Author: Elijah Beahm

Interview With Emeric Thoa – The Game Bakers

Haven caught the industry by surprise by capturing romance among the stars with a game that’s equal parts RPG, cooperative date night and sci-fi art piece. I sat down with Haven’s creative director, Emeric Thoa, to learn how the Game Bakers gave rise to such a fresh take on romantic gaming. 

Muse Dash Review

The Waifu Is Not Enough

HIGH Perfectly chaining a song I actually like.

LOW A playable tween character with underboob. Really?

WTF A progression system more puzzling than the levels themselves. 

The Subtle Morality Of Far Cry 4

Far Cry is a diverse series that has varied wildly across its sequels. Far Cry 4 broke this trend by not only being in the same universe as Far Cry 3, but by reusing a majority of the same gameplay ideas. Another way it broke the cycle? By adding choice.

Interview: Alec Stamos On Low Poly & Renegade Sector Games

When you think of retro games, you’re probably picturing a pixelated 2D platformer or JRPG. That’s starting to change and Alec Stamos is among the next generation of indie devs aiming to shake things up.

Stamos is one of a new breed of indie devs that have an appreciation for the game industry’s earliest attempts at action and 3D gaming. He explores a world where textures warped along the edges of CRT monitors, polycounts could fit on two hands, and controls were as strange as the games they were built for.