Haxe Roundup β„– 400

by Skial Bainn editted on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

Community Updates

Haxe Summit 2017

News and Articles

Upcoming Events & Talks

Job Offers & Bounties


Code Examples

  • Set a GIT dependency directly in hxml with -lib LIBNAME:git:https://github.com/USER/REPO.git#BRANCH.
  • Have an example you want to add? Consider contributing to the code.haxe.org cookbook.

Previews & Demos

Open Source

Closed Source

App & Game Releases

  • rgbwiz, a #OneHourGameJam entry.

Some Library Releases

Framework Updates

Updates from the Haxe core

Current Proposals

Core Changes

60 commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.

  • final keyword debate…? - issue.
  • Better unification error messages - issue.
  • Remove haxe.unit - pull request.
  • Add the final keyword - pull request. 🌟
  • Implement language independent source maps - issue.
  • Set custom target configuration from command line - issue.
  • Super flatten JS output - issue.
  • Example of how to use custom OCaml coded generators with the compiler - comment. 🌟

You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe.

Take it easy everyone and have a good week!