Haxe Roundup № 227

by Skial Bainn published on

Lubos Lenco has published two demos this week, a custom water mesh shader and a interactive chesh board, both created with Lubos's own unreleased game framework which integrates Blender and Kha. Even though these demos run on WebGL, because of Kha, Lubos can compile the demos for Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, Xbox, and PlayStation Vita which are just some of the compile platforms.

Another framework thats not quite released yet is heaps by Nicolas Cannasse. David Elahee posted the image below of real time animated vikings which shows Heaps HTML and CSS Renderer. From what I understand, Heaps can compile to Flash, JavaScript and any platform supported by NME and OpenFL.

haxe heaps
Heaps 3D HTML/CSS Renderer

This time next week Ludum Dare 31 will be in full swing, so you have the option of using Kha, Lime, NME or snow which are all low level libraries but ready to use. Or you have the option of using OpenFL, HaxeFlixel, HaxePunk, luxe engine, Heaps, Stencyl or one of the other, many Haxe game frameworks, each of which build upon the low level libraries.

What ever you decide to choose, make sure to put your game on the Ludum Dare 31 Haxe Roundup 31 todo list. For research purposes check out the LD29 and LD30 roundups, they are pretty awesome.

Darek Greenly has ported a tool you can use in LD31, the Pixel Sprite Generator which generates sprites “by using a two dimensional mask [then] the values in the mask are randomized and mirrored”. Darek has also published it to haxelib.

If you're considering to use LD31 to evaluate Haxe and want to read up on some of the game frameworks, head over to haxecoder.com.

Kirill Poletaev who writes all of the tutorials on haxecoder.com has covered OpenFL, HaxeFlixel, HaxePunk and has just started writing tutorials for luxe engine.

If you're looking for articles explaining the language features, Adi Reddy Mora has been writing well focused articles, with the latest on Static Extensions.

Andrew Lion, just like Adi, has been writing about language features. His latest article talks about Enums, from defining Enums to using reflection on them.

And if you prefer to learn by digging through peoples code, Eiyeron Fulmincendii has updated his game SQUARE a “reflex/endurance game where white obstacles have to be avoided and orange bonus yields you points”, with the source on GitHub.

Thomas Baudon's unplanned green lazer is now a feature!

Allan Dowdeswell has started A Haxe dev walks into a bar... joke thread on Twitter. The Haxe Hulk is not impressed.

Jeff Ward has posted some shots of hxscout alongside Adobe Scout “successfully interpreting some AS3 stack profiler data���. This is a must watch project.

TiagoLr has launched haxedomain.com, a website to show case “Haxe based utilities and applications”. The first application to feature on haxedomain.com is Haxe Console. Haxe Console is an online REPL, read-eval-print loop. Another project you have to watch.

Frederico Bricker has created the OpenFL AdMob extension. The extension is available for iOS and Android targets and is available from haxelib.

nme svg music social
SVG music notation using NME headless mode by @cambiatajonas

I will finish this roundup off with the latest video from Boyan Ololoevich in which he shows you how to extend HXML completion with libraries from haxelib in IntelliJ IDEA.