• We have established a Warning system that will be used to assign point values to rules infractions; each type of infraction has a different point value and the points have different expirations. When any member exceeds certain total point thresholds, there will be consequences up to permanent bans. In an effort to keep everyone on their best behavior, we won't publicly disclose the settings.

    In light of this, I feel I should repost this notice from 2020. Please read and understand. Thank you.

    (Originally posted 25 March 2020) Some of you have seen me post "Bigots go away" in several threads recently. This is a warning. I'm through with the (marginal) tolerance we've attempted to hold toward, shall we say 'alternative viewpoints,' and instead we're going to start taking a strong stance on clear expressions of bigotry, especially toward ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, and other social and cultural identifiers. That stance, administratively and moderatorially speaking, will be to ban people who, in the view of the staff, express bigotry. As with anything else, post reports will be checked by staff, and we will make the decision as to what breaks this rule - remember that someone who disagrees with you does not mean they are a bigot. [] So if you are a person who harbors intolerance toward any of your fellow human beings, you should consider either leaving the forum voluntarily, or never post anything that exposes your intolerance. From now on, think hard about what you're about to post before you post it, and leave it out if you think it might earn you a ban. Bigots... go away. -Steve Hill, Forum Owner
  • The 2024 Top Three Tournament is underway in the Games of Rassilon section. All of Gallifrey Base is invited to vote to determine this year’s favourite story. All you need to do is choose your top 3 stories in each match. Matches last a week and the top three stories move on to the next round, until the surviving stories reach the grand final and the winner is revealed on November 23rd. You get five new matches a week, which will be announced along with the results in this thread. Come join the fun!

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