Known Issues in Prompt 3

Prompt 3.0.3

Prompt 3.0.3 is out and addresses the issue below and more Learn more about the 3.0.3 release

Prompt 3.0.2 update

### Local folder presenting as not having Permission

In Prompt, if you see a folder with the error icon while working in a local terminal window, *it does not indicate any permissions issues or errors with the folder.*

The red error icon displayed simply indicates that Prompt is a Sanboxed app. This is a result of changes in a recent macOS update. We have submitted a bug report requesting Apple to revert this change.

Prompt 3.0.1 is out and addresses the issue below and more Learn more about the 3.0.1 release

📱 We are aware of a bug that can cause the terminal to disappear when switching from the custom keyboard on an iPhone.

🧰 We’re working on a patch to address this and will update this space as soon as that’s out.