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Games have the power
to save the world

Since 2014, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) have been collaborating with the games industry to make the greatest impact on our work defending whales and dolphins across the globe.

Whether it’s protecting critically endangered Southern Resident Orcas off the US West Coast, helping to create the world’s first beluga sanctuary in Iceland, or funding essential equipment for our field teams in Senegal or research partners in Canada, the games industry has made a whale-sized impact on our conservation work. These amazing creatures help to improve the health of the ocean and a healthy ocean helps fight climate breakdown - yet they face many threats to their survival. We need the ocean and the ocean needs whales and dolphins.

With the generous support of developers, studios, streamers and the wider games community, we have been able to raise over £4.2 million for our cause to date.

Partner with us, stream, play – find out how you can get involved and become part of that impact.


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