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  1. IDK if there is a rule against reposting a topic in another thread, but i'm posting this under both "Mod Requests" and creation/modders because I didn't know which would be more appropriate. I've spent a lot of time over the past year pretty much mastering the process of manually combining plugins and resolving conflicts in FO4Edit. However, I still have no idea how scripting works. Can anybody make me a script that will renumber multiple selected formIDs while also redirecting their references to the new formIDs? My issue is that if two separate plugins happen to each have a references between them that shares the last six digits of any formID, then i need to change them so that they won't conflict when merged into one plugin. I've found this problem happening a ton recently, and I would save a lot of time if i could run that script instead of editing all of the formIDs manually like i've been doing the past three days. any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. I've spent a lot of time over the past year pretty much mastering the process of manually combining plugins and resolving conflicts in FO4Edit. However, I still have no idea how scripting works. Can anybody make me a script that will renumber multiple selected records' formIDs while also redirecting their references to the new formIDs? My issue is that if two separate plugins happen to each have records between them that shares the last six digits of any formID, then i need to change them so that they won't conflict when merged into one plugin. I've found this problem happening a ton recently, and I would save a lot of time if i could run that script instead of editing all of the formIDs manually like i've been doing the past three days. any help is appreciated, thanks! edit- i just noticed i forgot to type "references" at the end of the topic title. oh, irony...
  3. Hi there, Simple request to simply change all instances of Vanilla Nuka World's Handmade Rifles to ngabber's AKM. That means all HMARs carried by enemies, sold by merchants and found in locations across the Commonwealth should use the AKM's 3d model, animations and sounds instead. Should be straightforward enough for someone who's proficient with xEdit, currently racking my brain trying to come up with an xEdit patch so I could get rid of that eyesore.
  4. Cleaning the Official Master ESMs NOTE : This guide is now out of date - I dont have any Bethesda games installed anymore, and xEdit has changed greatly since I last had it installed. Anyone wishes to re-do this guide on a new page bringing it up to date .. Crack on :D This guide assumes using TES5Edit on Skyrim Nexus, Or SSEEdit on Skyrim SE Nexus Due to this guide being dual purpose ( For Skyrim and Skyrim SE ) for the rest of this guide I will refer to both tools as xEdit. Screenshots of tools used may be one or the other, or older versions, which does not matter, the images are only to illustrate the method / options used. Why Clean the Master Files ? Before moving on to the Manual cleaning, something everyone should do prior to Manual Cleaning : Automatic cleaning of Bethesda's ESMs with xEdit With the games Original esm's installed ( You can use Steam to Verify Integrity of Game Cache of Skyrims files to ensure you have good error free copies of the original master files ), and in accordance with the following wiki article http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Skyrim_Dirty_Plugins_List : Load up xEdit. 1. Right click the plugin selection screen and select "none" 2. Tick the relevant esm to edit, and click okay ( If you have not cleaned any of your Master files yet, the first one to tick will be Skyrims "Update.esm" ), then click Okay After each of the following actions, wait for a message in the message window that the previous operation has finished / Done : 3. Right click the plugin after you get the "Background Loader : Finished" message,and choose "Apply Filter for Cleaning" Wait until Filtering is finished then .. 4. Right click the plugin and choose Remove Identical to Master Records Wait until it finishes then .. 5. Right click the plugin and choose Undelete and Disable references Wait until it finishes then .. 6. Close xEdit, and it should check with you that you wish to save the plugin ( this only happens if you have made any changes to the plugin to save, if it just closes .. Then you have not cleaned anything ) Rinse and repeat the Automatic cleaning ( steps 1 - 6 above ) for each of the master files. Working from first to load, to last, not including Skyrim.esm or any unofficial patches ( No point doing Skyrim.esm, and the unofficial patches are already done and should not be cleaned ) So clean in this order Update.esm Dawnguard.esm Dawnguard.esm ( Yes it needs to be done twice ) Hearthfire.esm Dragonborn.esm Dawnguard.esm needs to be cleaned twice ( as of xEdit 3.1 onwards - After doing the automatic cleaning routine once on Dawnguard.esm, and saving it, load it up again in xEdit and you will be able to clean a further 6 ITMs ) ------------------ Dawnguard.esm needs manual cleaning aswell as automatic cleaning After the automated cleaning is done, you can also now manually clean a few more Wild edits xEdit will not have touched ... Recently Arthmoor has brought to the attention of the community additional information regarding manual cleaning of Dawnguard.esm, which everyone needs to do for their own setup same as automatic cleaning ( because nobody can legally upload official master files anywhere, everyone needs to do their own ) First load up xEdit When the plugin selection comes up, right click and select None Then put a tick in the box just for Dawnguard.esm, click Okay After its finished loading, right click Dawnguard.esm and choose "Filter for Cleaning" 1. For "CELL 00016BCF: Remove XEZN subrecord referring to RiftenRatwayZone [ECZN:0009FBB9]. Otherwise it blocks the official fix in Update.esm." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated sub-record, and choose Remove 2. For "CELL 0001FA4C: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated record, and choose Remove 3. For "CELL 0006C3B6: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated record, and choose Remove NOTE : This guide used to include cleaning instructions for "CELL 00039F67: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell" ( The WICourier edit ) - But since the new version of TES5Edit 3.1+ now cleans that as part of the automated cleaning ( which you should have done prior to manual cleaning ), you no longer need to clean it manually afterwards. ----------------------------------------- Now that the Master files are cleaned, you could put them in a zip, and get your mod manager to install them - Maybe at a future date you want to do a refresh of steam cache and it redownloads the masters which are not the same as the originals anymore (because you cleaned them), so then you would need to reclean them again. But beware, Bethesda have started redoing some masters due to Creation Club mods compatability, so make sure any redownloaded masters are not newer than your previously cleaned ones, because in that case you will need to reclean and rezip them again anyway. You can go through the rest of your Load Order using Automatic cleaning of ITMs and UDRs on all your mods plugins. The sequence of cleaning mods plugins should be after you have your Load Order correct, masters are cleaned, then clean them with the last to load being the last to clean. Mod authors should have done them already, so most will probably not need cleaning. Also look out for any mod specific cleaning instructions in the mods description. Prime example = The Unofficial Patches will not need any cleaning, they are already done, and any remaining ITMs in those plugins should be left alone because they do have a purpose .. ( its a very rare occasion when this is true ). The xEdit Work In Progress Development topic is at the following link https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/ Development project is at GitHub https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit And newer versions of xEdit (3.2.7 +) have a link to Discord top right of xEdit window.
  5. Cleaning the Official Master ESMs NOTE : This guide is now out of date - I dont have any Bethesda games installed anymore, and xEdit has changed greatly since I last had it installed. Anyone wishes to re-do this guide on a new page bringing it up to date .. Crack on :D This guide assumes using TES5Edit on Skyrim Nexus, Or SSEEdit on Skyrim SE Nexus Due to this guide being dual purpose ( For Skyrim and Skyrim SE ) for the rest of this guide I will refer to both tools as xEdit. Screenshots of tools used may be one or the other, or older versions, which does not matter, the images are only to illustrate the method / options used. Why Clean the Master Files ? Before moving on to the Manual cleaning, something everyone should do prior to Manual Cleaning : Automatic cleaning of Bethesda's ESMs with xEdit With the games Original esm's installed ( You can use Steam to Verify Integrity of Game Cache of Skyrims files to ensure you have good error free copies of the original master files ), and in accordance with the following wiki article http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Skyrim_Dirty_Plugins_List : Load up xEdit. 1. Right click the plugin selection screen and select "none" 2. Tick the relevant esm to edit, and click okay ( If you have not cleaned any of your Master files yet, the first one to tick will be Skyrims "Update.esm" ), then click Okay After each of the following actions, wait for a message in the message window that the previous operation has finished / Done : 3. Right click the plugin after you get the "Background Loader : Finished" message,and choose "Apply Filter for Cleaning" Wait until Filtering is finished then .. 4. Right click the plugin and choose Remove Identical to Master Records Wait until it finishes then .. 5. Right click the plugin and choose Undelete and Disable references Wait until it finishes then .. 6. Close xEdit, and it should check with you that you wish to save the plugin ( this only happens if you have made any changes to the plugin to save, if it just closes .. Then you have not cleaned anything ) Rinse and repeat the Automatic cleaning ( steps 1 - 6 above ) for each of the master files. Working from first to load, to last, not including Skyrim.esm or any unofficial patches ( No point doing Skyrim.esm, and the unofficial patches are already done and should not be cleaned ) So clean in this order Update.esm Dawnguard.esm Dawnguard.esm ( Yes it needs to be done twice ) Hearthfire.esm Dragonborn.esm Dawnguard.esm needs to be cleaned twice ( as of xEdit 3.1 onwards - After doing the automatic cleaning routine once on Dawnguard.esm, and saving it, load it up again in xEdit and you will be able to clean a further 6 ITMs ) ------------------ Dawnguard.esm needs manual cleaning aswell as automatic cleaning After the automated cleaning is done, you can also now manually clean a few more Wild edits xEdit will not have touched ... Recently Arthmoor has brought to the attention of the community additional information regarding manual cleaning of Dawnguard.esm, which everyone needs to do for their own setup same as automatic cleaning ( because nobody can legally upload official master files anywhere, everyone needs to do their own ) First load up xEdit When the plugin selection comes up, right click and select None Then put a tick in the box just for Dawnguard.esm, click Okay After its finished loading, right click Dawnguard.esm and choose "Filter for Cleaning" 1. For "CELL 00016BCF: Remove XEZN subrecord referring to RiftenRatwayZone [ECZN:0009FBB9]. Otherwise it blocks the official fix in Update.esm." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated sub-record, and choose Remove 2. For "CELL 0001FA4C: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated record, and choose Remove 3. For "CELL 0006C3B6: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell." .... Expand the records as in the following screenshot, and right click the indicated record, and choose Remove NOTE : This guide used to include cleaning instructions for "CELL 00039F67: Wild edit. Remove this record. It's a testing cell" ( The WICourier edit ) - But since the new version of TES5Edit 3.1+ now cleans that as part of the automated cleaning ( which you should have done prior to manual cleaning ), you no longer need to clean it manually afterwards. ----------------------------------------- Now that the Master files are cleaned, you could put them in a zip, and get your mod manager to install them - Maybe at a future date you want to do a refresh of steam cache and it redownloads the masters which are not the same as the originals anymore (because you cleaned them), so then you would need to reclean them again. But beware, Bethesda have started redoing some masters due to Creation Club mods compatability, so make sure any redownloaded masters are not newer than your previously cleaned ones, because in that case you will need to reclean and rezip them again anyway. You can go through the rest of your Load Order using Automatic cleaning of ITMs and UDRs on all your mods plugins. The sequence of cleaning mods plugins should be after you have your Load Order correct, masters are cleaned, then clean them with the last to load being the last to clean. Mod authors should have done them already, so most will probably not need cleaning. Also look out for any mod specific cleaning instructions in the mods description. Prime example = The Unofficial Patches will not need any cleaning, they are already done, and any remaining ITMs in those plugins should be left alone because they do have a purpose .. ( its a very rare occasion when this is true ). The xEdit Work In Progress Development topic is at the following link https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/ Development project is at GitHub https://github.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit And newer versions of xEdit (3.2.7 +) have a link to Discord top right of xEdit window.
  6. So I'm looking for help with a project - I'd like to build my own version of a 'more armour slots' mod. I can see how to do it manually easily enough, it'll just be really really tedious. So I'm wondering about writing a script for FO4Edit that would find the relevant armour slots (BOD2 records) and delete them if present? Is this possible? Has it been done? How hard is it?
  7. 1. I just wanted to ask if it's okay to combine animation mods to xEdit Merged and Bashed Patches. 2. After doing xEdit merged and Bash patches, I have to run the individual patchers like DSR, FNIS and etc., right? 3. I'm currently encountering invisible NPCs during my modded playthrough (Friend/Enemy NPC alike), why is that? It doesn't happen during my normal, un-modded playthrough. (Will provide the load order below if it's needed) 4. Is it really best to use LOOT as a load order optimizer or should I go and use BOSS? (I'm reading a lot of articles, forum posts, and even hearing mod authors prefer BOSS as a load order optimizer.) Load Order: Thank you in advance for answering these simple questions. (I might be posting in the wrong thread, sorry! :/)
  8. I've been successfully combining .esps with xEdit and the Merge Plugins script. In the first tutorial video I saw about the technique, I recall the wonderful person who provided the tutorial explained that one needed to keep the disabled .esp files in their original (relative) load order, below the new and activated merged .esp. In other places, that bit isn't actually mentioned, which would imply that one could safely archive those .esps and clean them out of the mods directory entirely (unless needed later). Keeping the disabled .esps around may have been a misunderstanding on my part, or maybe I extrapolated from the instruction to keep them in their load order before engaging xEdit. Anyone know for sure whether or not one can safely relocate the original .esps after merging?
  9. Is there an easy way to add a hazard to a static object so it will be present on all the objects throughout the worldspace that have that Form ID? I am using Fo4edit, I don't know much at all about Creation Kit. There is an option to Add Script to static objects, but not many other options as far as adding references to spells or hazards. At the moment, I have been hand placing the hazards in the same location as the objects, but that method is going to take a VERY long time. an example is how the radioactive barrels have a radiation Hazard.
  10. http://puu.sh/s4Krc.png xedit-lib Description xedit-lib is a project to build a DLL Wrapper for the xEdit framework. This will allow developers in the TES/FO modding communities to make use of xEdit's record definitions and functionality to read and write plugin files from the language of their choice. Developers can then focus on implementing larger solutions rather than constantly re-inventing the wheel. The library will include extensive documentation, a full suite of tests, and plug-and-play wrappers for multiple programming languages. The languages which I plan on building wrappers for, in order of priority, are listed below: - Delphi (primarily for testing) - Javascript (with NodeJS) - C# - Python - C++ - Ruby - Java Design The library will be designed similar to xEdit scripting, though with a number of notable improvements. A primary goal is to yield enough functionality from the library to create a full GUI application as an alternative to TES5Edit at a future point in time. It's also important to return arrays from library functions so users can use functional programming paradigms for iteration, filtering, mapping, etc. All functions in the library will use the cdecl calling convention for maximum accessibility. All functions will use boolean return values to indicate whether or not the function executed correctly. All functions are internally wrapped in an exception handler which prevents exceptions from bubbling up to the calling application (which results in runtime errors). The library will allow applications to load multiple load orders without having to unload the DLL. The library will never directly pass out interfaces to files, records, groups, or elements. Instead, when an interface would be returned from a function the library instead stores the interface in an internal list and passes out an index (or handle) to the stored value. The calling application can release a single handle, or reset the entire interface store between extremely large operations. This should not be an issue, as the limit for handles is ~4 billion, which could only be reached if you loaded ~4GB of plugins or stored all elements in all loaded plugins multiple times over. We would run out of RAM accessible to the 32-bit DLL before we would run out handles. The library will feature extensive serialization methods, which will allow users to serialize and deserialize elements, records groups, or even entire plugins to/from JSON, XML, and YAML. Progress You can track my progress on the library from the GitHub repository. The planning document shows an overview of the functions that have been implemented and have not been implemented. As of 11/2/2016, I'm close to being halfway done implementing the library itself. Once the library itself is implemented, I will be working on the testing suite and wrappers for different programming languages. If you are a software developer and would like to help make this project happen sooner, please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate any help the community can offer me on this project. Use Cases I envision a number of use cases for this project, including patching, automation, resolving plugin errors, and building new mods. This project is, in many ways, a spring board from which many other projects can be made. I personally plan on making an Electron AngularJS application using this library. Working on Mod Picker has shown me that I really like the architecture and systems involved in web development, which are by my measure superior to desktop application development in many areas. (most notably GUI design) Please refer to the use cases document for more information about how I plan on using this library in the future. FAQ Q: What about Mator Smash and Merge Plugins? A: Those application will continue to be supported and developed. While fighting with Delphi to get the GUI to act as I want is very tiring at times, the battle is mostly won for these applications. I do not currently plan on phasing out support for them any time soon, and I am looking forward to coming back to them to polish things off. It is possible that these applications may be "remastered" into Electron AngularJS applications using xedit-lib sometime in the distant future. Q: What about Mod Picker? A: Mod Picker is still my primary focus. I'm only working on xedit-lib in my off-hours. (~10 hours/week, where 60-90 hours a week goes to Mod Picker) Q: This is awesome, but I'm not a developer, how can I help? A: I don't have a job right now. I'm building modding tools full time right now. I'm hoping to continue doing this for the next 6 months, but when my funds dry up I will, inevitably, have to go out and get a Software Engineering position somewhere locally. If you'd like, you can donate to me on PayPal to support my efforts. Additionally, I greatly appreciate your feedback and encouragement on all of my projects. Q: Can you really match or exceed the xEdit GUI's functionality in a new application? A: Absolutely. xEdit has a fairly simple GUI, and building a GUI using HTML/CSS/JS is a heckuvalot faster, easier, flexible, and customizable compared to building a GUI with Delphi or another programming language. Q: When will you be done? A: I expect to have the library "completed" sometime in December. By Christmas at the latest. The GUI application will follow, with an alpha release ready for use by 2017. Things should be pretty solid by the end of February. This is all just estimations though, and really depends on how much time and work Mod Picker will require over the next few months.
  11. I'm confused because I see a pinned post/guide warning NOT to clean: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/ And another guide suggesting to clean: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2667094-guide-manual-cleaning-skyrim-master-files/ As of Feb 2017 with latest Skyrim from Steam, what is the recommendation? Thanks, -vwmc
  12. One thing I've noticed, is that there isn't much in the way of nice, easy to understand, and commented scripts for FO4Edit, which presents quite a big wall to lads who've never touched Pascal before. So what I've decided to do, is go through all of my scripts and add comments to them. So far, I've done four or five, and I'd like ta get the opinions of people who have never touched the stuff before. Some proper opinions 'n' criticism 'n' such. A super small & simple script with comments can be seen 'ere. And a relatively complex one here. Some feedback on stuff that still confuses ya 'n' such would be most welcome.
  13. I keep having a strange error while creating custom patches using TES5Edit. When I use the 'copy as override into..' or 'deep copy as override into..' functions and select 'new file' as the plugin to copy into, I while sometimes get an error about mapping a formid. It then simply won't perform the copy but will create the plugin; if I then simply repeat the function except select the newly created plugin rather than 'new file' it will perform the override seemingly without any problems but this nevertheless seems worth asking about. I've attached the bug report: Thanks for any help
  14. Hi all, Some people requested a Synth Overhaul of this mod, so I'm working on it. I'm just not sure if the method I'm using is a good way to do this.. My method right now is making a standalone copy of the synth armor. I make some small edit like changing the materials and stuff to use my textures instead. After that I add them to lvled list and add the lvled list in the outfit list. So in total I edit 4 Vanilla files (OTFT) which should keep the mod quite compatible with stuff. The only problem is that edits made on the Vanilla armor by other mods won't work on mine, because I made a copy of unmodded Synth armor. http://puu.sh/n6jHA/6cc356dc6c.png I've been looking for another way to just swap materials without making lots of armor copies, but I'm not sure if that is possible. Does any of you have have a better way of doing this? Thanks in advance - Maaro
  15. Somewhere along the line, I accidentally made one of my esp's master to another esp. Now, as you would expect, I can't load the 'slave' by itself in NMM or in FO4edit. Is it possible to remove the link to its master? Or do I need to start over on a new esp. Apologies if this is a dumb question, but I thought I'd ask before repeating all the work I just did.
  16. Thank you for your time. I don't know since when, but my Tes5Edit decided to quit it's job at some point. When i start the program, the first to be seen window immediately closes and only the "master/plugin selection" window remains. When i hit "ok", this window disappeares as well, Tes5Edit loads the plugins but the process doesn't show up. The program is still shown in the taskbar. If it encounters an error, the little message box will show up, e.g. telling me that a master file is missing, but that's it. When i close the program, TES5Edit_log.txt shows me that it successfully loaded my plugins. Interesting: when i take the .exe and rename it, e.g. to FNVEdit, it works. So somehow this problem seems to be Skyrim related. Atm i'm using Mod Organizer, but the problem already existed as i still used NMM. WryeBash, Loot etc work like a charm. I've got the latest version of SKSE installed. This issue really bugs me, as i can't merge mods or use any of xEdits features for Skyrim. My rig: GPU: GeForce GTX 760 (4GB) CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 630 (2.8 GHz) 8GB RAM Win7 Pro
  17. 1. Is it currently possible to add knockback to a weapon or at least a staggering effect that will trigger 100% of the time? 2. If 1 is not possible, is it possible to add a legendary effect to an item by default, like how the Deliverer has a legendary effect when you get it? I'm aware there are ways to add legendary effects via console commands, but I want to make a mod that I will share with others. I have some experience with xedit, enough to figure out how to remove conflicts and change stats, but I don't know anything actually advanced. I am willing to learn if I can do these things without needing the GECK though.
  18. I had to remove a master for a mod and essentially I have a bunch of records in my mod for which the FORMID of any references they contained are messed up (Script parameters and SCOLs primarily). My mod's FormIDs are now 02XXXXXX, but it refers to things within a Master that USED to be 02XXXXXX but is now 01XXXXXX. For instance I have a SCOL at 02000FB2 (used to be 03000FB2 before removing the offending Master). This SCOL has a part with FormID 02006104 and now has the super fun <Error: Could not be resolved> because that record is now 01006104. Is there a way to go through each one of my mod's entries, find anything within the record with <Error:Could not be resolved>, and alter that FormID from 02 to 01?
  19. First is i am not complete noob and tried stuff with searching and so on. still i dont know much and not everything is working for me... so i need help i recently installed RCSS again and well... need help with some things: - Compatibility with Project Nevada: helm should have same visions like Adv Recon Helmet, that can be activated. the Visors should have the effects too. stealth field using Cells and so on the mod that is on Nexus IS BULLSHIT, nothing except fp-Visor works (well if possible can somebody tell me how to change visor color, its red but my Suit uses a yellow desert retex) - waterbreathing fixing. wanted to create ESP with a working script cause somehow its not working for PN stuff, with Adv Recon Mod it worked for The AR items, so i think its a script issue. as well fix water breathing for RCSS (helmet says waterbreathing and cant breathe, wtf) can someone who have time (maybe some hours) PN me and help? i would really be happy and appreciate it
  20. I am creating some custom dialogues and I'd like them to be available only after certain quests are completed. In the dialog topics there is the conditions section where i can toy with this; for example if i want the dialogue to be only for Aela i can put: Subject.GetIsID(AelaTheHuntress "Aela the Huntress" [NPC_:0001A696]) = 1.000000 I wonder if you guys know what's the condition to see if a quest has been completed?
  21. Good evening everybody! I want to create a list with all the objects in a cell and their coordinates and scale for each cell in a given worldspace. So the output (a text file or a csv file) would look something like this, one line for each object in the cell: ObjectType RefID ObjectName PosX PosY PosZ RotX RotY RotZ Scale Is there a way to do this with a xEdit script? Or do I have to go every cell and do this "by hand"? Any help would be appreciated!
  22. I've finally been starting to get the hang of using xEdit and I want to automate certain tasks like running the LODGen programs. But I'm not sure if the standalone application or running the similarly named xEdit files are what is supposed to be done. Is one of them out of date, or are both interchangeable?
  23. I'm editing the NPCs in an ESP with SSEEdit. For all NPCs, I want to replace any head part X with head part Y. e.g. Every instance of "MaleEyesHumanBrightGreen" is replaced by "MaleEyesHumanBrown". I haven't done any scripting in SSEEdit before but I was wondering if this is possible, so I can avoid having to manually edit each NPC one-by-one.
  24. Hi all This venture had been going on for about 4 days now and I think that my hair is starting to become gray. I have been requested by a friend to remove ammo casings and ammo types from the game. I didn't ask why but I thought that it would be an interesting experience in learning to mod + I did not see any uses for ammo casings myself. I have copied as override every ammo type and ammo casing into my plugin, disabled them, marked as inaccessible and deleted. When I went in game, they still appeared. I went back into xedit, removed ALL references that referenced the ammo casings/ammo types (as in, copied as override and removed data pertaining to ammo casings/types or outright disabled them.) I went back in game and it seemed to work after 3 days of waiting. Still, some enemies dropped ammo cases. I went back into xedit, found even more records I missed, went back in game, waited for 4 days this time and it seemed to work. That was, until I started to use merchants. Merchants such as the scavengers and Flak and Shrapnel (I am using TTW) still sold ammo casings AND ammo types! I didn't get why, since Moira NEVER sold either of those. I waited for 5 days and the scavenger had updated his inventory but STILL had ammo casings for sale and Flak DID NOT EVEN UPDATE HIS MERCHANT INVENTORY. I tried "resetinventory" on him and his container and still nothing. I tried trading with him, downloading a mod that changes when merchants restock, nothing, he still sold 10mm casings and .357 magnum hollow point rounds. I went back into xedit to make sure that I DID NOT miss ANY references and I didn't. I went into the GECK and tried making ALL of the ammo types unplayable, remove them from leveled lists and same for ammo casings (I couldn't delete them for some reason. No really, the delete button did nothing on them. Also I did make my plugin active). They STILL sold both ammo casings and ammo types. I went into xedit to see if there were any changes in my plugin and I was shocked to see that NOTHING changed. My edits to ammo types in the GECK did nothing it seems when I inspected them through xedit. Perhaps this is because of the "deleted" record flag? In any case, I did not achieve anything. What am I doing wrong? What eldritch being still makes ammo casings and types appear in-game? Why don't merchant inventories restock? I need serious help, please. Thank you.
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