Tag: Third Person

Resident Evil 4 (2023) Review

HIGH Leon’s new defensive knife skills are an inspired addition.

LOW Some of the craziest moments of the original campaign are no more.

WTF Leon evading a dual chainsaw attack in the most bizarre and dangerous way possible.

Wanted: Dead Review

HIGH Stunning a group of enemies with a pistol barrage, then pulling off chain executions.

LOW Wanted: Dead‘s performance on XBX is a dumpster fire.

WTF Umm… where’s the rest of the game?

Chorus Review

Ravishing Dark Redemption

HIGH Too many to list here!

LOW I wish I knew more about Nara’s past.

WTF Why are there so many mission-breaking bugs?

Preview: Elden Ring Closed Network Test

During the (approximately) six hours I’ve spent in the Lands Between during the recent Elden Ring closed network test, my initially-high expectations were quickly met — and then surpassed with ease. The feeling I was left with after the trial period is one of genuine interest and intense anticipation to dive back in. It seems that not a single minute of the three full years FROM Software reserved to develop this vision went by in vain. I was also glad to see that George R.R. Martin’s contributions are present and impactful, his influence seen in some deep layers of lore, worthy of peeling off and revealing one by one.