Sylvain Duranton
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I am the Global Leader of BCG X, BCG’s Tech Build and Design Unit.

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  • The New Consumer Conversation in an Era of Uncertainty


    Consumer preferences are changing rapidly, outpacing companies’ traditional abilities to track and respond to trends. Data and AI can provide new eyes and ears.

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    See publication
  • Deploying AI to Maximize Revenue


    Companies must use AI not only to cut costs but also to generate more revenue by improving forecasting and making decisions in real time.

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  • AI Is a Powerful Weapon in the Fight Against IT Problems


    With artificial intelligence, companies can more proactively—and more efficiently—manage IT incidents, saving time, reducing costs, and sparing users a lot of frustration.

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  • Six Steps to Bridge the Responsible AI Gap


    Principles abound for socially responsible artificial intelligence. Here’s how to put them into action.

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  • TED Talk How humans and ai can work together to create better businesses


    Here's a paradox: as companies try to streamline their businesses by using artificial intelligence to make critical decisions, they may inadvertently make themselves less efficient. Business technologist Sylvain Duranton advocates for a "Human plus AI" approach -- using AI systems alongside humans, not instead of them -- and shares the specific formula companies can adopt to successfully employ AI while keeping humans in the loop.

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  • IA : des labos au terrain

    Usine Nouvelle

    L’IA véhicule en France trop de fantasmes ! Il est temps de s’en défaire afin de l’adopter sereinement et surtout de garder la main sur une technologie qui est en train de bouleverser nos vies et celles de nos entreprises.
    Mon ambition au travers ce blog est d'informer sur l’IA, de décrypter les dernières tendances sur le sujet et surtout de convaincre que nous sommes face à un phénomène massif qui va bouleverser positivement la vie de chacun d’entre nous, qu’on le veuille ou non.

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  • Artificial Intelligence: Have No Fear

    Global Survey by BCG GAMMA and Ipsos

    Global Survey by BCG GAMMA and Ipsos Finds Overall Optimism Toward Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace but Large National Differences and Significant Worries About Privacy, Job Security, and Economic Equality

    More than one in five adults work for companies that are deploying artificial intelligence (AI)—and while these employees generally view AI positively, they also have concerns about its potential effects on their privacy, job security, and economic equality. In fact, AI users…

    Global Survey by BCG GAMMA and Ipsos Finds Overall Optimism Toward Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace but Large National Differences and Significant Worries About Privacy, Job Security, and Economic Equality

    More than one in five adults work for companies that are deploying artificial intelligence (AI)—and while these employees generally view AI positively, they also have concerns about its potential effects on their privacy, job security, and economic equality. In fact, AI users are both more optimistic about AI’s benefits and more wary of its risks than nonusers. Those are the central findings of a survey of more than 7,000 people conducted in Canada, China, France, Germany, Spain, the UK, and the US by BCG GAMMA and Ipsos, a market research firm.

    AI Is Not Coming—It’s Already Here

    AI adoption varies widely among countries. In China, 31% of survey respondents say they work in organizations that already use AI, followed by North America (26% in Canada, 24% in the US) and then Europe (20% in the UK; 18% in Spain, 16% in France, and 15% in Germany).

    Adoption also varies by sector, but to a lesser extent. A quarter of the workers in manufacturing say that AI is deployed at their companies, compared with 20% in construction, 19% in retail, and 18% in services. The average rate across private sector organizations stands at 20%, whereas 25% of public sector respondents say that AI-enabled tools and applications are already in their workplace.

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  • Intelligence artificielle et capital humain

    Le Boston Consulting Group et Malakoff Médéric ont réalisé une étude inédite sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur le développement du capital humain des entreprises
    Cette étude est la plus complète menée à ce jour en France sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur l’organisation du travail, sur la structure et la nature des emplois, et sur le capital humain des entreprises. Au total, plus de 1700 personnes – dirigeants, managers et salariés – ont été interrogées.

    Le Boston Consulting Group et Malakoff Médéric ont réalisé une étude inédite sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur le développement du capital humain des entreprises
    Cette étude est la plus complète menée à ce jour en France sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur l’organisation du travail, sur la structure et la nature des emplois, et sur le capital humain des entreprises. Au total, plus de 1700 personnes – dirigeants, managers et salariés – ont été interrogées.
    Alors que l’IA fait aujourd’hui partie de notre quotidien, l’étude met en exergue des disparités sur la perception de l’impact de cette révolution dans les entreprises et sur le travail. Le premier accueil spontané de l’IA est plutôt favorable pour 70% des dirigeants. Il l’est seulement pour 44% des salariés. La perspective du salarié dont les capacités d’action seraient démultipliées par l’interaction avec la machine, est aujourd’hui dans les esprits. Pour autant, si ¾ des dirigeants estiment que l’IA aura des effets positifs sur les conditions de travail, les managers sont plus mesurés et les salariés encore plus réservés.
    Au-delà des enjeux technologiques et financiers, les questions sur l’impact humain sont au cœur des débats. Pour 56 % des dirigeants, le premier défi à relever est de « repenser l’organisation du travail, la répartition des tâches entre humains et IA ». Les Directions Générales et en particulier les directions des Ressources Humaines (DRH) seront les plus sollicitées pour permettre de concrétiser les opportunités de l’IA en anticipant ses impacts humains.

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  • The 2015 European Railway Performance Index

    The Boston Consulting Group

    Exploring the Link Between Performance and Public Cost

    Other authors
    • Joël Hazan
    • Agnès Audier
    • Vincent Gauche
    See publication
  • Uncertainty in UK Travel and Tourism

    The Boston Consulting Group

    In 2015, the deregulation of centralized school-holiday scheduling added one more disruption to a market that is already dealing with the impact of the recession, the recovery, and the 2013 prohibition on term-time leaves of absence for students.

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  • Out in Front: Exploiting Digital Disruption in the B2B Value Chain

    The Boston Consulting Group

    Manufacturers and wholesalers alike need to understand that going digital means reaching new customers and markets and also being able to satisfy new ordering behaviors.

    Other authors
    • Massimo Russo
    • Stefan Salzer
    • Just Schuermann
    See publication
  • Winning the Next Billion Asian Travelers—Starting with China

    The Boston Consulting Group

    By 2030, 49 percent of all passenger traffic globally will be within the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region or between APAC and the rest of the world, up from 37 percent today.

    Other authors
    • Frank Budde
    • Paul Tranter
    • Achim Fechtel
    • Alan Wise
    • Vincent Lui
    • Terri Milunsky
    See publication
  • Pricing Pushback

    The Boston Consulting Group

    Companies are facing stiff consumer headwinds when they make highly visible pricing changes.

    Other authors
    • Jean-Manuel Izaret
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  • Are You Fluent in Pricing?

    The Boston Consulting Group

    Pricing is the language of business. Through pricing, companies signal which products have the greatest value or “ask” customers to change their behavior. As with all languages, fluency matters. Organizations that are fluent in pricing can convince their customers to pay a little more, buy a little more, or even do both at the same time.

    Other authors
    • Jean-Manuel Izaret
    See publication


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