You can find a variety of different tabs on your Dashboard that you can scroll for different experiences.

A screenshot showing three different tabs at the top of the Tumblr Dashboard: "Following," "For you," and "Your tags."

You can choose from:

You can also enable additional experimental tabs via your Tumblr Labs settings!

If you click the icon to the right of the tags list, you’ll be able to enable or disable tabs, choose the order of your tabs, and choose which one you want to “Pin” as default by clicking the pin icon.

A screenshot of the Tab options settings, which allow you to enable, disable, and reorganize your Dashboard tabs.

If “For you” is your pinned tab, you won’t see blue notifications badges next to the Home label in the left sidebar menu on web to indicate that there’s new posts to view. Since the For You feed recommends posts from all across Tumblr, there will always be new content for you to see on refresh, unlike the Following tab that depends on your followed blogs posting or reblogging new content.

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