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Enhance your workflow with extensions

Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes

Deployment Protection Rules actions

Enables custom protection rules to gate deployments with third-party services

Checks if a user or users is whitelisted or a member of a team

Checks the state of a gate and cancels the workflow if the gate state is closed

Modify branch protection rules. Support for locking or unlocking a given branch.

Validate minecraft java edition resource packs

A GitHub action for generating json schema from multiple values files for Helm3 charts

Check to see if the MySQL schemas for 2 DBs are the same

Run the Grafbase Schema Checks

Validate the Terraform plan against the code base and output if approval is needed

Remove deployments from the deleted branch

Compares the current version with the previous version to determine if the version has increased

Handles deployment approvals via Slack

OZI continous integration checkpoint action

Detect and output cycles and topological generations given a directed graph

Validate the contents of a prebuilt Neon package

Connect to a May First web configuration server access shell SSH user

Setup approval process for teams and members

Open github issue and approval

Danger JS github action job

Query action API to find latest workflow execution and extract conclusion

Checks if the version has changed since last release