Who We Are

We’re listeners, thinkers and conceptualizers. We strategize, design and create content for our clients and have a heck of a lot of fun along the way.

Team photo

Meet the Team

Emerald Lee
Creative Direction, RGD

Emerald joined Gravity in 2008 after graduating with top honours from York’s Design program where she was Wendy’s best student. 10+ years on, Emerald has emerged as an award-winning, industry-recognized art director with an uncanny ability to make design look easy. But don’t be fooled. She applies an extremely disciplined approach to what lies below the creative surface. AND, don’t be fooled by the sweet and chill demeanour of this voracious traveller who plans her global adventures with pinpoint precision.

Laura Krauss
Art Direction & Design, Prov. RGD

Laura keeps us guessing, that’s for sure. Surprisingly, this queen of quips loves all things Christmas, fine art, rap music and horror movies all at the same time! But, there was absolutely no guess work involved when Laura joined the Gravity team. Multiple degrees, awards, big name account experience and crazy methodical thinking all add up to a versatile, uber talented designer.

Hana Lee
Art Direction & Design, Prov. RGD

We almost couldn’t hire Hana because she claims she can’t cook. We’re food crazy here at Gravity. Ok, ok, design comes first, and fortunately this is where Hana excels. Creativity to spare, an incredible eagle eye, a love of paper that knows no bounds and a desire to conquer any visual challenge – these are what makes her such a valuable Gravity team member. Cooking can come later…

Kellie Hadjidimitriou
Operations & Project Management

Organized, productive, detail-oriented – yes, Kellie has all of these valued attributes, but what sets her apart is her ongoing pursuit of higher learning. With a recently completed certificate in Project Management from UofT, she is also working towards a certificate in Design Management at Ryerson. Kellie manages projects with aplomb and is consistently perfecting our studio systems. Friendly and helpful on the outside, determined and dogged on the inside, that’s Kellie. But there’s more! She’s a master maker of simple syrups (who knew?), and can mix the perfect cocktail while trying out new recipes for her next Global dinner (that’s a whole other story!).

Vicky Tong
Design, Prov. RGD

Wise beyond her years, Vicky fit in immediately as an invaluable part of our team. She’s a detail-oriented, super creative designer who’s been recognized by both the RGD and Applied Arts – and she is continuously growing. So we won’t beat around the bush – we’re so glad she chose to plant herself here at Gravity! Of all the candidates, we were really rooting for her. See what we did there? She really loves plants…get it? Alright, enough with the dad jokes. Gravity was fortunate enough to scoop Vicky up from her graduating class where she was definitely the cream of the crop (sorry, that was the last one) – and we have been pinching ourselves ever since.

Wendy Gray
Founder Emeritus

Big picture thinking, strategic solutions, outstanding design, happy clients, discovering young talent, the privilege of teaching, mentoring, judging and playing an active role with the RGD are but some of the things that continue to motivate Wendy after 20+ years of building Gravity into the full-service, multidisciplinary firm it is today. Dang! At this rate, she’ll never open that bakery she’s always on about.


Tiny and unassuming? Hardly. She is as proficient in art direction as she is in surveillance and security. One bark means more white space, two barks – more wow-factor. A growl means it doesn’t pass AODA standards (or depending on her mood, more liver treats).

Oh shucks! They like us!

  • Adobe
  • Hermes Creative
  • RGD
  • Design Edge
  • Rockport
  • The Communicator
  • W3
We acknowledge the land that Gravity meets on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.