Author: Darren Forman

ArcRunner Review

Bubblegum Cyberpunk HIGH The cyberpunk aesthetics are on point. LOW The combat is underwhelming throughout. WTF Later weapon unlock challenges can be excruciatingly laborious. Oh no! There’s a great big floating space station known as the Arc, and it’s been taken over by a malfeasant AI virus which wasted no […]

Trepang2 Review

HIGH Fast, frenetic action featuring enough guns to choke a camel…

LOW… except when it forces undercooked horror sections down the player’s throat.

WTF Would it hurt to signpost objectives and pathways more clearly?

Forza Motorsport (2023) Review

HIGH It’s a super serious Forza Motorsport game with an emphasis on realism!

LOW It’s a super serious Forza Motorsport game with an emphasis on realism!

WTF Excitement from the narrator about shaving a tenth of a second off a lap. Calm down, buddy!

Diablo IV Review

HIGH That moment when rare gear drops into existence is as pleasing as ever.

LOW There’s way too much repetition in the enemy encounters, designs and events.

WTF The real money skins cost an absolute fortune for things players will barely be able to see.

Resident Evil 4 (2023) Review

HIGH Leon’s new defensive knife skills are an inspired addition.

LOW Some of the craziest moments of the original campaign are no more.

WTF Leon evading a dual chainsaw attack in the most bizarre and dangerous way possible.