Haxe Roundup 556

by Skial Bainn edited on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

Community Updates

News and Articles

  • McLeodGaming just launched a Kickstarter campaign for their upcoming customizable 2D platform fighter named Fraymakers, powered by Heaps! 🌟
  • Feathers UI beta.1 for Haxe and OpenFL is now available! The latest of multiple preview builds that are planned before the first stable release in 2021!
  • Open source Haxe track on Exercism is looking for assistance getting everything up to date.
  • SĂ©bastien BĂ©nard has added support for “linear” worlds to LDtk in next update (in “linear world” levels are organized one after the other). Re-organizing your levels using drag’n’drop is such a pleasure!
  • Stencyl 4.0.4 is available for download! Check out the list of changes over on the community forum.
  • Vadim Dyachenko made a web-based icon converter, read the introductory post about it. Also Vadim has written about giving Neko VM executables a custom icon. 👏
In case you missed it

Videos & Music

In case you missed it
  • Merrak has posted Rogue of Vallas Devlog #4: Persistence and Style bonuses video, a game made in Stencyl.
  • How to format FlxText and change fonts globally in Haxeflixel video by Richard Oliver Bray.

Upcoming Events & Talks

Jobs, Bounties

Looking for work

  • Javid Jafari is looking for a job. 🆕
  • Joshua Granick is looking for paid work.
  • Justin Mills is looking for a fulltime job. Justin is an ex Flash/AIR/Away3D/Papervision3D expert who’s been using Haxe for 10 years, a good lateral thinker & loves visual stuff, maths and capable at fine art.
  • Andreas Drewke is looking for a part time job.
  • Kevin Leung is wondering if any Haxe Australian companies are hiring?
  • Torcado is looking for a publisher/indie fund to help him fund the rest of the development for Heck Deck. He would love to know any recommendations you may have.

Job listings

  • Shiro Games are still looking for a Senior Gameplay Programmer to join their team of passionate developers in Bordeaux. 🆕
  • Bloognoo is looking for a Haxe developer to help them save live venues.
  • The team behind Forge of Empires at InnoGames is looking for a Haxe developer, feel free to contact Dan Korostelev in case of any questions! More info can be found at the company’s website.


Product Releases & Announcements

  • Shiro Games will be releasing the Clan of the Dragon on consoles for Northgard on 25th November, due to some late certification issues.
  • Luyren has released their AI and Combat packs! Add combat, special skills and enemy AI to your Stencyl games!
  • Mine Blocks “The Hardcore Update” 1.30.0 is out, the final Flash version of Mine Blocks.
  • Mine Blocks 1.30.2 is out which fixes super broken chests, but more importantly adds zombies with afros.
  • Steel Seraph is 66% off on Gamejolt and Itch.io until November 25th.
In case you missed it
  • Darksburg 1.0.5 has been released with full controller support, curios updates, a whole new boss fight and more!
  • Double Turn has just released version 1.0, now available from Steam! Also check out the trailer!
  • Its official, Northgard, by Shiro Games, is coming to mobile!
  • Steel Seraph has been updated to 1.9.0 for Windows, Linux and Mac.
  • Dicey Dungeons v1.10 out now! Featuring the new Catalan translation, plus lots of little bug fixes and optimisations! đŸŽČ
  • CrossCode is now out for Xbox Series X! Witness pixel art in glorious sharp 4k and fluid 120fps! Powered by Kha!

Code Examples

Previews & Demos

Open Source

Closed Source

Some Library Releases

People & Projects to support

  • Pavel Alexandrov is primarily contributing to the Heaps engine and is the creator of format-tiled library.
  • Ian Harrigan is working on primarily HaxeUI, as well as hxArduino & hxWebSockets.
  • Kaelan Evans is working on HxDoom, a Haxe adaption of Doom.
  • Richard Oliver Bray is teaching people the things he’s learnt, like React, Typescript and Haxe.
  • Alexander Gordeyko is developing Pony, a Haxe open-cross-library.
  • Andy Li is working around the Haxe ecosystem: CI, packaging, docs and learning materials.
  • Kevin Leung is creating open source software libraries.
  • Robert Konrad, the Kha author, is creating Programming Toolkits.
  • Lubos & contributors are creating Armory, an open source 3D game engine in Blender.
  • OpenFL is creating free open source software.
  • HaxeUI is creating an open source user interface libraries.
  • HaxeFlixel is creating an open source, cross platform 2D game engine.
  • Slava Ra is creating improvements for FlashDevelop and HaxeDevelop.
  • Mark Knol is working on Haxe and its documentation.
  • Dan Korostelev is working on the Haxe compiler.
  • Eric Bishton is creating the Haxe plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Will Blanton is creating HaxeFlixel tutorials.
  • Matthew Wallace is creating Haxe By Example tutorials.
  • August Late is creating unique 2D lighting tech.

Updates from the Haxe core

Current Proposals & Discussions

Core Changes

21~ commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.

  • Thread Pool support has been merged.
  • Int64.modInt and Int64.intMod issue.
In case you missed it
  • [js] -D analyzer-optimize can re-order API (extern) calls which can cause a mess issue.

You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe and see the impact the latest changes have on each target by browsing the benchmarks site.

Take it easy everyone, stay safe and have a good week!