You can now show your support for Tumblr with the Tumblr Supporter subscription in TumblrMart! In return, you’ll receive a badge that gets shinier and shinier with your continued support — and helps Tumblr stay Tumblr.

Screenshot of Tumblr's badge management interface showing the Tumblr Supporter Badge.

Until you cancel the subscription, it will renew automatically.

Pricing (USD)


Q: I want to support Tumblr, but I don’t want anyone to see the badge, can I hide it?

A: Yes! The Tumblr Supporter badge is just like any badge, so you can choose to display it or not in your blog’s Appearance Options.

Q: My credit card failed during renewal, or I forgot to renew, did I lose my streak?

A: No! Once you renew, you’ll pick up right from the badge level you were at.

Q: Why can’t I purchase this?

A: This is currently only available in English. We’ll be rolling it out to other territories in the coming weeks.

Q: Why can’t I see my Tumblr Supporter badge in my app?

A: Please update to the latest version of your app to see the badge.

Q: I’ve made a third payment. Why hasn’t my badge hasn’t changed color yet?

A: The Supporter badge change is based on time, not payment. For example, if your first payment occurred on January 1st, your badge will change on April 1st.

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