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Forum Guidelines



Obsidian Entertainment provides this forum community as a service to you, our customers and community. As with any community, there are certain rules that must be in place in order to maintain a mature and fun place to visit. The rules below apply to any of the available methods of communication these forums provide, including but not limited to, posting, private messaging, e-mail and instant messaging.

In general, our guidelines are based on the fundamentals of common sense, respect and tolerance. We ask that our users not post material that is abusive, defamatory, libelous, harassing, hateful, obscene, profane, vulgar, or illicit.

Advertisement: This forum is not to be used to advertise or distribute products, services or copyrighted material. Please do not post scans of magazine articles about our games - while this may be of interest to the community, this material is generally copyrighted, and Obsidian will fully cooperate with copyright holders to maintain their rights.

Content and conduct policies help to promote safe and positive experiences for users of our forum. More information about those policies can be found here: https://www.xbox.com/en-us/legal/digital-safety-at-xbox

Avatars and Signatures: Obsidian allows its users to associate a graphic image, or avatar, with their account. This image is displayed in posts underneath the user's name, and may be 64x64 in size, and may not display pornographic, indecent or otherwise inappropriate imagery. Users may be requested by the administrators or moderators to change this avatar at any time.

Users may also create a signature that appears at the end of every post. Such signatures should remain at six lines or less of text without imagery, or two lines of text and less than 125 pixels high by 600 pixels long.

Discrimination: Obsidian has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to racial, ethnic, gender, religious, disablement, and/or sexually discriminating remarks.

Harassment: We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated. In addition, Obsidian does not tolerate disrespectful and/or slanderous posts about its competitors, developers and publishers. Such posts will be subject to editing or deleting, with its posters censured or banned.

Images: Obsidian prohibits the posting of sexual, violent, or otherwise indecent or illicit imagery on its forums, or through it communication features, such as private messaging or e-mail.

Impersonation: Impersonating another person, such as a celebrity, political figure, user, moderator, company, or Obsidian Entertainment employee is prohibited.

Moderators: Should you find posts that seem inappropriate, please feel free to let our moderators know. If you have an issue with the moderators, please use our private messaging system to message the moderator or administrator. Personal issues between moderators and users may not be posted publicly (nor through avatar or signature use) and will be deleted without notice.

Objectionable Content: The use of abusive, vulgar or profane language, even if hidden through the use of symbols or other characters is not tolerated. Intentionally posting workarounds to our language filters are prohibited. Posts may be edited or deleted, with the poster being censured or banned.

Spam: Posting frequent, annoying, and/or nonsensical posts are not tolerated in these forums. Posting the same message to multiple forums (also known as cross-posting) is also not tolerated.

Trolling: Trolling is defined as negatively-charged, disruptive, inaccurate, inflammatory and/or outrageous posting behavior, often meant only to insult, disrespect or hurt others. Trolls (users who post in this fashion) will be subject to immediate censure or banning. Obsidian wishes to maintain a positive, respectful community; those seeking to hurt or damage our community are not welcome here and are subject to censure or banning.

The rules above are open to interpretation by the moderators and administrators of these boards. All decisions made by Obsidian Entertainment regarding these rules are final.

In addition to our own Forum Guidelines, Obsidian Entertainment also abides by the Xbox Community Standards which supersedes our own guidelines where necessary: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/legal/community-standards

If you have any questions, feel free to send a private message to any member of the Mod Squad.

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