Sticky Business
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  • 3.6% Retired
  • 73% Rating
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Sinver's Avatar'


6h 35m Played
It's aight to chill, nothing fancy
Updated 2.5 Days Ago


namora's Avatar'


10h 48m Progress
I like it a lot. Just gets a bit grindy if you want to get all stories for achievements.
Updated 2.5 Weeks Ago


OddPittPatt's Avatar'


6h 12m Played
A cute and crafty game where you get to sell and best of all make stickers. its sweet and gives a small insight into management of a buisness.

Art - 5/5 - I loved the cute artstyle of this game. its adorable and bubbly and colourful and set out in such a clean way its easy to navigate through. The fact that the stickers are left to you ot design however you want as well has added to this core as it then makes the style of the stickers more personal to you. there is some limitations to whatcan be done but overall the look and vibes are great

story - 3/5 - There is some form of story line to this game that is shown thorugh your customers. You get orders from various individuals - some of which will repeat their buisness and give a little insight to what they are buing for and what they like to have stickers of - you can then use this to make more stickers so they buy more and give you a little description of how these stickers affected a relationship, a project or even a classroom. I really like this human touch and there are definative end points in these stories (some a more difficult than others). it give an added level of challenge and makes it all seem a little more real

Gameplay - 3/5 - the main bulk of this game will be you making stickers, printing them and then packing them. there are more items you can buy as you go to make more stickets and different paper to print them on and different packaging you can buy too. its fun to build up the aresonal to personalise each part however you like. I will say though it does get very repettitive very quickly as what you get at the start is how you play the whole game. I would have liked to see more interactions where you could amend the store page with diferent pricings or sales, and maybe even selling stickersheets or keyrings to add another level of what you do. I know there is a DLC that does switch it up a bit - but this is mainly just a ciomment on the base game itself. it is fun and I loved getting creative with the sticker designs, the reptitveness just sunk in quite quickly

Music - 3/5 - There was sweet music through out that was very mellow and helped you settle in. it was very on brand to the theme of the game and worked well. I think part way through I did swap to my own music for it as it did make me feel sleepy but thats absolutely fine. there are little sound design elements too of the printer sound or the drop of stickers in the box. it was all well done

Enjoyment - 3/5 - I think overall this game is fun but did loose the charm fairly quickly. as mentioned i think having extra elements that you build on throughout would help break that repetitive feeling you get to just give it the little boost. I would go back to this game byt maiunly only to designs a sticker or two then leave it again for a while. a nice touch is you are able to downlaoad all your designs for your own use so if you really wanted you can make them into actual sickers. I really apreciate that detail and like that it lets you have the creativity outside the game
Updated 1 Month Ago


evan_tually's Avatar'

65%Nintendo Switch

4h 1m Played
Really cute but really repetitive- something fun to play with a partner or younger sibling. The controls/UX feel unintuitive, like it's never clear on how to actually do something with the specific mapping of a Nintendo Switch controller. My guess is that this probably feels better to play with a mouse and keyboard, but it feels like very little effort was put into the style-before-substance controls.
Updated 1.5 Months Ago


Mirifrgt's Avatar'


9h 13m Progress
Es un pedazo de juego, super relajante y entretenido, a la que le guste la papeleria es un must to play.
Las historias son super bonitas y que puedas personalizarlo todo mola mucho.
Al final acaba siendo un poco monótono.
Updated 3 Months Ago


GaybitBiscuit's Avatar'


20h Played
I just wish they had separate letters.
Updated 5 Months Ago


anjo465's Avatar'


7h 43m Played
Fun but got repetitive, but it is very cute
Updated 6 Months Ago


Koimonoseph's Avatar'


8h Played
Sticky Business is incredibly adorable all over. The menus, the sound, the stickers and the messages you receive, are all so hearty and innocent. The game premise itself is incredibly basic, you make stickers and well, you sell them. But from this silly little set up where creativity runs free, you feel like you're doing something meaningful because you made someone pursue his dreams, or give a father a chance to reconnect with his son. It's another addition to the cosy game renaissance brought on by a post-pandemic world. It favours connection and spirit, winning our hearts in the process. Yes, it might be a simple game, a little repetitive too, but trust me when I say you will be hooked immediately.

To sum it up: Short, sweet and inexpensive.


(Played on a R7 5700X/RTX 4070 combo at 1440p, using K+M.)
Updated 6.5 Months Ago