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  1. Windows 11 (23H2). Vortex 1.11.7 I am trying to stop managing Witcher 3. I want to clean it completely back to "factory defaults" and start over. I'm using a complex collection, so it's better to start from clean. Vortex starts cleaning as I would expect then throws an error claiming that the mods.settings file in Documents is being manipulated by another process. I checked this in Resource Monitor and the only process with that file handle open is Vortex itself, but this could easily make sense as there are several Vortex processes running. Presumably one has control of the file, whilst another wants it and Vortex is fighting with itself. If I ignore the error, it immediately pops up again. If I choose to quit, then naturally Vortex just closes. The only way I have found to actually deal with this is a full manual process: 1 - Delete all the Vortex data from AppData/Roaming and start with an effectively clean Vortex install. 2 - Manually clean the Witcher 3 install. This is both tedious and means I can't use vortex to manage other games, as I would lose all the necessary metadata for those profiles every time I have to perform a manual reset on Vortex.
  2. I would appreciate it if you could change the +25% Aard Sign Intensity of Viper venomous silver sword to 10% increase adrenaline point gain and change the +20% Bonus experience from monstors effect to 350 increase armor piercing.
  3. Mark your calendars and get ready for a special REDstreams episode where CDPR will dive deep into REDkit. A modding tool that allows you to customize and expand The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with the same powerful tools used by developers who originally created the game. Together with guests, Bence Hambalko and Moritz Baron from Yigsoft, CDPR will discuss the mod creation process with REDkit, its possibilities, and more! Date: Tuesday, May 21st Time: 5 PM CEST Location: https://www.twitch.tv/cdprojektred Whether you're a seasoned modder or just dipping your toes into the world of modding, you don't want to miss it. Hosted as always by CDPR's Senior Community Managers: Amelia Kołat and Alicja Kozera! We will see you there!
  4. Hi, I am looking for a mod that restores places that get destroyed over the course of the story back to their former glory - most notably the Garin Estate and the castle at Crow's Perch, which both get damaged/ destroyed by fires. There is already a similar mod that restores the city of Beauclaire by simply adding a corresponding console command to the debug menu, so I was wondering if the same was possible for those other places.
  5. Ever since the patch 4.00 release, the sound effects of my swords hitting enemies sound muffled. I did not have this issue with the earlier versions. Several others have complained about it yet apparently, only a select few have this issue. (Here's a link from someone who has this issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT3KaKtQYEI ) I tried messing with my sound settings, both in-game and with my speakers. Didn't work. I logged onto the CD Projekt Red forum to ask for help, but no one answered. I also tried looking for a mod that fixes this as there have been numerous ones addressing next-gen issues (like with the movement input lag). Unfortunately, I couldn't fine one. Can someone please create or send a link to a mod that fixes this audio issue?
  6. I have a problem, I don't know which mod has a conflict with another one, maybe someone knows the solution Error [content0]game\player\r4player.ws(356): Unknown type 'KeybindArdHood' for property 'ArdHoodBound'. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
  7. I'm trying to install mods. All the mods worked fine, until I installed the extra skill slot for next gen mod. im on windows 11, game version is 4.04. Im getting these errors Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5052): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot3' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5067): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot1' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5085): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot4' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5099): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot2' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11786): Could not find function 'DisableRadialMenuInput' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11804): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionUpperTimer' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11810): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionLowerTimer' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11851): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSteelOil' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11856): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSilverOil' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\r4game.ws(546): Could not find function 'OnHDRChanged' Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code. These are my current mods Load Order modExtraSkillSlotsVlad mod0000_MergedFiles modSwapWitcherArmorsToBear modVladimirUI modYennefer MakeupBlack modAlwaysFullExpReforged modBetter TorchesNextGen modBuffCharges modDecocationsBuff modDisableBoatDMG modEndure modFTFA modGwentBet_250_plus_EXP100 modMapQuestObjectivesFull modMissingCardTracker modMutagen TabMenu modRareltemsMerchant modSwapElven Crossbow modSwapManticoreNGPlusSwords modVladimirUI_maps modVladUI_Restored Content modYenneferHair_G modyennewoutfit mod_Betterstats_trophies Any help is appreciated
  8. Hi all! The other day I was looking at preview weapons on the character model in the menu, while I had the Carabella steel sword on, I decided to preview an axe, but to my surprise the sword sheath was still there, when Geralt put the axe back on his back it went inside the sheath and it looked great, obviously it was not there after exiting the menu. I know nothing about modding but maybe one of you could make it so that sheath can also work for axes, war hammers, etc.. I have attached a picture of it. Thanks a lot for all you do!
  9. Having trouble adding keybinds to the Witcher 3... Vortex always overwrites the input.settings file, so that's a no go. I've tried editing input_qwerty.ini that doesn't work, even if I delete input.settings first from the vortex folder. Tried adding the keys into input.settings.part.txt from Friendly HUD, nope Tried making my own input.settings.part.txt, that failed. I know this has to be easy and I'm just dumb. Oh, to anyone wondering, I'm trying to add in the simple changes to do instant casting with kb/m. That's why I don't just change the keys in-game. Thanks.
  10. Hello Modders of this beautiful game ! thank you for all the wonderful cometic mods that makes this game even greater , i have a request if anyone is kind enough to take it , a wearable item to use in accesory slot mod ,with the witcher knife the bolts rope and many things together that would make it seem like geralt is carrying a tools fitting for traveling and killing monsters ! would appreciate it please! thank you!
  11. Title says it all, I get a notification "Mods can't be deployed." telling me to set the mod staging folder to the same drive as the game, even though it is on the same drive a the game. As you can see on the attached file on the left, the mod staging folder is "F:\Vortex Mods\{game}" and on the right, the game is installed in "F:\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY", same drive. I have the GOG GOTY version of the game installed from GOG Galaxy and I don't have any mods installed yet (duh), I tried restarting Vortex, doesn't do anything, I haven't tried restarting the PC yet because I'm downloading something and don't want to cancel it, when I try to stop managing the game, I get "Failed to purge" error. Edit: I realized that it installed the script merger, I don't know how it did that since there is "nO DePLoymEnT mEThoD" but all I did was click yes on a "install script merger" popup. Oh and Vortex sees the game location correctly, it recognized it automatically.
  12. DISREGARD. PC RESTART AFTER INSTALLATION FIXED THE ISSUE. WEIRD. Hi all, I have Vortex and GOG Witcher 3 Director's Cut Edition installed to my machine. Using the Manage game feature I have tried to manually set the installation directory in order for Vortex to detect the game and allow modification. However, Vortex cannot locate the desired bin/x64/witcher3.exe file. I have used every permutation of the file storage hierarchy I can imagine. GOG GamesGOG Games>GamesGOG Games>Games>The Witcher 3 Enhanced EditionGOG Games>Games>The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition>DataNote: when navigate to 'GOG Games>Games>The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition' I can clearly see a list of executables and clearly see the executable that Vortex is seeking. However, when I use Vortex's tool to manually set the directory it never shows any of those files in the file explorer. Now maybe that's because all the file explorer window is trying to display is the available folders in a given directory, but I KNOW what's in those folders. It's like Vortex is blind to the contents of the folder. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  13. what i like is Triss' DLC hair but without the forehead jewelry and the flower jewelry in her hair, but keep the earrings she wears. I also would need a mod that fixes her ugly seams near her ears when using the DLC outfit and her big ugly discolored ears that look like a dwarves foot. so essentially looking for a mod that removes what i mentioned(but keep earrings) for the DLC outfit. And if said mod also worked with the Default outfit that'd be great too or with this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3722?tab=files , specifically i use the "casual outfit replacer - with vanilla boots" from its download section. it doesn't change her looks only adds the white piece of clothing under her default outfit which I really like too. or if someone can make a mod as described i would love to see it. please.
  14. Hi, I was able to play fluently before the next gen update update, but now I'm getting a terrible performance. how i can this issue fix? my system properties. i3 6100. GTX 1050 2GB OC. ASUS H110M-C. X2 4GB 2133MHZ RAM. SSD PATRIOT BRUST 240 GB.
  15. So whenever i talk to someone for example a merchant, the hud is visible during their talk and then i cant see the dialogue options nor select them. I really need help with this! I have attached the pics of how it looks. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THE SOLUTION OF THIS PROBLEM
  16. Hey all I keep getting a compile error in Witcher 3 and I have run script merger and no problems but when compiling I keep getting this error and I have tried installing less mods or none and I think something is wrong but I can't figure out where the error is and was hoping that some genius can tell me what is throwing these errors because it is always the same even disabling mods and trying less or none: Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1488): Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1495): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1497): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1511): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1513): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1596): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1599): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1602): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1605): Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1627): Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1631): Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1655): Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1689): Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1721): Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\playerinput.ws(1750): Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(289): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(300): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(311): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(322): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(333): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(345): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'Error [content0]game\gui\popups\itemselectionpopup.ws(394): Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput' Warning [modsharedimports]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [modsharedimports]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [modprogressonthepath]local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(8084): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of scriptWarning [modprogressonthepath]local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(8088): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of scriptWarning [modprogressonthepath]local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(8114): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of scriptWarning [modprogressonthepath]local\progressonthepath_compiled.ws(8115): Return statement prevents the execution of successive lines of script
  17. Hi After a long time I want to reactivate W3...Unfortunately I dont succeed to download any mod: Everytime I get an error "no app assigned to the file". So I switched to Vortex: there the DL's worked without complaints, but after max. 5 installs it occured "..redundant.." issues. So I deleted all, installed W3 again, made a new account: nothing, see annex. Does anyone has a clue? Regards #Thomas
  18. so as in the title the game does not start even without mods vortex just starts the game for a while and a second after it crashes without and with mods (game starts without using vortex but without mods)
  19. I get this everytime I launch Witcher 3, dunno what's the problem please help me :sad: Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\r4game.ws(2494): Found unexpected '}' Screenshot of it: https://gyazo.com/7f9a1214c766d745b69a8089c07b08c5 Screenshot of my mods: https://gyazo.com/126f718c3ded37defa5925ef10b29475
  20. In the quest "The warble of a smitten knight" in BaW I can't win that stupid horse race. âAnd until I get it done, I can't partake in the final fight against the champion - it's always Palmerin's honor to beat that guy. Since it's my second playthrough, it bites me in the backside. Sooo back to stage 1: Is there a console method to win that f&$%&ing race? I would guess something with "addfact" but couldn't find any guide on that quest yet. Thank you!
  21. So I have an idea, it came about after the end if Blood and Wine when I went through and collected all of the Grandmaster Gear and realised that the Aesthetic of the Swords all changed between ranks, As an example. => => => => Do you see what I mean? the jump in design from a curved style to a straight guard is wierd and doesnt suit the overall feel, and if that isnt obvious enough the blade becomes undulating. => So the idea is to use existing in game assets to rework the GrandMaster weapons and if possible all the Witcher Swords using other ingame swords so each has a distinct feel of their own, Ergo using the B&W blades for the Grandmaster Griffin Sword Skellige styled swords like Ashrune and Harpy for the Ursine Swords Undulating blades like Gwestog and The Barber Surgeon for the Feline Swords combined with The Mixed thickness guards Using Intricate straight Guards for the Wolven Swords, taken from Ultimatum, Caroline and Black Unicorn styled weapons As well as a new Guard for the Grandmaster Silver Swords and possibly other levels Gliffin Wolf Cat Bear Also integrating the "Fix for Viper and Venomous Viper Swords" by ScoutBr0 (Version B) Obviously this will be a ton of work so I would like to know if anyone wanted to help me, give me pointers as Im a very Newbie modder. If anyone wanted to take this idea and run with it then go Ahead You have my blessing, permission hopes and dreams Obviously feedback would be great as I dont have all the weapons in the game so if you have a better idea for a style combination just say so. Peace.
  22. Hi everyone! Newbie here, So i have a question. where is the eye mesh for Geralt in witcher 3? i already did the uncooked process and extracting bundle files. (content0 to be exact) where it could be? please answer...
  23. Game boots no problem only to show none of my mods are installed properly. ​Where is the mod folder meant to be in the game files? For me they are in the x64 folder with the game .exe, this is where the NMM put them. What can I do to properly install these mods instead of leaving it all to the mod manager? I have only had experience modding Skyrim and the witcher 3 on my last pc a few months ago, it worked fine with just the mod manager doing all the work.
  24. Installed the GOG version. Ran same settings as on previous versions that I played before. Go into a game, 50 fps, couple seconds later I just see as my fps gradually falls down to about 20. Go into the map, switch between inventory and journal, go back into a game fps 50, gradually drops down to 20 again, same happens when I quicktravel to signposts, 50 fps and then drops gradually. On 1.22 had 50 fps. Playing on the laptop i5 6200hq, 8g ddr4 ram, 960m. Checked, doesn't thermal throttle, playing on low settings with textures on medium. Anyone can point me in the right direction? thank you.
  25. I would like to know why no one is working on this awesome armor from the witcher 3 (with hdt would be even more awesome) http://gaminggix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Ursine_front-700x441.jpg http://static.gosunoob.com/img/1/2015/05/superior-bear-armor-set-look.jpg
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