Tumblr is a home for art and artists. This includes welcoming creators who publish mature or NSFW content.

While this type of content – including text, images, and videos that contain nudity, offensive language, sexual themes, or mature subject matter – is allowed on Tumblr, we also know it’s not for everyone. Because of that, posts that contain mature content must have a Content Label applied, and it is your responsibility to label your content appropriately.

Followers can adjust their feeds to their own comfort levels, so by applying Content Labels, posters and rebloggers can help their followers avoid anything they’d rather not find in their dashboards.

If you come across content on Tumblr that doesn’t appear to be appropriately labeled, please let us know.

While it’s not possible to mark your whole blog as mature, you can apply Content Labels to your posts. You can even use the Mass Post Editor on web to add content labels in bulk.

Mature content must also comply with our User Guidelines, which means visual depictions of sexually explicit acts are not permitted. Additionally, please:

Blogs publishing any of the above will be terminated.

Please keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive and further interpretation is up to us. In cases of child abuse material, we will also report all incidents to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and fully cooperate with law enforcement.

If you believe your original post or blog has been incorrectly flagged as containing sexually explicit content, you can submit an appeal by following the steps outlined here.

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