Haxe Roundup 540

by Alexander Hohlov edited on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

Community Updates

News and Articles

In case you missed it

Videos & Music

  • New release of PRG Playground: 5 extra characters: dragons and skeleton. Copy maps functionality was also added. 5 bonus characters when PRG Playground’s YouTube channel reaches 400 subscribers! So subscribe now!
  • How to use the reflect API to change objects in Haxe video by Richard Oliver Bray.
  • Haxe Beginner’s Tutorial #6 - Booleans and Comparisons video with source code available on GitHub.
  • Heaps Tutorial - Compiling Hashlink C code to an Executable video.
  • Add a video related to Haxe.
In case you missed it

Upcoming Events & Talks

Jobs, Bounties

Looking for work

  • Andreas Drewke is looking for a part time job.
  • Justin Mills is looking for remote or UK (West Country) developer role.
  • Kevin Leung is wondering if any Haxe Australian companies are hiring?
  • Alexander Gordeyko is looking for a job.
  • Torcado is looking for a publisher/indie fund to help him fund the rest of the development for Heck Deck. He would love to know any recommendations you may have.

Job listings

  • MY.GAMES (Moscow, Russia) are looking for Haxe programmer to work on UI system for their new game project Warface: Breakout. 🇷🇺
  • Spiele-Palast GmbH are looking for a full time Haxe game developer for web and mobile in Berlin.
  • Fedor Strelkov is looking for someone to port a car racing test app from AS3 to Haxe/OpenFL.
  • Playata are looking for a AS3/Haxe/PHP Software Developer to join them.


Product Releases & Announcements

  • Lops by Marcos Donnantuoni.
  • Kikker is a puzzle game made by Voskip with HaxeFlixel, about a frog returning the colours to its pond after they were stolen by a witch.
  • Check out Hugh Sanderson’s novel Five-by-5 card came on the Google play store, - a mashup between Solitaire and Match-3 (but harder). Made with Haxe and NME.
In case you missed it

Code Examples

Previews & Demos

Open Source

Closed Source

Some Library Releases

Framework Updates

  • [tink_sql] Support IFNULL() function merged.
  • [tink_core] Cleanup or() functions pull request.
  • [Kinc] Improve Vulkan backend merged.

People & Projects to support

  • Richard Oliver Bray is teaching people the things he’s learnt, like React, Typescript and Haxe.
  • Alexander Gordeyko is developing Pony, a Haxe open-cross-library.
  • Andy Li is working around the Haxe ecosystem: CI, packaging, docs and learning materials.
  • Kevin Leung is creating open source software libraries.
  • Robert Konrad, the Kha author, is creating Programming Toolkits.
  • Lubos & contributors are creating Armory, an open source 3D game engine in Blender.
  • OpenFL is creating free open source software.
  • HaxeUI is creating an open source user interface libraries.
  • HaxeFlixel is creating an open source, cross platform 2D game engine.
  • Slava Ra is creating improvements for FlashDevelop and HaxeDevelop.
  • Mark Knol is working on Haxe and its documentation.
  • Dan Korostelev is working on the Haxe compiler.
  • Eric Bishton is creating the Haxe plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Will Blanton is creating HaxeFlixel tutorials.
  • Matthew Wallace is creating Haxe By Example tutorials.
  • August Late is creating unique 2D lighting tech.

Updates from the Haxe core

Current Proposals & Discussions

Core Changes

65~ commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.

  • Fix comparing underlying recursive type in variance unification merged.
  • (get, default) vs OpAssignOp closed discussion.
  • Refactor operator handling merged.
  • Threading API for the Python target merged.
  • Support @:using on typedefs merged.
  • Rework unary operator handling merged.
  • [abstracts] Add support for constructor forwarding with @:forward.new merged.
  • @:build on typedef is not allowed fixed.
  • Detailed explanation of the recent @:transitive abstracts changes, type variance and interfaces. đź“ť
In case you missed it
  • [syntax] Support overload modifier merged.
  • [abstracts] Fix unify_with_variance for abstracts merged.
  • [abstracts] Fix unify_with_variance continuation merged.
  • [abstracts] Fix implicit direct cast applicability check merged.
  • [typer] Fix transitive casts in static extension unification merged.
  • [abstracts] Change handling of transitive casts merged. đź“ť
  • Check overload accessibility merged.
  • Abstract self typing is broken fixed.
  • Rework unify_field_call pull request.
  • [abstracts] Fix unification of abstracts and constraints merged.
  • Add ability to increase priority of @:using extension pull request. đź“ť

You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe and see the impact the latest changes have on each target by browsing the benchmarks site.

Take it easy everyone, stay safe and have a good week!