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So, I really thought this was working as I expected before, but now I can t get enum/union types to validate. Can anyone give me a sanity check? I have a simple flow that s supposed to identify the type ...

Firebase UI Discussion Hey all 👋 Firebase UI is a family of packages that simplify UI integration with Firebase services and provide drop-in widgets: 🟢 Firebase UI Auth Firebase UI Auth provides drop-in ...

To support TOTP MFA as documented at

Hello everyone! My app keeps crashing when the code is sent to the phone. Im not too sure why its happening. Ive tried to do fixes I found online but nothing seems to work. Heres the error code. Exception ...

Hello, I recently followed the codelab for integrating Firebase with NextJS. After that worked, I started working on setting up emulators. For the client-side part, everything worked well as expected. ...

Hey guys, genkit is great and it works quite well for me to transform free text into structured output. Problem However, from time to time, I do get these FAILED_PRECONDITION errors and these are not ...

Today Genkit supports generating multiple candidates for a given prompt by passing a number to the generate call: generate({prompt: Tell me a story , candidates: 3}) This is honored to the extent that ...

Trying to implement a default Firestore DB into my Remix web application that integrates with Shopify Hydrogen, and the getDocs query frustratingly returns a snapshot with no documents. I have followed ...

Trying to implement a default Firestore DB into my Remix web application that integrates with Shopify Hydrogen, and the getDocs query frustratingly returns a snapshot with no documents. I have followed ...

I am using Google Ads campaigns for my IOS/Android app promotion. I used firebase for user auth(only with phone number). Now, i want to check/measure users interactions(like: app installs via ads, first ...