Author: Gareth Payne

Dolmen (PS4) Review

HIGH Integrating shooting mechanics into the gameplay is interesting.

LOW It gets the basics wrong, and its few fresh ideas are flawed. 

WTF Releasing this game so close to the defining example of the genre!

In My Shadow Review

Overshadowed By Its Story

HIGH Simple but effective animations with a lot of heart.

LOW Toggling between furniture/objects is sluggish.

WTF  The inhuman (and vaguely horrifying) faces of the characters.

Quake Remastered Review

An Updated Classic 

HIGH Fast, smooth shooting that feels timeless.

LOW Burying the Nine Inch Nails soundtrack in the mix.

WTF Being unaware of motion controls and thinking my controller needed replacing.


Playing The Same Level 18 Times

HIGH A ’90s throwback with fast and smooth gameplay.

LOW The uninspiring and repetitive levels.

WTF Great (but minimal) music on a constant loop.


A Puzzler That Pulls You In

HIGH The satisfaction of clearing a stage with minimal pauses.

LOW Input lag and speed of the comet make the pauses hard to time.

WTF Directing a comet towards paw prints in order to rescue a cat devoured by a black hole!?

This Is Not A Review: Katana Kata

Katana Kata_20210404113420

Welcome to This Is Not A Review. In these articles we discuss general impressions, ideas and thoughts on any given game, but as the title implies, it’s not a review. Instead, it’s an exercise in offering a quick recommendation (or dismissal) after spending enough time to grasp the ideas and gameplay of a thing without necessarily playing it from A to Z.

The subject of this installment: Katana Kata available on PS4, PS5, XBX/S, XBO, Switch and PC. Developed and published by Stas Shostak, Stanislav Shostak and Samustai Limited.