Tumblr is fully compatible with IFTTT, a tool that lets you connect together different sites and services to perform actions on your behalf. In our case, IFTTT can be set up to do things like post on your Tumblr blog automatically when you do something on another platform!


IFTTT applets are pre-bundled combinations of triggers, actions, and queries, and there are many ready-made options available.

If you’re looking to build something yourself, you’ll find specific triggers, actions, and queries under the Details tab.


IFTTT triggers are the outbound-from-Tumblr options available for you to pipe into other services. If triggers for specific post types are failing, try the New Post Created trigger instead.


IFTTT actions are the flip side of that—the inbound-to-Tumblr things that you can have your applet do. If actions for specific post types are failing, try the Create Text Post action instead.


IFTTT queries let you collect and list data from Tumblr.

Note: IFTTT is a third-party service which we neither control nor offer support for. If you’re running into issues with IFTTT, we recommend contacting their support.

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