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In-App Messaging Quickstart


Firebase In-App messaging is a service allowing developers to send targeted messages to users. To learn more, take a look at the docs.


  • Add Firebase to your iOS app.
  • In the root of the project, run pod install --repo-update.
  • Open the resulting xcworkspace and run the app on an iOS device or simulator.

Getting Started

  • Open the In-App Messaging tab of Firebase Console.
  • Click the "New Campaign" button to begin composing a new campaign.
  • Under Style and Content, Set the message's title to "Test Message" and its body to "Test successful!".
  • Under Target, enter "Test campaign" as the campaign name and target all
  • users of the iOS app of your Firebase project.
  • Under Scheduling, remove the on_foreground trigger and add a new trigger with a custon event named test_event. Leave other fields as-is.
  • Under Conversion Events, leave everything as is and hit Publish.
  • Quit and re-run the sample app and try pressing the "Trigger event" button.