
General Information

The Georgetown Law Technology Review is a student-run legal publication sitting at the forefront of technology law and policy. It combines cutting-edge legal scholarship with technical writing to advance cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. GLTR has published leading scholarship on online manipulation, broadband infrastructure, patent reform, the rule of evidence, and numerous other topics. It is committed to open-source publication and publishing a wide-range of scholarship.

As a general matter, all citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition. GLTR also uses the Texas Manual of Usage and Style as a reference for all grammar and style issues.


GLTR seeks to publish timely and interesting articles that address matters relevant to technology, law, and policy. We welcome writing by professionals and scholars in adjacent fields that focus on the intersection of technology and the law, and, in addition to articles about U.S. law, we also accept writing and scholarship on technologies in other countries, cross-border issues, and comparative analysis.

Priority is given to polished pieces that include developed ideas, structural and organizational coherence, and appropriate citations. Papers published as articles will most closely resemble traditional legal scholarship.


Notes are academic papers written by current law students or recent graduates (recent may include LLM students and practitioners early in their practice). These papers are generally shorter than articles.

GLTR publishes notes that examine the intersection of law and technology. Notes may include original factual research, analysis of novel or unsettled legal issues, or policy proposals. We evaluate notes based on the strength of their argument and writing, their depth of analysis and research, and their engagement with relevant academic debates. In addition, we look for notes that offer a novel analysis of a particular issue.

Technology Explainers

When it comes to this interface between technology and the law, it is important that all those involved actually understand what a specific technology is, how it works, and how any sort of legal precedent could impact it. GLTR’s Technology Explainers embrace that ideal and strive to both understand technology and communicate that understanding to others.

A thorough Technology Explainer will introduce the current relevance of a topic, include such topics as its history and policy concerns, but primarily focus on communicating the mechanisms of the underlying technology.  Ideally, the technology explainer will serve as a one-stop-shop for a reader to learn the technology and its relevance to the current day. Objectivity is critical, and should be a goal of any external piece submitted.


If you are interested in submitting any of these works for publication, please send your submission to  We also accept Articles and Notes submissions through Scholastica (see link below). Please note that GLTR does not publish book reviews.

Submit via Scholastica