

        1993年获南京大学理学博士学位,1995年被聘为南京大学物理学教授,1997年入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划。主要从事物理学与化学和生命科学交叉的软凝聚态物理领域研究,发表国际知名学术刊物论文两百余篇,包括作为通信联系人身份发表在国际权威综合性刊物如Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications、PNAS, 以及多次受邀撰写综述性评述发表在Chem Soc Rev、Small、Soft Matter等。主持过国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目、教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金、霍英东基金、国家自然科学基金理论物理重要课题、科技部重大研究计划多项子课题等国家级项目。2021年11月18日,当选中国科学院2021年院士。

        研究方向 生命活性物质的非平衡统计物理、细胞与纳米材料的相互作用、高分子胶体凝聚态结构组织和动力学


1. Ji-wen Liu and Yu-qiang Ma, Vacancy-assisted domain growth in amphiphilic systems: Monte carlo simulation,  Journal of Chemical Physics  113, 6398(2000).

2. Jian Shen and Yu-qiang Ma, Long-range coupling interaction in ferroelectric superlattices, Physical Review B  61, 14279(2000). 

 3. Yu-qiang Ma, Wetting-driven structure formation of a binary mixture in the presence of mobile particle pinning potential, Physical Review E  62, 8207(2000). 

 4. Yu-qiang Ma and S.T. Chui,Finite-temperature coercivity of multilayers of hard and soft magnet, Journal of Applied Physics  88, 1583(2000). 

5. Yu-qiang Ma, Domain patterns in ternary mixtures with different interfacial properties,Journal of Chemical Physics 114, 3734(2001). 

 6. Ji-wen Liu and Yu-qiang Ma, Effect of the external energy flux on the phase separation of binary mixtures, Physical Review B   63,  024101(2001). 

7. Ji-wen Liu and Yu-qiang Ma, Confinement induced structure formation of binary mixtures,Physical Review B  63, 184116(2001). 

8. Da-yin Hua and Yu-qiang Ma, Monomer-dimer reaction model with asymmetric adsorption of monomer and dimmer on the catalyst surface, Physical Review E 64, 056102(2001). 

9. Chang-ming Xiao, Guo-jun Jin, Xiao-dong Shi, and Yu-qiang Ma, Entropy driven phase transition in binary colloids, Physical Review E 64, 011402(2001). 

10.  Jian Shen and Yu-qiang Ma, Long-range coupling interactions in ferroelectric sandwich structure, Journal of Applied Physics 89, 5031(2001). 

11.  Yan-li Tang and Yu-qiang Ma,  Controlling structural organization of binary phase-separating fluids through mobile particles, Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 7719(2002). 

 12.  Kang Chen and Yu-qiang Ma, Ordering stripe structures of nanoscale rods in diblock copolymer scaffolds, Journal of Chemical Physics  116, 7783(2002). 

 13.  Yue-jin Zhu and Yu-qiang Ma, Orientational structures of a phase-separating system under oscillatory particles, Journal of Chemical Physics  117, ****(2002). 

14.  Yan Mu and Yu-qiang Ma, Stripe patterns in frustrated spin systems, Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 1686(2002). 

 15.  Ji-wen Liu and Yu-qiang Ma, Fluctuation-driven structure reorganization and fast growth in phase-separation mixtures at low temperature,Physical Review B 65, 024102(2002). 

16. Da-yin Hua and Yu-qiang Ma, Nonequilibrium kinetic phase transition of a Monomer-dimer reaction model with sequential dimer adsorption in two dimensions, Physical Review E 65, 024102(2002). 

17 . Yan-li Tang and Yu-qiang Ma, Phase separation in two-dimensional binary fluid mixtures: The spontaneous pinning effect, Physical Review E  65, 024102(2002). 

18.  Kang Chen and Yu-qiang Ma, Self-assembling morphology induced by nanoscale rods in a phase-separating mixture, Physical Review E  65, 041501(2002). 

 19.  Da-yin Hua and Yu-qiang Ma, Hysteresis phenomena in the CO catalytic oxidation system in the presence of inhomogeneities of the catalyst surface,  Physical Review E  65, ****(2002). 

20.  Jing-guo Hu, Guo-jun Jin, and Yu-qiang Ma, Thickness and angular Dependencies of Exchange Bias in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic Bilayers, Journal of Applied Physics 92,1009(2002) 

21.  Jing-guo Hu, Guo-jun Jin, and Yu-qiang Ma, Ferromagnetic resonance and exchange anisotropy in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers, Journal of Applied Physics 91, 2180(2002). 

22.  Yan Mu and Yu-qiang Ma, Self-organizing stripe patterns in two-dimensional frustrated systems with competing interactions,  Physical Review B,  to be published.     

23.  Yue-jin Zhu and Yu-qiang Ma, Fast growth in phase-separating A/B/copolymer ternary mixtures with chemical reaction, Physical Review E,  to be published. 

24.  Feng Zhang, Da-yin Hua, and Yu-qiang Ma,Effect of inert species in gas phase on oscillatory dynamics of oxidation system of CO on Pt(100), Physical Review E,  to be published. 

25.  Yu-qiang Ma, Self organization in soft matter,Progress in Physics  22, 73(2002). 

26.Phase diagram of anisotropicXYmodel,Physical Review B,Physical Review B,55 5604(1997) 

27. Phase diagram of disordered boson systems in the presence of random hopping, Physical Review B ,54 4183(1996) 

28.Statistical mechanics of a mul.ticonnected neural network,Physical Review E, 51 1573(1995) 

29. model in a transverse field,Reentrant phase transition inthe quantum SG model withthe pseudoinverse rule, Physical Review B, 50 7165(1994) 

30.Generalized quantum Mattis spin glasses with p—spininteractions,Physical Review B    ,50, 7151(1994) 

31. Statistical mechanics of a neural network model in atransverse field, Physical Review E,47, 3985(1993) 

32. Hopfield spin-glass model in atransversefield,Physical Review B., 48 12778(1993)

33. Asymmetric SK model of neural networks with random neuronal threshold,Physical Review B ,46,3436(1992) 

34.Statics in the random quantum asymmetric SK model,Physical Review B, 45 ,793(1992) 

35.Retrieval phase diagrams in the asymmetric model and the  Little-Hopfield model,  PhysicaI Review B ,46 ,11591,(1992)     

36.Bosonic quantum pherical model of the XY antiferromagnet,Physical Review B,1997 

37.The ferromagnetic planar  model in the presence of uniaxial anisotropy,Physics Letters A,22-5311(1997) 

38.Phase diagram of a mixed spin transverse Ising model with randomfields,Physics Letters A ,173, 377(1993)     

39.Reentrant phase transition and tricritical  points in a quantum transverse spin,Physics Letters A , 173,373(1993) 

40.The competing Glauber and dynamics induced phase transition in the ferromagnetic Ising model,Physics Letters A,1997 

41.The transverse Ising system with arbitrary spin with arbitrary spin,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter,4,L313(1992) 

42.Gaussian random field p-Spin-interaction Ising model in transverse field,Z.Phvs.B,100,295(1996) 

43.Quantum spherical XY model 1998  EurophysicS Journal  in  a random field:Coherent state path integral approach,EurophysicS Journal,1,1998 

44.Quantum site-random XY spin glasses in a random field,Physica A,250,1997 

45.Phase diagram of a quantum  transverse spin-l Ising model with random fields, Physica A,phys.stat.s01.(b),178,215,1993 

46.The quantum tranverse mixed Ising system with arbitrary spin magnitude,phys.stat.sol.(b),177,K77(1993) 

47.Path integral approach of quantum Heisenberg planar SG model in the presence of random field,Commun.Theor.Phys.,28,1997 

48.The first-order phase transitions in random field Ising system with p-spin interactions,Commun.Theor.Phys.,27,419(1997) 

49.Phase diagram of a quantum Hopfield spin glass,Commun.Theor.Phys.,23,303,1995 

50.A Hopefield neural network model in a transverse field,Commun.Theor.Phys.,21,253,1994 

51.Phase diagram of random field spin- S Ising model with a tranverse field,Commun.Theor.Phys.,20,367,1993 

52.Suppression of retrieval states in SG-like model of neural networks with random neuronal thrshold,Commun.Theor.Phys.,18,491,1992 

53.A quantum d-dimensional random field XY magnet,Commun.Theor.Phys.,1997 54.Hopefield神经网络模型的恢复特性,物理学报,42,1356,1993 




1.Spin Glass and Beyond





1. 项目名称:复杂液体的相分离、动力学演化和结构有序化研究

2. 项目名称:多层神经网络的学习机理和蛋白质折叠的动力学 (国家教委“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”基金) 

3. 项目名称: 软物质理论:超分子溶液分离和胶体晶化动力学   (国家自然科学基金理论物理重要课题) 

4. 项目名称:低维磁系统的量子临界行为 (第五届霍英东青年教师基金)

5. 项目名称:无序量子铁磁和反铁磁性自旋玻璃相的研究   (国家自然科学基金)

6. 项目名称:淬火无序量子磁系统的相变理论研究 (国家教委博士点专项基金)

7. 项目名称:超分子溶液的相分离 (江苏省“青蓝工程”跨世纪学术带头人培养基金) 

8. 项目名称:聚合物和复杂流体 (国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目``理论物理学及其科学 若干前沿问题”子项目) 

9.项目名称:软凝聚态物质研究 (国家自然科学基金重点项目) 

10.项目名称:复杂液体在受限下的相有序行为 (国家自然科学基金面上项目) 

11.项目名称:聚合物凝聚态的多尺度连贯研究 (国家自然科学基金重大项目)
