MozartDaniel's Avatar'

70%Xbox Series X/S

21h 29m Played
Many reviews I read went into detail about this game being forgettable and unremarkable, claiming it was basically some sort of errand simulator. That bit I do agree on.

And it's undeniable. It always feels like you're just getting started in the game because of how mundane every mission is. There are 31 main quests, but many more optional ones. However, in the context of the story, everything fits. In terms of your character, it makes sense. In regards to the gameplay, it was very satisfying for me.

The loop is: receive a main objective, then go talk to everyone else to get some side missions that could get completed on your way there, then come back to report, level up, find new faces and learn that your efforts are expanding the settlement, unlock some fancy new movements, gear up then do it all over again. I got addicted to it. The writing isn't stellar though it is very charismatic. It isn't deep, but still manages to be interesting.

I was suprised by how much I ended up liking the story and connecting with the characters. I was blown away by how much the gameplay evolved by the end of it, in terms of movements available for each of the characters, as in the beginning it felt kind of clunky.

It isn't a difficult experience, only experienced some spikes here and there but the game is (generally) generous, except in the final stretch. I ended up playing very little of the post-game content and didn't finish all of the missions available before finishing it, as it was about to leave Game Pass. I may end up buying it later.

Played for 21 hours and 29 minutes through Xbox Game Pass.
Updated 2 Months Ago


steelersrock01's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 5

12h 8m Played
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a prequel to the recently released Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. While that game is a JRPG, this one is a simple Metroidvania. While I enjoyed the game and really liked the music and visuals, the combat was a bit thin, the story an afterthought, and the sidequests eventually became a little monotonous.
The game features several areas that you revisit over and over. These follow familiar themes - forest, ice, lava, dungeon/ruins, caves. These are fine, if a little safe. The areas are pretty small, and linear, and you revisit them over and over as you complete sidequests for the town's residents. At first, I really liked these sidequests. They gave me a reason to explore each area, and completing them all kept my character's levels in line with where the should be. But eventually the "go to X, mine Y, retrieve Z" format wore thin.

The combat was fun but simplistic. The 3 playable characters fulfilled 3 archetypes - speedy melee, big, slow heavy melee, and ranged mage. These combat types played off each other pretty well, and the link attack feature was a nice touch. The mage character felt a little undercooked, and I found myself just sticking with the main character in most situations unless the game required a specific character. I liked the combat, but with only one attack button and upgrades doled out very slowly, I never felt it reached its full potential.

All told, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a solid 12 hour experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. By the end of the game it starts to get a bit rote, but if you focus on the main story and don't push to complete every single sidequest you'll have a good time. Great for younger players or if you need a break from more involved games. Nothing here will challenge or surprise you if you're a Metroidvania veteran, but nothing will offend you either.
Updated 2 Months Ago


BeefierDruid24's Avatar'

80%Xbox Series X/S

25h 54m Played
Gioco molto carino, divertente, ma anche rilassante data la difficoltà non certo eccessiva. Deliziosa la grafica e buone le musiche. La scrittura è molto semplice, tipica dei JRPG anni '90. Come gioco "pilot" di 'Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' svolge ottimamente il suo mestiere.
Updated 2 Months Ago


qdimitri's Avatar'


12h 59m Played
Fun and quick action rpg that has enough elements to keep you engaged. The main story is kind of nonsense given that the character that joins your party within the first hour doesn't reveal their motivations until the very last story quest. The combat is cool with chains and combos that get more powerful as you upgrade your town via the numerous sidequests. Most of the enemies can feel baby mode at times - so I could of used the Hard difficulty that only unlocks when you beat the game, being available as an option from the start. Evidently the game that follows is a traditional turn based RPG that is getting mixed reviews. Hopefully this gets revisited with a harder difficulty and better story.
Updated 2 Months Ago


johnnyturk's Avatar'

60%Xbox Series X/S

Stale and repetitive, but with a nice light humour and likeable characters still

Another poorly disguised fetch quest game, everything is just gathering materials from the same 2 small areas to improve the town. Combat is OK, the whole presentation is very mobile game

A decent soft start to Eiyuden, we'll see it Hundred Heroes is an improvement
Updated 2 Months Ago


katyarun's Avatar'

40%Xbox One

19h 18m Played
grinding in a nutshell
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


fdlima's Avatar'

70%Xbox Series X/S

15h Played
Solid game
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


theironballs's Avatar'


22h Progress
Análise da Campanha de Eiyuden Chronicle Rising

Pontos Positivos:

História envolvente: A campanha de Eiyuden Chronicle Rising é elogiada por sua história cativante, que serve como um prelúdio para o mundo de Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Mecânicas de construção de cidades: O jogo apresenta mecânicas interessantes de construção e melhoria de cidades, o que adiciona uma camada extra de profundidade ao gameplay.
Combate rápido: O sistema de combate é rápido e considerado emocionante, proporcionando uma experiência de ação gratificante.

Pontos Negativos:

Repetitividade: Alguns jogadores acham o jogo repetitivo, especialmente no início da campanha, onde a história demora a se desenvolver.
Slog inicial: A primeira metade do jogo pode ser um pouco arrastada até que a história realmente comece a se desenrolar.

Jogos Semelhantes:

Jogos como CrossCode, Secrets of Grindea, e Salt and Sanctuary são frequentemente comparados a Eiyuden Chronicle Rising por suas mecânicas de RPG de ação e elementos visuais marcantes.

Duração do Jogo:

A duração média da campanha principal é de cerca de 12 horas. Para jogadores que buscam completar todos os aspectos do jogo, é provável que gastem em torno de 19½ horas para obter 100% de conclusão.


A campanha segue os heróis em uma aventura por ruínas antigas enquanto ajudam na reconstrução de uma cidade afetada por terremotos. O conflito entre aqueles que desejam explorar as ruínas e os residentes que são contra essa exploração impulsiona a narrativa.

Vale a Pena?

Se você é fã de RPGs de ação e gosta de histórias ricas e mecânicas de construção de cidades, Eiyuden Chronicle Rising pode ser uma boa escolha. Apesar de alguns pontos negativos, como a repetitividade, a experiência geral é positiva, especialmente para aqueles interessados na história e no mundo de Eiyuden Chronicle. A decisão final, no entanto, depende das preferências pessoais de cada jogador.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


Crystar500's Avatar'


The review is too long to fit here. Full review is here: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Crystar/reviews/

But I didn't hate this game. I don't like it either. It's just okay. I find it a bit boring to play and the attempts at humor at times are really weird with the kind of jokes they attempt and the frequency of said jokes.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


pretty_jesus's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

A bit of a warm up for 100 Heroes, let's dig in

You're CJ, daughter of a treasure hunter, which.. well.. you go hunt treasure. It sort of amounts to odd-jobs until you get your treasure hunter license to go raid mines and such. Some sort of sinister events unfold as the interim governor (?) of the village joins the party and finds her father, which she thought was missing...

Gameplay (battles, menus, worldmap/navigation)
It's a 2D side scrolling hack n slash/platformer very similar to Odinsphere, with some metroid-like elements in terms of map navigation. While you do have three party members, there is only one character on screen at once attacking. You can swap to another character with using their attack command (each character only has one attack button). You also have "link strikes" where are sort of single button presses/timed combos which your other members come out temporarily. It's similar to the assists in something like Marvel vs Capcom 2 (but you can also switch to these characters manually to attack with them). It's relatively seamless, mostly. The characters have different agility (e.g. CJ gets double jump), so depending on who is in play you may "try to double jump" only to realize you had your other character in. A little clunky at times, but it works mostly.

Music/SFX/Voice acting
It's good! Not Suikoden level good, but pretty good mostly.

Awesome 2D/3D blend, clean animations. Everything looks good.

Not too bad - once you crank it up to hard you can definitely get overwhelmed if not careful by some of the late-game hunts.

Customization/sidequests/end game content/replay value
There is some, some "go beat this boss on hard" type cheevos and limitless fetch quests. So yes, but not a whole lot.

Is it fun to play? Grindy?
Definitely fun, definitely a little grindy with the fetch quests "go get X of this material".. which of course you also need for your next upgrade, so you're getting more than just the required amount for that quest.

3.75/5 seems fair. Mayybbeee a 4/5?
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


diogoazambuja's Avatar'


11h 30m Played
I hope you like boring fetch quests, because that's 90% of the game.
Horrible pacing and progression is way too slow. Combat starts way too simple but gets better over time. It takes about 4 hours before combat becomes "good".
There are some cool boss battles, but they are buried under 160 stupid fetch quests that are unrewarding and boring. And you will have to complete them if you want money to upgrade your gear.

I do not recommend this game.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


AnusPenatratus's Avatar'


12h 30m Played
Did most side quests, had Black stamp card. It was a pretty fun little prologue. The graphics are pretty, the spritework is great, music is nice. Combat was decently fun but not anything crazy. Rather grindy, pretty repetitive. Not too much character development, unfortunately. I do like the character designs though. I'd like to get around to Hundred Heroes eventually maybe.
Updated 2.5 Months Ago


Grimalkin's Avatar'


16h 18m Played
Side quest simulator.

Cute visuals with some good music. The combat, which starts out really simple, gets progressively more fun as you obtain more characters to chain combos and upgrade gear to unlock newer mechanics for each character. Items in shops need to be crafted first before being sellable.

Story doesn't really pick up until about the last third of the game, the rest of the game is filled with fetch quests. After completing your stamp cards in the post game, all the side quests repeat (All 160 of them... with some slight dialogue changes... at least they are not needed for achievements). Hard mode can only be unlocked after beating the game which is a shame since the game is really easy.

Fun game, sets up some lore/characters for the next game: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Updated 3 Months Ago


jonasomito's Avatar'


19h 37m Played
Jogo divertido parecido com o Ys de psp pelo menos, não tem nada de excepcional, mas é bem competente para o seu gênero. Gráfico estilo 2.5D, historia padrão, nem ruim nem muito boa, as mecânicas da jogabilidade e a progressão dos personagens são a as melhores coisas. A variedade de inimigos é baixa mudando apenas os atributos e as cores deles em sua maioria, mas se considerar que o ele foi feito como um jogo extra de um crowdfunding não há do que reclamar.
Updated 3 Months Ago


Jayka34's Avatar'


9h 55m Played
Pretty decent little game, quite fun battle system, but a lot of fetch quests drags game for a bit too long. Story was quite forgettable until last hour. (That last hour was quite cool in terms of lore and future connections to Hundred Heroes)
Updated 3 Months Ago


BearRobot's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

16h Played
Great little game that got me pumped for Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes. Played the first Suikoden back in 2016 so I'm super excited. The writing was surprisingly good, all of the characters were charming, to say the least, and the gameplay was decent enough. Excited for the turn-based gameplay of the sequel and for the story to continue!
Updated 3 Months Ago


abarb's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 5

14h 55m Played
Where to start with this game. I do not care for side scrollers at all so from the start I did care for it. The story was okay and I know it leads into Hundred Heroes, but CJ was bugging me with her character. Level design was cool at first but gets old having to go through it multiple times to farm for material. Speaking of farming you go and spend time getting it and to craft with your items. You have to pay on top of that. The gameplay was fun, but I hate the wolfs!!! The music was good and I can't wait to hear the music to Hundred Heroes. Would I reply this game yes and no. Yes if I was done with everything else on my backlog and no because it bugged me with things.

Story - 6/10
Level Design - 6/10
Characters - 6/10
Gameplay - 8/10
Music - 8/10
Battle System - 7/10
Reply - 6/10

Rating - 6.7/10
Updated 4 Months Ago


iam_DTS's Avatar'

75%Xbox Series X/S

27h 5m Progress
Nice simple action rpg prequel to get us ready for Hundred Heroes.
Updated 4.5 Months Ago


KornyGOAT's Avatar'

70%PlayStation 5

15h 40m Played
Gameplay is alright. Very chill out game. Good for whining down after playing a hectic game. Story nothing great. Not enough to draw you in for post game content
Updated 5.5 Months Ago


Rudoks's Avatar'


19h 54m Played
Can get boring after some point
Updated 6.5 Months Ago


Medieval13's Avatar'


12h 5m Played
Boy if you hate side quests steer clear from this game. I felt most of the side quests were just fetch quests, which are the worst kind. Yet there are so many side quests and so little areas to explore that it never felt out of the way to do any of them as the game went along. I like the combat but another point against side quest is that doing them all makes you overpowered if you decide to upgrade your armor and weapons. Overall there is fun to be had but this did not scratch that RPG itch, but it was only 12 hours and its gameplay is solid enough to have kept me engage in-between turning in all of the side quests.
Updated 7.5 Months Ago


CandyStrike's Avatar'


20h 15m Played
História - 4/10
Gráficos - 6/10
Jogabilidade - 7/10
Som - 7/10
Nota Final - 6/10
Updated 8 Months Ago


Akronex's Avatar'


18h 52m Progress
Fun and Adventurous. Fighting animations are smooth and simple controls.
Updated 8.5 Months Ago


XenoBishop's Avatar'

85%Xbox Series X/S

24h Played
Loved it. Look forward to the sequel coming out this year.
Updated 10 Months Ago


RegnierKendal's Avatar'

70%Xbox Series X/S

19h 23m Played
It's pretty, the music And visuals are great, the gameplay it's simple but fun.

But have 3 problems for me.
1- Isha (1 of the 3 Main characters) has a serious problem with the aiming, it's really hard to hit enemies when they aren't exactly in front of you, because she can't attack right above her or below her And she's the only one with medium range attacks.
2- There are zones where You find enemies with medium range attacks and "a lot" of them, so it's impossible to dodge, teleport or block all the attacks, You are forced to use healing potions.
3- Finally there are enemies that can take you off stage by throwing you, And if you leave that stage and return the enemy is full recovered but you not.

Anyway, it's a good game, fun and with nostalgic music and visuals, with a few problema.
Updated 1 Year Ago


ThisIsPaba's Avatar'

80%Nintendo Switch

15h Played
The story looks kinda simple, but I really liked the characters and the humor, and how they communicate. Side quests have been made really bad, they're even a bit stupid, but because the game takes not a huge amount of time to complete, it plays nicely and leaves good post feelings in the end. Will be waiting for a new game in this series.
Updated 1 Year Ago


smmac41's Avatar'

80%PlayStation 5

15h 58m Played
06/10 Story
08/10 Level Design
07/10 Characters
08/10 Gameplay
08/10 Graphics
06/10 Music/Sound

Difficulty EASY

Overall 80%
Updated 1 Year Ago


newf1ghter's Avatar'

65%PlayStation 5

68 percent
Poor story for jrpg
Poor art design
Poor animation
Good concept but bad implementarion
Combat is mediocre
Enemies variety are lack
Updated 1 Year Ago


Megaman8bit's Avatar'


12h 42m Progress
Fun action RPG game. The main thing I didn't enjoy was the grinding. All the items eventually don't have as much meaning in the end game.
Updated 1 Year Ago


ivaldinho777's Avatar'

80%Xbox Series X/S

15h 6m Played
Bom jogo
Updated 1 Year Ago


FTPlays's Avatar'

90%Nintendo Switch

28h Played
A good teaser for the actual Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes game!
Updated 1 Year Ago


joeco0l_'s Avatar'

60%Xbox Series X/S

18h 5m Played
For what I assume must be a small budget, the game really pulls its weight in the visuals department looking quite nice and unique for a indie game. Gameplay wise the combat is good not great, it at least isn't frustrating most of the time ( although it feels too easy to get stun locked with multiple enemies). The quests were nice at first, it just ended up being way too many, I could of done with like a 25-30% Decrease in the total number of them. The story was just ok. it at least wasn't uninteresting. The music was good as well, nothing special though. all in all, truly the most 3/5 game I have almost ever played. Finishing this leaves me interested in how the full JRPG is going to turn out when it comes out later this year? looking forward to it!
Updated 1 Year Ago


Yorubushi's Avatar'

80%Xbox Series X/S

24h 29m Played
J'adore ce jeu, tout simple avec un gameplay qui tient en deux lignes. Mais en vrai les musiques/persos/lore et tout du jeu est vraiment ouf, améliorer le village tiens vraiment a coeur au fur et a mesure. Seul "gros" soucis du jeu vient du fait qu'il est poussif a l'extreme avec ses quêtes fedex pour tenir le jeu +30 heures. sinon super jeu en attendant le vrai morceau !!
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


asyntyche's Avatar'

80%Nintendo Switch

16h 51m Played
In some ways quite simple, but I enjoyed the story and relatively straightforward combat, leaving the game to feel like a cheery adventure .
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Cadavor's Avatar'


10h 30m Played
Repetetive af
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Theuin's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

Though it suffered from "save often" syndrome and was repetitive by the end, the inspired art design, character charm, and addicting gameplay loop made for an overall enjoyable experience.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


WoefulBuffalo0's Avatar'

60%Xbox Series X/S

12h 26m Played
I thought this game was charming, it was a pretty basic story and the fetch and retrieve quests quickly got boring, but it was fun enough to play and I'm interested in the next one
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


dioomicida's Avatar'

70%Xbox One

9h 15m Played
An interesting take on an RPG style. Simplistic.
Updated 1.5 Years Ago


Axiomrend's Avatar'


15h 25m Played
Nice introduction to the world of Eiyuden Chronicles, gorgeous 2D graphics, pleasing music, a bit repetitive on the gameplay side, "town expansion" is just doing basic side-quests for shop owners.
Updated 2 Years Ago


TRUEStealth's Avatar'

90%Xbox Series X/S

20h 31m Played
Fun, fast, and fluid combat combined with gorgeous art, a colorful (albeit numerous cast), and an interesting method of diversification, make Rising a very enjoyable experience.

With quests being fun to do naturally, much of my early game was spent doing full clears of the early dungeons, but as I approached the final few chapters, I realized full clearing just wasn't as rewarding and would take a lot of time with the "progress-locked" areas, so I focused my clear efforts, which helped the game to continue being an enjoyable adventure. Still, with how lively the world was, with extraordinary detail, it was hard to not want to just do full clears alongside my main progress just to view how adventures were journeying themselves. Not to mention how energetic and lively the town becomes with your effort. It really gives a strong sense of clear and improving accomplishment!

Overall, it was super easy, with my sole death being to the initial direwolf. Outside of that, I was just able to enjoy the game casually and experience it only resting ~ 4 times. One downside is that the game didn't have quick resume, so I had to be careful about saving progress and ensure I didn't just leave to go play a different game partway through, be it multiplayer or another singleplayer. Still, the story and pacing were solid throughout, and while it was obvious what was done to allow it to play on Switch, it was minimal and allowed the game to largely flow uninterrupted and smoothly. 88.9%
Updated 2 Years Ago


Chaoscontrol's Avatar'

70%Nintendo Switch

17h Played
Decent progression, although many repetitive side quests with lots of back and forth. I did enjoy the simple combat though and exploration, and the story was decent too.
Updated 2 Years Ago


Marloges's Avatar'

60%Xbox Series X/S

16h Played
Ein solides 2D-Action RPG mit charmanten Charakteren und schicker Optik. Die Schwierigkeit ist echt super gering (aus irgendeinem Grund schaltet man hard erst frei, wenn man durch ist und eh alles egal ist) und das Kampfsystem ist recht simpel, aber durch die Combo-Attacken und dem Umstand, dass man stets zwischen den drei Charakteren wechseln kann, macht es genug Spaß, sich durch zu schnetzeln. Die Story ist jetzt nichts besonderes leider, aber die Dialoge und Charaktere sind zumindest sympathisch genug, dass man noch dran bleibt.

Der Löwenteil des Spiels besteht aber leider Gottes aus Fetch Quests. Stets kehrt man zum gleichen Dorf zurück, dessen Bewohner man aushilft und hilft dabei dem Örtchen zu wachsen. Dabei entstehen nach und nach neue Gebäude, Läden und Anlagen und man schaltet neues Zeug frei. So kann man z.B. irgendwann Tränke kaufen, Runen freischalten, größere Taschen haben oder neue Moves bekommen. Das macht die generischen Quests zumindest einen Ticken motivierend, denn dieses Meta-Gameplay, der Stadt beim Aufbau zu helfen, ist für mich immer motivierend.

Es hätte aber ruhig noch etwas tiefer sein können. Ein paar Entscheidungen in der Gestaltung der Stadt wären z.B. cool gewesen. Die Menge der Side-Quests nimmt auch manchmal einfach überhand und ich fing an, nebenbei YT-Videos zu schauen. Natürlich bleibt das alles optional, aber inwiefern man ohne die freischaltbaren Läden und Upgrades auskommen möchte, weiß ich nicht. Es fühlte sich schon so gebalanced an, dass man zumindest einen Großteil der Side-Quests machen sollte, damit die Gegner auf dem gleichen Level bleiben.

So bleibt es am Ende ein recht durchschnittlicher Titel, den man dank seiner recht kurzen Länge (16h für 100% der Quests inkl. Post Game stuff) mal mitnehmen kann, aber umhauen tut es leider nicht. Ich bin aber auf die Einbindung im kommenden Hauptspiel gespannt und ob man die Charaktere von Rising wiedertreffen wird. Wäre sonst sehr schade.
Updated 2 Years Ago


vickx's Avatar'


22h 35m Played
Fresh graphics for 2022 games, decent characters, gameplay and mechanics. Good start for a prologue to Eiyuden Hundred Heroes.
Updated 2 Years Ago


furbyflav's Avatar'

70%Xbox Series X/S

14h 11m Played
It starts great, you get addicted and the it starts to fade away... the side quests get dull and boring and the story doesn't hold up to balance it.
Updated 2 Years Ago


KonoPez's Avatar'

80%Xbox One

15h 48m Played
Fun little action grindfest. The series wasn’t on my radar at all, but it looked interesting when it hit Gamepass and I loved it.
The whole game (both the main plot and sidequests) is pretty much just typical RPG grindy quests. If you like that kinda stuff, you’ll have fun. Tho they probably could have trimmed a couple hours off, since several of these quests are just “go talk to Character A and report back to me.” Combat is just complex enough to be interesting; swapping between characters to link attacks gives battles a really pleasant rhythm.
Updated 2 Years Ago