Author: Darren Forman

Infernax Review

A Hard Day’s Knight

HIGH The secret ending is the work of pure unfettered genius.

LOW Wandering around pointlessly in search of the entrance to Stormheim.

WTF The markedly more realistic approach to certain Castlevania moments.

PREVIEW: Babylon’s Fall

The games-as-service model isn’t exactly barren ground these days, with some of the most popular titles in the world embracing this method of content delivery. Sure, some of the notables such as Apex Legends and Halo Infinite are in completely different genres, but fundamentally they’re all competing for the limited time players have available. The goal is to hook people for the long haul so that they (hopefully) provide a steady stream of revenue for years to come.

PREVIEW Ghostwire: Tokyo

Recently, GameCritics was invited to a hands-off demo stream of Bethesda’s upcoming PS5 console exclusive Ghostwire: Tokyo, developed by Tango Gameworks. As a huge fan of their previous release, The Evil Within 2, I jumped at the chance to check out their new game in action. After a short introduction by Game Director Kenji Kimura, we were treated to approximately half an hour of footage from near the start of the game. Not to spoil anything in advance, but it kinda looks rad as hell.

This Is Not A Review: Phoenix Point Behemoth Edition

Welcome to This Is Not A Review. In these articles we discuss general impressions, ideas and thoughts on any given game, but as the title implies, it’s not a review. Instead, it’s an exercise in offering a quick recommendation (or dismissal) after spending enough time to grasp the ideas and gameplay of a thing without necessarily playing it from A to Z.

The subject of this installment: Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition, developed and published by Snapshot Games.

Deathloop Review

Live, Die, Repeat

HIGH The wide variety of viable approaches to nearly any situation.

LOW An almost intolerable amount of bugs.

WTF These endings are absurdly inadequate given the emphasis on story and lore.

Ninja Gaiden Master Collection Review

Return Of The Master

HIGH The Ninja Gaiden series is finally available on PC!

LOW It’s a barebones port offering few additional features or graphic options.

WTF It seems a little suspicious that only the source code for the original Itagaki versions were lost…