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After nearly a year of thoughtful deliberation, the Board of Directors has decided to close Hands of Peace as of March 31, 2024. 

Next Steps for Alumni
All 840+ Hands of Peace alumni have been invited to join the Seeds of Peace network and its GATHER program to continue to build on the legacy of the last two decades. Open to those who are working on social, political, or economic initiatives, GATHER is a collective of people offering access to the community, connections, and critical resources needed to fuel change. 

Deep Gratitude
After 21 years of developing a generation of young peacebuilders and leaders of social change, many Hands of Peace alumni are using their skills and networks to de-escalate conflict, protect human rights, and work for peace and justice.  We trust that the relationships we have found with participants and other community members will continue to thrive and sustain us in dark times. 

Peace, Salaam, Shalom,
Debby Fosdick
Executive Director

From Founder Gretchen Grad:
Being part of Hands of Peace has been one of the most profound events of my life. It has brought into my circle and into my family, the most remarkable people: generous, curious, determined people who—despite their different backgrounds and narratives and carrying different scars and traumas—are nonetheless willing to brave criticism and enormous odds to connect with each other and to find the spark of humanity that each of us carries.

While I wish Hands of Peace could continue with this important work, my faith reminds me I am a resurrection person. I believe that while a body may expire, that spark of humanity merely changes form. I’m confident that what has been created through Hands of Peace will go on. The connections, the relationships, the minds that have been shifted and the hearts that have been opened will continue to radiate, echoing in thousands of lives. As one alumna said, “Hands of Peace is a purple stamp on my heart that will always be there.”

With love, hope and endless gratitude,