Tag: Sci-Fi

PREVIEW: Abiotic Factor

HIGH A fresh, yet nostalgic approach to the survival genre.

LOW When making soup is an unlockable skill, we’ve gone too far.

WTF I didn’t think a toilet minigame would be such a big selling point.

The Invincible Review

The Invincible Review

HIGH A gripping, expertly-framed first-person sci-fi adventure.

LOW Polish issues and rough edges in the climax and finale make for an awkward landing.

WTF How did this story come out in 1964 and manage to still feel as timely as it does?

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review

HIGH Dealing 5 million damage and completely healing my party on the verge of defeat.

LOW Nuking a boss before a cutscene where the same boss was wrecking my party.

WTF Can we not have a colony full of preteens in skintight suits please?

Elex II Review

The All-Sprinkles Sundae Gets Another Scoop

HIGH The reveal of what’s going on with the villains.

LOW Trying to fight anything but the lowest-level monsters with a sword.

WTF There are two different monsters, both called “Rippers”.

This Is Not A Review: Gravitators

Sadly I’m unable to ethically review Gravitators. I started playing a year ago when it was in beta. I put in more than fifty hours of testing and offered notes copious enough that I wound up with a special thanks in the credits. It’s too bad this can’t be a review, though, because it would be an absurdly positive one.