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PREVIEW: Abiotic Factor

HIGH A fresh, yet nostalgic approach to the survival genre.

LOW When making soup is an unlockable skill, we’ve gone too far.

WTF I didn’t think a toilet minigame would be such a big selling point.


Waking up in a hospital is never a good sign.  Even worse when that hospital is on a space station currently under siege by terrorists. Such is a day in the life of Dawn, a futuristic super-cop and the protagonist of Selaco.

ArcRunner Review

Bubblegum Cyberpunk HIGH The cyberpunk aesthetics are on point. LOW The combat is underwhelming throughout. WTF Later weapon unlock challenges can be excruciatingly laborious. Oh no! There’s a great big floating space station known as the Arc, and it’s been taken over by a malfeasant AI virus which wasted no […]

Animal Well Review

HIGH Inventive puzzles and charming aesthetics.

LOW Save points too far apart, especially near a certain ghostly creature…

WTF Cats in cages meowing to be set free. Why, Billy Basso? Why?