Tag: Steam

Axis Football 2024

HIGH More options on offense with greatly improved blocking AI and animations.

LOW “Appropriately challenging play experience” steers too close to “rubber banding”

WTF Why is my beloved Philadelphia Express ALWAYS terrible?

Jagged Alliance 3 Review

HIGH N-Night is the Greatest. Mission. Ever. Recruiting the Coffee Beans is amazing. 

LOW Important mechanics are not well-explained to new players. A few glitches.

WTF Where did my plot critical items go?  I don’t remember selling them!

Sunblaze Preview

Meet Josie. She’s training to be the world’s next great superhero — Sunblaze. Her father, a retired hero who protected the world, built a training simulator to prepare her for the dangers ahead. When a session starts to go wrong, Josie will need to quickly adapt in order to survive.

Steam Game Festival – February 2021

The Steam Game Festival is here and there are tons of demos for people to sample. Our brave staffers waded hip-deep and chose a handful of picks — some were great, and others maybe not so much. What did they choose out of the hundreds available, and what did they think of their selections?

This Is Not A Review: Heliborne

Welcome to This Is Not A Review. In these articles we discuss general impressions, ideas and thoughts on any given game, but as the title implies, it’s not a review. Instead, it’s an exercise in offering a quick recommendation (or dismissal) after spending enough time to grasp the ideas and gameplay of a thing without necessarily playing it from A to Z.

The subject of this installment: Heliborne, developed by JetCat Games and published by Klabater.