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You can now review and manage your browser and GitHub Mobile sessions using the new Sessions tab in your user settings. This new tab includes all of your signed-in web sessions, as well as each GitHub Mobile app your account is signed into. You can revoke each web and mobile session individually. For mobile sessions, this signs you out of the GitHub Mobile app on that device, and disables that application for use as a second factor. The new Sessions tab replaces the web sessions view that was present under Password and authentication.


This new settings page is generally available for users now, and will be released to GitHub Enterprise Server as part of GHES 3.8.

To learn more, see "Viewing and managing your sessions".

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Banner announcing edit files in pull requests feature for GitHub for iOS

Introducing file editing from repositories on GitHub for iOS! Commit changes to code within your repo, create new branches and put up a new pull request to land those quick changes on-the-go!

File editing for pull requests and Browse Code on GitHub for Android is coming soon.

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an image showing a shipped project- bring projects to github mobile in mobile interface with text- projects on the go

Now more than ever flexibility is not only needed for how we work, but where we work. Stay connected and up to date on your work with GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile, now in public beta. This marks the first milestone to bring GitHub Projects to your hands, so that you can track issues and projects from anywhere at any time. We would love for you to try it out on iOS TestFlight or Google Play (Beta) and give us your early feedback.

Let’s take a look at what you can do.

Access GitHub Projects

With GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile you can quickly access the projects you need through a repository, organization, or your own user profile.

an image of quick navigation to access projects on mobile

Switch Views

You can view items as they’ve been configured and grouped and easily switch views on your projects to find what you need. Just tap on the title bar on top to pick a view from the pull-down menu. Project tables are rendered in a list layout for a simplified experience that still conveys all the necessary information you need for planning and tracking on the go. With collapsible buckets you can hide and reveal information as you wish for a better overview when you plan for a feature or track a sprint.

an image showing switching views in projects on mobile

Custom fields and quick actions

All your custom fields, such as status, category, priority, and iteration, are rendered as glanceable metadata pills in the list. Long-press on a project item to quickly edit these fields, delete the item, or preview its content so you can keep everything up to date and organized. Want to leave a comment on a specific issue? Simply tap on the preview and write a message in the issue detail view.

an image showing custom fields and quick actions to edit

Tell us what you think

GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile is available today from Google Play (Beta) or iOS TestFlight.

There’s a lot more to come, and we’re excited to keep you updated as we make GitHub Projects on Mobile even better. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Leave us your thoughts in GitHub Mobile Discussions, by tapping Share Feedback in your app profile, or reviewing our app in the Play Store or iOS App store.

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Actions on GitHub Mobile

Actions are coming to GitHub Mobile! You can now view and manage your pull requests on the go.

Tapping on checks when viewing a pull request now leads to a vastly improved experience, including the ability to view a workflow-run, its jobs and even the logs of completed steps inside.

A run did not go as planned? No problem. GitHub Mobile now supports re-running single jobs, failed jobs as well as entire workflows directly from your mobile device. For checks that are already running, support for cancellation has been added as well.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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GitHub Mobile can no longer connect to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.1. To enable connections from GitHub Mobile to GitHub Enterprise Server, a site administrator must upgrade to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 or later. Newer versions of GitHub Enterprise Server improve performance, enhance security, and provide new features. For more information, see "GitHub Enterprise Server releases" and "Upgrading GitHub Enterprise Server."

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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Banner announcing edit files in pull requests feature for GitHub for iOS

Introducing “Edit File” within pull requests on GitHub for iOS! Make quick updates to existing pull requests to fix those pesky typos or add that missing method before merging.

File editing for pull requests within GitHub for Android is coming later this year.

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Feed social image

The Feed is now on GitHub Mobile! Visit the Explore tab to discover the coolest projects on GitHub, keep up with the people you're following, and learn about the latest releases from the repos you love, all while on the go! Give your favorite contributors a follow and star interesting repositories for a more personalized experience.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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Lists are now available on all platforms, including, iOS and Android! Lists level up the starring experience by making it easy to organize and curate your favorite repositories on GitHub. You can create public lists by starring a repo anywhere in the app. You can also delete lists, manage your Lists' titles and descriptions and see other's Lists.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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GitHub Mobile can no longer connect to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0. To enable connections from GitHub Mobile to GitHub Enterprise Server, a site administrator must upgrade to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.1 or later. Newer versions of GitHub Enterprise Server improve performance, enhance security, and provide new features. For more information, see "GitHub Enterprise Server releases" and "Upgrading GitHub Enterprise Server."

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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Device verification protects new sessions if you don’t have two-factor authentication enabled, using an email notification. We’ve updated this feature to allow you to verify your sign in using GitHub Mobile. Device verification will by default use GitHub Mobile notifications. However, you can still request an email notification if your phone is unavailable.

For more information, read about “Authenticating in your browser.”

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