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  1. Patch 1.20 (1.21) introduce zooming for item detail descriptions (pressing left analog stick on xbox pad). Playing the PC version on TV is quite hard. Now it's definitely a little more usable. But this would be nice for several things like books and long texts in general. Does anyone know if it would be possible to add the same scaling/zooming to other assets like book texts?
  2. An odd request but, could someone please make a mod that allows you to zoom the camera by hitting z or something? as in you're running along, and you see something in the distance but you can't quite see it clearly (to far away) you can quickly hit/hold z and the camera would zoom in a little bit so you can see whats up over there. hm, has anyone here ever played Mount and Blade? if you have you should know what i'm talking about. I played that game to death and back a while ago and Zooming in became a habit, and i keep catching myself trying to zoom into a far away enemy or building while on the road in Skyrim and then realizing that..i can't :( and its driving me up the wall!. it should be relatively easy, just take that eagle eye ability from the marksman tree and make it a player feature like jumping or opening doors erm... you know?
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