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  1. Hello. I'm in the progress of creating a mod called Thorns of a Whiskey Rose, which is an attempt to integrate the scrapped idea mentioned by Jason Bergman in a developer interview (see here https://archive.is/Morid) where the player would get blackout drunk with Cass and wake up married to her. I saw this and immediately thought it would be an interesting quest, so I decided to try to implement the questline, while adding some additional touches. merge it with the second idea, of the player doing an actual on-screen marriage presided by The King, ending in him performing Love Me Tender. The idea is still mostly unwritten and very WIP, but I'm making this thread to keep anyone following updated on the mod's progress. All I have to show right now is the basic questline idea, in the form of a (probably poorly formatted) flowchart. My aim is to update this thread as often as possible. As I have no prior serious experience of modding on a scripting/GECK level, I may also put out help requests from time to time, which anyone is free to answer. With the flowchart roughed out, my next step is going to be writing dialogue. 5/12/24: I've deleted and through-striked the old flowchart and concept, adapting to the newer concept outlined below. Scripting has begun (currently banging my head against the wall trying to figure out basic trigger boxes LOL)
  2. I’m planning add variants to ever weapon tier of the game and add unique effects for each material type. I know a mod that does roughly that but if you try to match all the weapons with all of their materials you end up with a huge amount of assets to make and nobody have time to spend to make each item look like as good as they should. So, what is my solution for it? Each weapon tir will have its very own procedure and may even have unique maps and passes. There is an example of how it should look like one of the software inputs/output. I will make each weapon high poly meshes. bake the normal map to vanilla meshes. separate the base meshes by pieces and classify then using the name or vertex color by what will processed by Houdini fx and how. make a procedural modeling of each weapon tier unique aspects in houdini fx. (im pretty rusty in houdini but i'll learn it again) create tier based reusable smart materials in substance painter/design. create a id map for each possible combination. mostly using the paint bucket tool. batch all the models/textures. add them to the game. create leaved lists that the most exotic the weapon are rarer it is to find. add some hand picked ones to specified locations of the game. if possible: upgrade the crafting system to better accommodate the weapons variants (you chose the weapon that you want to create then the material like the enchantment system).
  3. So I am going to be creating a mod, and I want some help (not coding wise, I can do that) My mod will be renaming and re-equipping raiders of the commonwealth, so that there are multiple gangs, with different names (like the forged). There is a similar mod, but it hasn't been updated in over a year, and only changes two groups: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15937/? I found this reddit page which lists the known raider groups found around the commonwealth (not including Nuka-world): https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/4euxe0/a_guide_to_fallout_4_raider_factions_their/ I need your help with first naming the different gangs, then deciding their equipment. I have a bad naming sense, hence why I ask! So provide any ideas for names and equipment, and I'll note it here. (Also a name for the mod itself) I suggest reading the reddit thread, as it provides a bit of context for each group, which might help with the names and equipment. Also, if there are any other groups, please tell me. I'll wont work with DLC groups for the moment because they are all named and unique groups, but I might work with them in the future. And of course, if you disagree with a name, give a better one. (I will accept pun names, but don't be stupid) Mod Name: Raider Gangs of the Commonwealth RaiderBossName - Location(s) of group Jared - Corvega Factory: Sully Mathis - Thicket Excavations (Quarry): Red Touretta - Federal Ration Stockpile: Tower Tom - Beantown Brewery + BADTFL: Bosco - D.B. Technical High Scool (most of downtown boston under his control): Zeller - East Boston Preparatory School: Wire - Libertalia: Scutter - Hyde Park: Slough - Quincy Quarries: Sinjin - Water street apartments + Milton general hostpital: Ack-Ack - USAF station Olivia: Boomer - Outpost Zimonja: The Norwegians - FMS Northern Star: End Game Spoilers:Railroad Ending: Development Stages:1. Ideas - current stage2. Names3. Equipment Also, any mods you want me to try and make it compatible with, please tell me. Mods to check with:Raider Overhaul WIP
  4. Project AHO — AETHERIUM HYPERSPACE OBSERVATORY http://tesall.ru/uploads/imgs/pre_1511101376__logo1.png by Haem projects Just over a year ago we announced the mysterious Project AHO mod. Unfortunately, the announcement was made only in Russian community and because of that it was missed by the English audience (we added english subtitles to our first trailer, so you can check it here; it's a bit outdated, but still interesting). Now we want to fix that mistake. Hereby present you the English version of our project. Welcome to House Telvanni! http://tesall.ru/uploads/gallery/category_86/med_gallery_95_86_349699.jpg Sadrith Kegran, the underground city, is one of the last strongholds of once great House Telvani. Built on the ruins of the extinct Dwemer civilization, the city is fraught with many mysteries. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the only one Telvanni settlement in Skyrim. Go through the fire and water to get the AHO — the great Dwemer engineering miracle — Aetherium Hyperspace Observatory. Features: A large settlement of House Telvanni on the eastern borders of the Skyrim province;The huge Dwemer city of Bkhalzarf;20 unique characters with the advanced behaviour system;More than 20 quests;The main quest with a linear start, but a non-linear end;About 8-11 hours of gameplay, depending on the playstyle;Each character has from 500 to 600 dialogues lines;AHO — Dwemer ship-house with many useful functions;Another player house — Hla Fang — available after the main quest's end;Unique soundtrack;Unique armor and many, many other things. MORE SCREENS REQUESTS: We cannot provide you with an exact release date, but under ideal circumstances, the modification will be available at the end of this year. We are translating books, texts and, of course, dialogues into English, so now we need voice actors in order to release a properly voiced English version. We'd like to have a fully voiced modification, so if someone is interested in this, have special practice or just want to help - please, contact us. We are also looking for the 2d-artist who can make some sketches for the project and native English speaker to check our texts for mistakes. We appreciate any help and will be grateful. But this is not all that we would like to present. As part of our mod we released Snippy - little dwemer droid-follower inspired by BB-8 from Star Wars. He is a non-combat follower with many functions and features: 128 unique voice reactions;the unique follower system;the manual control mod;will never get lost;has a flashlight;has a lockpick;has a scanner;And, of course, Snippy is cute. More screens you can find on download pages. http://tesall.ru/uploads/gallery/category_86/med_gallery_95_86_734252.png DOWNLOAD: SLESSEBETHESDA.NET PCXB1CONTACT: [email protected] DISCORD
  5. I'm working on a mod that aims to return unused Vanilla NPCs into the game. some in with i'm having issues. (Not big, but i would like to know if anyone has experienced this, so i can solve some minor issues) the current problem, is a Wolf in the WhiteRiverTower that can help the player. but will return agressive if he stays for too much time close to the player. the basic changes, are on his Behavior DogProject > WolfProject, and others. that after exaustive testing, goes just fine. (Everything working as intended). however, i get one bug that's commom along many other custom pet mods. after he enters in combat, his dialogue/chat options, are visible, yet, no option can be selected until you teleport, or move to a new cell. (sometimes this problem don't happen) in all places i look to, it' look like the problem having "set playeranimalcount" bug. and the best solutions are either to (Disable/enable) or have a mod that force the menu options to work. i would apreciate anyone with knowedge and time to explain the orign of this issue or/and a solution for it. thanks. sorry for bad english. Everything works when out of combat.IE.: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/43/7/1509285389-20171026233719-1.jpg https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/43/7/1509285491-20171023224845-1.jpg but when not... the dialogue doesn't work. (Wait/follow/etc) If I can't solve, i would like to know the exact reason of the bug, so i can disable the affect dialogue, and replace with something as "Wolf's too restless to understand your commands" Edit.: Somewhat Solved
  6. Hey Dovahkiins :smile: I've been working on this cute little spell mod for a while and I think I'm ready to release it to the Nexus, but I'd like some feedback first in case I need to change anything. • The Mod • The mod makes Festus Krex a spell merchant and adds 9 unique spells that only he can sell. It was heavily inspired by M'raaj-dar in Oblivion and actually I've sort-of copied most of his spells, with some changes and adaptations. But there are a couple completely new ones as well. Alteration The Unwelcome Guest (Apprentice) - Magically unlock Apprentice locks and lower. The spell fires a missile and if it succeeds, the door/container flash for a moment before unlocking, just like in Oblivion. Tonillia in the Ragged Flagon also sells scrolls that work for Expert locks, but there is no spellbook for that because I thought it'd be overpowered. Detect Pulse (Adept) - Detect life for 30 seconds. It's similar to the werewolf howl. Doesn't distinguish between friends and foes like the concentration version. Black Winter (Adept) - Paralyze a target for 2 seconds and deal 20 frost damage per second. Uses a slightly different animation from normal paralysis. Illusion Void Gazer (Apprentice) - Night-eye for 150 seconds. Cast again to toggle off. I haven't removed the radial blur and the desaturation like some other mods do, because this is meant to use with darkness-enhancing mods and if I just made everything brighter it would totally defeat the purpose of using them in the first place and make light spells obsolete. There has to be some sort of drawback IMO. Deathly Visage (Adept) - Caster is invisible and silent for 10 seconds. Will of Sithis (Expert) - Command humanoid up to level 18 for 25 seconds. Benefits from calm perks. It works like the second word of Bend Will, but doesn't affect certain NPCs like Ulfric and General Tullius. Uses a unique red shader effect to distinguish it from Frenzy/Fear spells. Restoration Night Mother's Caress (Apprentice) - Heal 10 health per second for 5 seconds. Instant cast, slightly cheaper than Fast Healing. Doesn't stack with itself. Phantom Shroud (Adept) - 30% spell absorption for 60 seconds. Dual-casting affects duration but not magnitude. Destruction Void Surge (Expert) - Deal 120 non-elemental magical damage to a single target at the cost of 15% of caster's current HP. Doesn't scale with destruction perks, but the damage is comparable to fully upgraded Thunderbolt. Costs slightly less magicka. Unique red lightning animation. Those are the spells I have right now. I thought about adding a Conjuration spell to summon a ghost from the Void, but decided it'd be too similar to the quest reward. I had another Conjuration spell to chain a target to the ground but it was really buggy so I gave up on it. More Destruction spells would be nice, too, but I really have no idea how to make them unique since the game already offers so many. I also discarded a few other Alteration spells because of core game limitations (burden) or because I didn't think it fit the theme or Festus's character much (dispel, time stop). Please if you have any comments or suggestions let me know! I will wait for a while before releasing it to the Nexus.
  7. Someone was asking about some pictures I posted about how I turned synths into Stormtroopers from Deodexed's Fantastic Commonwealth Stormtroopers mod I did post a bunch of this stuff on the comments part of that mod... My apologies to Deodexed as I realize that discussion is more appropriate here. So anyway. I am working on a Stormtrooper synth mod to share but I haven't got all the permissions yet and there are a couple of bugs I am working out. I think I am very close to having it ready though (Depending on permissions) Also Please note: I am not trying to assume anything when it comes to permissions. Obviously mod authors have the right to tell me no and I respect that and will not use anything I don't have permissions for. I am just explaining my plan and pointing out some options. I just want to make sure it is 100% ready to go before I start bugging other modders about permissions. I am making my mod so it has specially made synth armor and doesn't need Deodexed's mod as a master but will need it installed due to the textures/meshes/materials obviously and can be run along with it so far (with a couple of bugs mentioned below). Theoretically as long as he keeps the same texture and material paths It should work even when he updates. I even have a lore explanation for it.. (though obviously the mod will remain non Lore Friendly) That the director of the institute came across copies of a few pre-war movies and found some he really loved. Because of that he went ahead and developed armor based on some of the armor from those movies. Currently I have Wasteland troopers (Sand Armor/helm, pauldron, ammo packs on hip and chest) Trying to get it where most of the troops you see in the field are wearing that... The Wasteland is a dirty place after all. Synth Special forces: (501st armor/helm texture, white Kama, hip/waist pouches and pauldron) I am setting most legendary and some higher level synths to spawn this way. Superbarrel synths also spawn with it... Figured it fit. Synth Commanders: (uses the Red/Shock trooper armor/helm texture white Kama, Pouches, and Arctrooper pauldron ) Synth leaders. Bosses, and some Legendary are set for this. I chose the shock armor because I like it more than the Commander armor and it's more worn and that gives it a bit more wasteland feel to it. I figures those leaders go on a lot of missions so their armor should be more dinged up that ones that just work at the institute. Plain synth armor (Clean armor/helmet) These are given to most of the synths at the institute and some of the ones that teleport into fights. Seems I get a mixture of clean and dirty synths when teleports happen but I think that's isn't immersion breaking as reinforcements should come from what ever troopers are ready to go. I also changed a lot of the gen-3 synths around the institute to wear the Synth Under armor instead of those worker jump suits which I think gives it more an imperial feel. Works best with a texture replacer that makes them black but even the white version works. I also use the dark institute mod and dark scientist outfits mods too but I may just put all the scientists in the Synth uniform. (What do you think?) I have also messed with some of the Railroad heavy's (including Glory) to use the Camo trooper armor but no helm just a regular army helmet and goggles. (Glory's outfit does not have the helmet and goggles. Just the armor) My explanation is they captured some synth troopers and re-purposed the trooper armor and repainted it for their own use. If I ever do release something I would do versions with and without this change. I just thought it was cooler than those butt ugly jackets with lead bars sewn on the front. (IMHO) When looking at my screen shots you'll see I also have mods made where the synth weapons are all replaced by Blastech E-11's or The Republic Armory DC-15S's Obviously I can only use one at a time but I am not sure if I will be allowed to release those with my troopers. I have been more recently playing with the Republic Armory one so that's the one you may see the most in my screen shots at the moment but I am not sure it it'll work even if I get permission . I love the blastech rifle but I thought it'd be cool if I could get both options to work as a choice. But it's less likely I will be able to get RA to work. My skills may not be up to the task. I really had to change that mod so the weapons use regular Laser weapon ammo instead of the Tibbana Gass so the NPC's actually spawn with ammo. I could only do that by editing the ESP that came with it so I have to figure out another way. I would only release it if I could do it separate with just using the original as a master. I am not going to release a modification of the author's esp but wanted to mention it because I am still trying to figure out how to do it just make it a level list change that uses his mod as a master and still get the Tibbana gas to spawn with the synths. The E-11 mod I just added level lists changes to it so they all spawn with basic E-11 Rifles and that works fine using the original as master. Though that seems to work giving everyone basic E-11 blasters I am still trying to figure out how I can make it so the level lists spawn the different versions of the E-11 like the pistol grip, auto, and extended stock. I don't want to just assume they will let me so that's one reason why I am working on more than one option. Republic Armory and Blast tech E-11 are the mods I am talking about. I highly recommend both as they are great laser weapons. Why I am not ready for release There is a bug with Rad and Stealth trooper armors and helmets where if either is created and used via the original mod. It makes the helmets glow green or blue on some synths. It seems to be related to which ever color the eye glow of the trooper you are using is. I have no clue how to fix that. (There are screen shots of this in the link below) I had to scrap plans of putting Coursers in Stealth armor because of this but I am thinking about asking the guy who made the Death Trooper mod if I could make a mod that uses his to give coursers the death trooper look. But that's something that'll have to come later. If he allows is I could also use his death trooper rifle as synth weapons if the other two options fall though. Anyway if you make and equip you own stealth or rad trooper armor from the original mod it may cause this bug sometimes when you encounter synths (I'm still testing to see if it's just an occasional occurrence or one that just happens when there is a script lag or memory lag) I do know on Mannequins the helmets glow 100% of the time on the female ones but never on the males so it might not be as big of a deal as I think.. But it does still require testing. Also by equipping a non glow eyed trooper helmet the glow will go away. The helmets will stay glowing however if you just unequip the helmet with eye glow. You have to actually equip another storm trooper helmet to get it to go away. I'd hate to have to tell people they need to care a spare plain trooper helmet with them if they use this mod. There is another (minor IMHO) bug when you shoot the synths wearing trooper armor you will occasionally see synth body parts flying off like heads and arms and stuff but the armor stay's fully attached. This is something I doubt I would ever be able to change as the synth bodies are designed to do that and I wouldn't even know where to start... I realized this can be a bit non-immersive and will bother some folks.. But hey it can be really funny sometimes. Like when you shoot a synth in the face and you see it's metal robot head fly out the back of his head and you have comedy gold.. (You'll just have to imagine you blew a big hole in the back of the helmet) When synths kneel or die there is sometimes clipping of the fake skin parts through the under armor and or Gloves. I feel this is minor too as it's not very noticeable and you kind of have to expect when you are in the process shooting that synth full of holes that some parts will show through. It only happens with synths that have that fake skin parts over their metal bodies. I didn't want to mess with changing the synths too much. All I did was make armor outfits and then edited all synths to use those outfits. I had to do it with outfits because I wanted the metal Gen1's to have the armor too. I left the dream ones metal as that is a memory before the current director takes over so it would fit with my weak lore explanation. If I make the armor lootable occasionally you will loot a synth that has no head but floating eyes underneath. (one more reason I doubt I will make it playable) The reason I am not 100% sure about the lootable/playable side is that if I do not make it lootable then you lose a source of income from selling synth armor. Occasionally legendary synth armor parts show up on Legendary enemies, including legendary synths but other than that there might not be a way for people to get regular synth armor except from the vendor at the Institute. (I honestly can't even remember if he sells it or not) and some people might want it earlier than that. I can account for the lost income if I can get permissions to also release the Blastech or DC-15s as you can loot a ton of them when you are facing synths and they are valuable but it is still something I need to address. Here is a gallery from some of my tests that show the synths in actions at various points of the game plus the glow bug (Ha!) in it's current state... There are obviously spoilers here https://imgur.com/a/fAdKz Any Ideas, help, or just plane old criticism would be appreciated. Edit: I am using these texture replacers to get more of an imperial look to the institute you see in my screen shots. If I get the permissions I need and am confident the bugs are not going to get me hate I would add these as "recommended mods" to my upload. Evil Institute HD - Evil Institute HD Vanilla 1K Black Synth Uniform Recolor - Black Synth Uniform Dark Institute Lab Coats - Dark Lab Coats Replacer
  8. looking for some answers with regards to animations i am currently working on a sks and would like to inquire as to what i would need to do to make custom animations for it if that's even possible with blender alone as all the tutorials ive watched are for 3ds and maya any light shed would be appreciated.
  9. Introduction Hey guys, I'm making my very first mod and it's a custom-voiced follower. His name is Jarek and he is a millennia old necromancer so he has a lot of knowledge and Tamrielic history behind his belt. I really want to give him special spells to showcase his attained knowledge of necromancy and magic throughout the centuries but for now he only has the standard raising spells since I don't know how to make new spells yet. He also uses vanilla fire spells so he's not entirely useless by himself. Here's what he looks like: Appearance http://i.imgur.com/9dUbptp.jpg?1 Backstory I don't want to give any backstory quite yet because I don't want to reveal anything that I might use for future story and quest material so all I'll say is that he was born in early years of the First Era so he's pretty damn old (just a few millennia). Personality For anyone interested in this part of him, he's kind of crazy because of the darkness of Necromancy that took a toll on him and can say very dark things at times but he isn't a murderous psychopath like the rest of the necromancers around Skyrim so he won't commit murders for the player. He is very historically knowledgable since he is from the First Era. Features Custom-voiced (I already have a voice actor)75+ lines of dialogueUses human animations instead of the usual skeleton/draugr animationsUses raising spellsCan resurrect mammoths and horses for some reasonCan raise more than the usual two things the player can raiseUses fire spells Can wear armor but skin will show for the ones that do such as Hide, Scaled, Iron, clothing, etc.Has a standalone follower frameworkHas a TRI file for his skull so the jaw will actually move up and down when he is talkingPossesses a staff that summons a random skeleton of a given race (Human, Orc, Argonian, Khajiit, Elf)Notes on some of the features: I don't have a lot of dialogue lines for him right now because I'm not very imaginative in what he should say especially with the personality I've given him. He can raise more than the usual 2 things the player can. I've seen him raise 4 things at a time. I've given him fire spells so he isn't useless in a dungeon where he can't raise things (Dwarven Ruins w/o Falmer). The follower framework I've given him is borrowed from a tutorial so there are some problems with it that I might need to address. He holds a staff in his inventory but he doesn't use it because of the fighting style given in the Creation Kit so it'll be a little present for the player if you bring him along. Features Planned Have his own (skeletal) horse to ridemore dialogue linesHis own custom-made outfit (the one in the picture)Vanilla armors specifically tailored for Jarek and the skeleton summons to wear (no human skin showing)Quest to search for the item Jarek's looking forTRI files for the rest of the racial skeletons (both genders) so I can use them as NPCs in the quest I'm planning for JarekSkull TRI File In case I didn't make this point clear enough in the Features section, I've actually given his skull its own TRI file so his mouth will actually move when he is talking! Now it won't be so boring to stare at his scary face without any expression whatsoever. I've even given him brow ridge movements so you'll even know when he's angry or sad without him speaking. Why does his thick skull have brow movements you say? Magic duh! There's even an unused skeleton creature in the vanilla game data that has an angry expression on its skull. Enough of that, I fear that this feature is what'll get most people to actually look at my mod. As a disclaimer, I'm not releasing this TRI file or giving any permission to use it yet primarily because, so far, this feature is what'll make my follower mod stand out from the rest as far as I'm concerned. Besides, he uses human animations so that's partly the reason why he's even able to use a TRI file unlike Skjel the Gray, Xanthys, etc. Plus, having human animations will make him much more expressive with the usual idle poses that can be used during conversation. I will post a video showcasing the mouth movements and the voice later sometime next week. Problems I have been making this follower and had the idea to make him since mid 2015. I have quite a few problems I need to address with my mod and the biggest problems have to do with asset permissions. But first there are a few things I need to fix with my mod: Jarek's initial location is Anise's Cellar. Nearly, everytime I enter Anise's Cellar, Jarek doesn't Forcegreet me to initiate his intro dialogue like he's supposed to. I have to fix this by reloading the Autosave into Anise's Cellar in order to get the Forcegreet to work. Saving the game manually inside of Anise's Cellar and reloading doesn't work. Another problem is leaving the Cellar and going back in makes Jarek disappear from the game completely. The "moveto player" console command doesn't work either. Turning off the application and reloading the Autosave again fixes this. When installing Jarek's mod mid playthough, entering the Cellar, Jarek doesn't appear at all. Turning off game and reloading Autosave again fixes. All I have to say is I have to leave the Autosave feature on just for Jarek's intial intro meeting. Another less problematic issue is when dismissing him, he never enters Anise's Cellar afterwards. He just stands above the floorboard to the entrance down no longer how long he is away from you.Another issue I have is the follower commands. All of the vanilla follower commands work fine but when I trade with him and then leave the conversation and move to another spot, it takes Jarek about 5 seconds to respond and move to me after trading with him so somewhat of a slow reaction.Now my biggest problem involves asset permissions. Part of Jarek's outfit are made up of clothing from lifestorock's Armored Skeletons/Immersive Creatures mod. I've asked for permission to use his skeleton armor assets for my own mod but he hasn't yet responded. I've sent him 2 messages in the last month (Dec. 3 & 20) and he hasn't responded to any of them. He was last on yesterday (Jan. 12) and still hasn't responded and hasn't even read my message this time. PyroToaster asked for lifestorock's permission to use his armors for Xanthys and got it so I should also be able to get permission to use his stuff. If I can't use Jarek's custom clothing, I'm gonna have to make him naked or somehow find better clothing for Jarek. I can't use Blender and alter meshes for the life of me. I'm also asking for the same permission to use the vanilla skeleton armors for the racial skeletons in my mod so even more of a reason why I need to ask for lifestorock's permission to use his stuff. Here are some pictures showing examples of what I converted with Bodyslide, Mesh Rigger and NifSkope:http://i.imgur.com/3NL5xAh.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/gTAsRjX.png?2http://i.imgur.com/M7BN9SL.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/qoedv8G.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/Ygd3rDW.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/1yBciLz.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/XxenwJc.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/xdUiE4t.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/nSeu8Ba.jpg?2 This is all I have to say for now. If anyone is willing to help me with any problems or has any questions please send me a PM or respond here.
  10. Hello! This is a Teaser for a mod I have been working on for a whole now ('bout a month and a half). If you know anything about a certain, uhm, like, group of wide ranging pop culture content, and know a little more about the old lore of that said content, you'll know what it is. Other than that, I want it to remain a mistery. I wasn't going to say anything about this untill I needed help, and that time will come. I will probably need voice actor's later I guess and maybe if a writer knows what he'se talking about and wants to get ahold of me right now I might work with him, but I have a direction I want to go and im going to go it. Back on topic 'cause I ramble, I will say this mod is going to basicly be a big, self contained, quest mod outside of the fallout universe and when you play it, it will be as much it's own game as it can be but some elements will obviously be fallout. I am making most of the static models myself, and I am going to do my best attempt at the quests and armors myself but I might need some help from some community members on doing that, but at the moment I just want to see what people think of these select few screenshots, and to those people who know what this is I hope its what we've been waiting for! thanks for reading this and peace out.
  11. Hi, this is my first mod, and before I upload it to the nexus, I'd just like to know if there's any advice any of you have that I could use to make my race mod better and more popular. Currently the mod adds the Unblood race. A rogue-like race that has no blood. Due to their sneaky nature their race power turns them invisible for a short period, and passively they're immune to disease and poison.
  12. basic fallout, with optional patches for weapon mods, with balancing or no balancing options I shamelessly ripped some ideas from other people's mods for ideas, none of this has been done as a mod file specifically yet, but many of these are alterations I've done for personal use, the intention of this mod is to tighten up aspects of gameplay without adding a lot in the way of new things, so a lot of this will be done through values balancing not totally brand new objects, granted I also want to make heavy weapons balanced, useful, and fun throughout the game for those who's particular calling in life is to use them, while not exactly letting someone use them perpetually like bullets are candy at willy wonka's or something (you'll have to sledgehammer people sometimes to save ammo) the intention here is to get rid of most any of the "this is a better variant of a previous version of a weapons/armour mod" stuff, I want choices to have tradeoffs, ranging from the weapon selection to the armour choice, note that these have not been tuned, they are just out of my head within 10-15 minutes of thinking, furthermore while I want later guns to be objectively better, I want lower level guns to be good in certain types of situations or for certain purposes, if one should so choose, without losing personal effectiveness in combat if you know what you're dong (double barrel being a good immediate huge chunk of damage closeup but not a good general usage weapon compared to combat shotgun) hp scaling to 0.2 per level for NPC and PC at most, possibly none or 0.1HP starts reasonably high, lethality is important but early game is notoriously annoying, scaling should occur in some way or another, but should not outpace weapons entirely (it makes sense that a seasoned wastelander in heavy armour would laugh at a pipegun a bit, but not at a tommy gun or even a regular hunting rifle or shotgun)-------------------------------------------------------perks:sniper perk increases hunting rifle type weapon damages by 10-20-25% and final rank increases armour penetration by 10% on top of? existing benefits one of my goals was to make bolt action rifles much more appealing, and I intend to nerf "stealth archer" gameplay I will have further ideas specifically revolving around theming different playstyles based on SPECIAL selection as well later ----- Strength should help melee, but also heavy weapons like rocket launchers and miniguns weigh less Perception should be good for finding and hitting targets with long range weaponry as well as recognizing well hidden things Endurance should aid and abet the various ways of survival including making how you wear armour better Charisma should result in easier access to critical goods in a liquid fashion that others would have trouble with Intelligence should be the DIY genius setup for pewpewpew and technological things (a paladin in fallout would want a supersledge or power fist, power armour, strength then intelligence, then some charisma and endurance) at about an 8:6:4:4 sort of ratio as it were - it will also be used for recognizing particularly worthwhile objects (to increase the value of certain things, probably should nerf the exp scaling aspect of it) Agility should be the refuge of scoundrels, if you're trying to stab someone, steal from them, or just get out of dodge, this is it Luck, this one's a bit of a jack of all trades, but for the purposes I have, I want it to be particularly useful to int and charisma builds, to be able to roleplay (by being forced by gameplay more or less to do so if you go down those perk paths) as a triggerman essentially, relying more on your access to cheap ammunition, spray and pray (to lady luck) your way to victory it will still be useful for others, some sort of fighting' irish fistman with pistols and grenades build should be available for those who don't want to do the CQC solid snake perception/agility + str/end builds http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/batman/images/a/a0/1692963-profile_twoface.jpeg----------------------------------------------------receivers:automatic receivers reduce damage done by 10% and double fire rate, super fast ones reduce it by 20% but increase fire rate to about triplelight receievers make the gun much much lighter, but reduce damage by 5% and increase recoil by 20%heavy receivers increase damage by 5% and reduce recoil by 20% but make the gun 30% heavierhardened receivers increase damage by 10% and reduce accuracy (increase initial spread?) by 10%powerful receivers increase damage by 20% but increase recoil by 30%advanced receivers increase fire rate by 10%, damage by 10% requires gun nut 4 alongside other heavy investmentshair trigger receivers increase potential fire rate by 30%, reduce damage by 15% reduced recoil of 15% - available for revolvers (non-automatic form of increased firing speed) special ammunition: creation of ammo will be available "on the fly" through a not too heavy not too light work set, a number of the materials will be available through the various bits of junk, I intend to utilize the aspect where a junk piece that goes into making an item for its parts does not yield its extra resources to the player, this is to keep the player in a state where scrounging is a matter of immediate survival, and to eliminate the impetus to make loot hauls for minmaxers (an annoying problem I've been facing myself), furthermore a new ammunition type will exist and it will also essentially be the currency of the realm with caps and pre-war currency taking on a sort of credit card status as opposed to *just* being junk or something to sell off right away (low tier ammunition)nails, aka railroad rifle nails from the vanilla game but altered - weighs 0.3-4 each nail, useable in pipeguns with very cheap receiver change, easily crafted with basic steel, reduces damage by 40% but pierces 20% armour and adds 1 for 10 sec poison damagenew ammunition .22 - used and dropped as a form of currency, also used to ensure gunplay usage is always available, but receivers that use it are not very strong or good, zip guns exist for a stronger kick but reload between shots - reduces damage on receivers by 40% but does not weigh much (about as much as .38 does now or so)different ammunnition types(basic ammunition) hollowpoint - increases damage by 20%, increases enemy armour by 10% (I intend to make soft targets have a bit more health, and harder targets to have even more relative armour so that these matter based on the target you're fighting, I might increase the differentials by double if I have to even)armour piercing - reduces damage done by 10%, decreases enemy armour by 30%incendiary - stacking fire damage 3 per second for 5 seconds, -20% damage(elite ammunition)explosive - increases damage done by 10%, 5 damage explosion - 30% kickbackdepleted uranium - requires nuclear material and lead, 10% incresed damage, stacking bleed effect 3 for 2 seconds, 10% armour pierce slug - single hit, 15% chance to stagger, -20% damagebirdshot - 20% increased damage, 30% increased spread 100% more pellets - 8-->16(elite)flechette - 20% armour pierce, 2 bleed for 3 seconds stacking, weighs 0.3, 8-->5 pellets economy/inventory/currency.22 bullets weigh 0.01 current weight, are worth 2-3 capscaps themselves weigh 0.001 eachpre-war currency goes to 75 caps each, weighs 0.02ammunition drops go to 20% of previous, but .22 bullets drop abundantly.38 value 1--->5.45 value 3--->7.308 value 3--->14.44 value 3--->125mm value 1--->55.56 value 2--->910mm value 2--->7.50 value 4--->172mm ECM value 10--->25gauss rifle damage up by 1.5 (essentially an absolute killer - charge time doubled)plasma value 5--->20fusion cell value 3--->8gamma round 10--->12cryo cell 10--->12flamer fuel 1--->3railway spike 1-->2harpoon 1--->6-8 (haven't tried them yet)fusion core 200--->500missile 25--->30 (weight 7-->3)mini nuke 100--->100 (weight 12-->6 45-70 value 3---> 10 disable much of settlement functionality beyond basic home-making except for specific areas of importance, fort independence, sanctuary, 1-2 others possiblysettlements aside from that should be for storage of materials and goodsdisable fast travel, or create a caps cost for it every time to discourage minor convenience fast travellingretool weapon weights so that they're more convenient, ammo creation of .22 and other ammunition should be doable from a portable kit, recipe list is available ingame and able to be crafted for free at all times, the ammunition work kit weighs player down some and requires some materials but is replaceable enough to not be a pain - although making one for every settlement might be a valid option armours and hazards:radiation values on environments like storms and the like increased 4X, radiation resistance clothing much more usefulassault gas mask armour value increased to 5 total from 1 relative ratio of values for armours, note that these are a general guide for comparison of direction, not actual values for any particular piece, I understand that giving one thing a lot of ballistic protection can cause balance issues, and one solution is to keep beam weapons common, as well as energy damage and introduce some stuff that bypasses ballistic armour values completely (ammunition types do this a bit) ballistic/energy/radiation/poison protection ratios note that leather armour is light so that it should be a good designated sneak armour, with synth replacing it as a sort of endgame combat + sneak armour leather armour - 3/5/1/2 -sneaking suit, the best at it, just make sure you get the drop you won't last in a firefightraider armour - 5/2/1/3 - bad armour but will have other qualities to help generally make wastelander life easiermetal armour - 12/5/1/1 - very vulnerable to ulterior attacks of various sorts to offset the fact ballistic damage is so commoncombat armour - 9/7/2/2 - general purpose protection, middle ground, never be caught at a pure disadvantage, never get a pure advantage either, steady goingssynth armour - 6/10/1/3 - combat sneak armour, more forgiving of mistakes, slightly easier to make them thoughmarine armour - 12/12/10/3 - heavy!!! essentially a less potent fusion core'less power armour specialty armour sets - need unique and particular bonuses lending themselves towards a certain role quite heavily these are what I've come up with so farhunter armour - non-automatic rifles, VATS?DC guard armour - melee, toughness, a bit of sneakvault tech armour - very light, okay armour, aids in pistol usagerobot armour - a decent armour set that protects against physical and energy while giving some carrying capacity (helmeted)cage armour - good radiation resist alongside decent physical and energy resist (helmeted) spike armour - good physical resist, radiation resist, melee and/or fist damage, perhaps adds bleed and poison to fist weapons
  13. Hi everyone! This is my first time posting to the Forums, but I really wanted to make a topic for a mod that I've started working on. My concept was: a playable insect race mod. Although the Elder Scrolls universe is full of interesting insect creatures, it has always sorely lacked a sentient playable bug race. I'm a big fan of those myself, and after looking around and not being able to find a mod like this, I decided I could try it myself. I would like to make a bug species that doesn’t fall into the cliché of creepy, often not well researched monster faces, as even some of the Elder Scrolls creatures themselves are, but one based on real insect anatomy. I'm a game artist student; I can create concept art, 3D models, sculpts but I still have to find out how to implement all the art into a usable mod :') However I've got help for that, so I'm not here to ask about that. I'm here to show some concept art and ask for opinions! I would love to hear your feedback and if anyone is interested in a race like this. Give me suggestions, tips or just leave a comment! I would love to hear from the community! :D Here's some concept art that I did so far; http://orig06.deviantart.net/6b7a/f/2016/218/9/a/bodiesconceptart_by_delirious_biznasty-dactynv.jpg http://orig12.deviantart.net/1ef7/f/2016/218/d/5/limbs_concept_art_by_delirious_biznasty-dactykf.jpg I've mostly been thinking about the general shape and looks of the body, I haven't really gone into detail yet on the face. I thought it would be interesting to have secondary limbs, just for aesthetic reasons, showing when they don't wear any chest piece. For the looks, I was inspired by the game Warframe and general robot designs, to make a sort of insect exoskeleton look. The race could be from another part of the world Nirn than Tamriel, like Akavir or Pyandonea. A place with lots of oxygen could explain their large size for an insectoid species. Their body consists of an armor-like exoskeleton, that defines a muscular-looking shape, making them look strong to other races, even if the individual doesn't have as much muscle mass. Between the exoskeleton parts is a black, shiny and soft tissue that enables movement. My idea for customization for a character: Different antennae and fluff combinations to choose from as hairstyles, different eyes and the usual. Ideas for race specific powers: Intimidation (due to their strong look), perhaps good at unarmored protection. Tell me your thoughts, suggestions! I would love to hear it! Thanks for reading :)
  14. This is an armor I've been working on. It's modeled after the Uruk-Hai scout armor in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. EDIT: I should point out this was done in Blender 2.77, since I can't get Blender 2.59 working properly on my computer. I would need help from someone who has a working 2.59 setup to convert the file to .NIF format along with someone who can do textures. I'll attach a picture of the Lurtz Premium Format Statue from Weta/Sideshow for the color guide. EDIT: Uploaded Blender file so people can download and edit armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77602/?
  15. The Small Addition - Work in Progress I don't usually do these types of threads (because, honestly, my mods aren't usually big enough to justify it). However, since I've started nearing the end of the initial environment bits and am, of course now, running into a few issues...well, I figured I'd pop it in here and see if there is even any interest (even though this was mostly for my own enjoyment and not truly anything huge, fancy or ground breaking, technical or otherwise) and maybe a few tips, heh. =) Info: New worldspace (The Small Addition) Absolutly, without a doubt, not lore friendly =P 2 (small) cave dungeons so far 6 settlements so far ...I don't know...other stuff? Still lots of work left. A few of the things I've run into and havn't solved yet: 1) Worldmap in Pip-boy is offset...about an inch lower than it should be...and about a 1/3 of the size it should be 2) First time through the Dollhouse (the door in the Commonwealth) into the worldspace puts one about 5 feet *below* where they the marker is and, consequently, below the floor (into the foundation) of the mirror dollhouse and upon the desks where it sits...I've tried so many things to fix this...it's just so lame 3) Object and World LOD are fine...at least for objects that Bethesda already supplied the files for (Data>Meshes>LOD>etc, Data>Texture>etc>etc). The hedges (as seen in the below shot), for example, don't have LOD meshes from the start, so I'll need to deal with that. I'll use my go-to example, the Mr. Handy Box. It needs to be seen from 3-5 cells away. So, I need to figure how to give it, and other similar objects, LOD. I haven't really tried yet, and kind of at a loss as to how to start, to give static 'not-usually-needed-to-be-seen-from-several-cells-away' objects. I'd assume I'd have to change in the CK>Object>Edit>HasDIstantLOD (to maybe just reflect the original meshes), then go chew around on the nifs, blah blah blah...yeah, I'm getting lost on that. 4) *Still* some objects that just will not respond to any of the tried and true ways of making an environment object stack'able...folded towels and folded sheets are, without compare, my true nemesis' right now. 5) ...I simply need to learn to create quests...something I've just never done...because I was born without the story telling bone. =/ Some screenshots:
  16. Interested voice actors: please check here for open roles. OUR DISCORD OUR PATREON We are always looking for more level designers, quest implementers, and texture artists! If you like interior design, working with Creation Kit, or creating textures for various objects, send me an inbox message! Description: Carve your own path to survive and thrive. Shezarrine is a DLC-scale quest mod that brings the player to a journey of fantasy and intrigues, continuing from the well-praised mod Death Consumes All from the same author. You will travel to Alinor City and many places long forgotten by Tamriel, culminating in your confrontation against a god and His servants. Following the death of Emperor Titus Mede II and the Thalmor's schemes in Winterhold, Tamriel's politics has fallen into disarray. As the new Emperor is coronated, infamous for his sadism and recklessness, a nefarious group named the Sunsworn begins rapidly taking over the Imperial Legion, prophesizing the inevitable rise of the Et'ada race under the reign of the "All-Father". And at the same time, terror emerges on the other end of the continent, as the enigmatic Nihilist Cult plots to overthrow the Aldmeri government and fulfill the "given destiny" of the Altmer race, to realize a deadly prophecy that shall make the mortal races ascend at the cost of the world... You are Shezarrine, the mortal incarnation of Lorkhan, known as a hero-god by mankind, yet the worst devil by the elves. You will be called to face the All-Father and His servants in an attempt to save yourself from His wrath, and - through the Journey and the choices you make - define the fate of yourself and Tamriel. Features:1. A professionally crafted dystopian metropolis - Alinor City, with its own denizens and intrigues. Find your allies and stop your enemies here2. A fully developed, quest-reactive, charming follower named Alden, whom you can romance, befriend, or antagonize3. Over 20 main quests with lots of choices4. High roleplaying freedom - become the God of Liberty or the God of Mischief, or attempt to retain your mortal identity5. Choose and develop a faction that aligns with your beliefs, or none6. Stock market in Alinor - to Masser!7. Epic music that gives you eargasm8. Professional voice acting Discord: anbeegod#9578 Level designers: AdolonLeodoidaoMorrodes
  17. Hello, I have been modding for a couple weeks now and am having trouble finding any information on how to control hand placement and reload animations for custom weapons. All i can do so far is try to use nif skope to maneuver the model to fit the hand placement of one of the vanilla guns. but this leaves the reload animations looking retarded... could anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial. CreationKit.com is empty and i can't find anything through google... I know people have figured this out, there are a bunch of new gun mods for the game. So this is what I have working so far, the gun is the gauss rifle from New Vegas and i put it in the game using a copy of the cryolator in CK because the animation for reloading fits the model nicely. Litterally shows him grabbing the Microfusioin cell and tossing it then plugging a new one in, But the gun sits off aligned in first person and the microfusion cell disappears in first person.
  18. Just making this thread as a place I can post WIP parts and get ideas from all of you lovely people on what I should add in my Handmade Rifle Extension mod. What is this mod?? This mod adds a lot of different weapon mods/re-textures for the Handmade Rifle that come from many real world variants of the Kalashnikov-style rifles. I made this mod because I'm an avid fallout player and I personally own an AK-74 and just really wanted some more variety when it came to what I consider the best weapon in the game. Keep in mind this mod is not meant to be a "Highly polished" mod and is just my take on what I think various Kalashnikov variants would look like in the Fallout universe. Link > https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31807/?tab=description Gallery of current and wip weapons: https://imgur.com/a/Qd4gS2q WIP Parts: STG 940 Barrel, Stock, and Mag Vepr-12 Barrel, Mags Classic Steel AKM Mag RPK-74 Barrel and Muzzle Future WIP Parts: Redo "Handmade Rifle Triangle Stock" so it looks more like an actual side-folder Fix "Low Recoil Long Barrel" and "Enhanced Long Barrel" Hand-guards so they have the iconic palm-swells Quad-stacked 60 round magazine PBS-4 suppressor Polymer Furniture sets: (Hand-guards,stocks (folding 74M style and fixed), and pistol grips) in plum and black AK-100 series barrels Saiga barrels and receivers Galil/Norinco Hunter style Receivers,Stocks, and Barrels (7.62 and 5.56) Currently released parts: Muzzles: DTK - (AK-74 style muzzle break) Slant Brake - (AKM style muzzle brake) Krink Booster - (AKS-74u "Krinkov" style muzzle booster) Receivers: Special Krink Receiver - (AKS-74u receiver with the special sights) Barrels: Low Recoil Long Barrel - (AK-74 style barrel and gas-block) Enhanced Long Barrel - (Standard Long barrel with new wood hand-guard set) Krink Barrel - (Shorten AKS-74u style barrel and gas-block) Handmade LMG Barrel - (RPK Style barrel with stowed bipod and modified hand-guard set) Magazines: 7.62x39 (AK/AKM) style: Large Bakelite Magazine - (30 round Bakelite magazine) Bakelite Banana Magazine (40 round Bakelite RPK magazine) Banana Mag (40 round Slab-side Steel RPK magazine) 5.45x39 (AK-74) style: Large Improved Bakelite Magazine - (30 round Bakelite magazine) Large Improved Black Polymer Magazine - (30 Round Black Polymer magazine) Large Improved Plum Polymer Magazine - (30 Round Plum Polymer magazine) Extended Improved Bakelite Magazine - (40 round Bakelite RPK magazine) Stocks: Handmade Rifle Triangle Stock (Triangle side-folding style stock) Handmade Rifle Underfolding Stock (AKS style under-folding stock and pivots) Handmade LMG Stock (Heavy wooden stock based on that of the RPK) Feel free to leave suggestions and feedback, I'm pretty open when it comes to requests so feel free to fire away and I hope if you download you'll enjoy my mod!
  19. Historic Whiterun Lore-friendly City Expansion Mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4nTVJZq4bQ&feature=youtu.be Introduction to the Lore Skyrim's history is mostly that of the Nords. The Nords believe the sky, Kyne, breathed life into them at the summit of the Throat of the World, which is now considered the tallest mountain in Tamriel (the Red Mountain was acknowledged as the tallest before its eruption during the Red Year). While historians tend to portray Ysgramor as the first Nordic settler of Skyrim, ushering in concurrent waves of immigration from Atmora, this is not the case. While their exact origins are unknown, the most widely accepted theory is that the early Nedic peoples (a now extinct culture) settled in Skyrim after arriving from Atmora well before the arrival of Ysgramor, and from there spread to the rest of Tamriel. In ancient times, Skyrim was ruled by the malevolent Dragon Cult. This early society revolved around the worship of dragons through intermediaries known as dragon priests, who ruled as gods above men. Sometime in the late Merethic Era, the mythical Dragon War saw the overthrow of the Dragon Cult when Alduin, Akatosh's firstborn, was defeated atop the Throat of the World. The veneration of animals gods was eventually replaced by the Eight Divines. The many mountain ranges in and around the province resulted from unknown cataclysms in the Dawn Era. The only known relic from this time is the Skyforge, an ancient, powerful, and still-active forge built into the living rock in modern-day Whiterun. Who built it remains a mystery, but the Elves feared it, and this led the invading Atmorans to claim it for themselves. The Aldmer and Snow Elves occupied Skyrim until the late Merethic Era, when the final wave of Nordic immigration from Atmora, led by Ysgramor, finally established Nordic supremacy in modern-day Skyrim.Settlers from Atmora crossed the Sea of Ghosts and made landfall here many times, often clashing with those who had already established themselves.These early settlers called the land "Mereth", after the Elves that roamed the untamed wilderness. While the Nedic peoples were generally peaceful, the arrival of Ysgramor and the proto-Nords sparked a long, antagonistic chain of conquests that ultimately expelled the Elves from Skyrim. The instigating spark of conflict was the infamous Night of Tears, where the Elves attacked the human settlement of Saarthal. According to Imperial scholars, the Elves realized that this newer race could outpace their relatively stagnant own. Others posit that the human inhabitants had discovered a powerful artifact, the Eye of Magnus, that the Elves desired. Nonetheless, Ysgramor escaped the carnage, returning to Skyrim with his now legendary band of Five Hundred Companions, slaughtering the Elves and establishing man as the foremost race in Skyrim. Ysgramor's clan expanded their territory, and it continued to expand and contract by winning and losing territories in Morrowind and High Rock during the First Era. Elven rule of Skyrim is thought to have ended under the reign of King Harald (1E 143 - 1E 221), though pockets of Snow Elves hid away in the wilderness. It is during King Harald's rule that Whiterun is known to have been divided into four districts: the Plains District, used as a marketplace where all the merchants, stalls and inns are located; the Old District, as one of the most old parts of town, where the entrance to the Vaastefold Mine is located; the Wind District, used as a residential area; and the Cloud District, where the palace of Dragonsreach is. The area used to be referred to as the "Imperial City of Skyrim", before it underwent several acts of chaos, including a dynastic feud, attacks by Hörme bandits and frost trolls, and a series of annihilating winters of alternating floods, droughts, and fires. During 3£ 221, Jarl Kettilson II and his advisors lowered all the taxes to the inhabitants of the city. While this choice had an unfortunate effect on the city's treasury, the fortunate consequence was that many foreign merchants began to take advantage of the excellent economic and administrative situation to import and export goods of primary necessity throughout the Empire. From a small population, which suffered from the Great Plague of 2£ 881, it was that toward the Oblivion Crisis the entire region began to record new migrants and new families moving into the walls of the Great City of Ysgramor. Like many towns in the northern border area of the Empire and its and adjacent regions, Whiterun suffered from the War of Succession, including a devastating siege from Jarl Sigfrid the Black of Riften who burnt the town in 2£ 107. By 2£ 312, Jarl Harald III of Solitude, the acting High King, demanded and received tribute from the town in order for them to be spared a similar fate. In 2£ 346 the town was sacked by unknown bandits. By 4£ 5, a census done by Legate Caius Veram, the acting commander of the III Legion, noted that the population had been growing costantly for the last 350 years, and it is an ideal recruiting ground for the Imperial Legion. Features (Added as of now) - A completely redesigned city - Featuring over 13 new traders, all of which have their own trade - Guards have names, and they have their own homes outside the city walls - Being thane of the city, you can improve it - Dynamic prosperity - One new tavern, the Black Cat - Olamund, the Barber - Census and Excise Office - Player and NPCs pay taxes for residing in the city (Taxes are paid to Proventus Avenicci) - Rentable house 1 week / 2 weeks / 2 months / 4 months - New exterior - Each NPC has a job - New district - New outside appearance - Barenziah's House (Located on the Marketplace) Looking for support, and for feedback. No ports for Legendary shall be done, since it is quite impossibile to make it work in Oldrim.
  20. http://imgur.com/PbP2uIJ i hated that this weapon was taken down, so i decided to make one for the nexus, just a few more things needs to be done but its almost done! -if you guys have any other ideas for additions to the gun besides silencer please let me know! -if there is enough interest ill release it, if not i guess ill start on something new :v
  21. I apologize if this isn't in the right area ahead of time. This an idea I have currently about a SSE Overhaul. There are quite a bit of things that I would like to do with it currently, and don't really have an idea at where to start. It doesn't help that I am a first time Skyrim mod creator (although I have made other mods and maps for other games; first time Skyrim CK user but do have some experience with the GECK for FO3). I was also looking at recruiting some help with creating this mod. A dynamic economy, ecosystem, and policies based on war efforts. Join the Imperial Legion and fight for the laws and beliefs of the great Empire, or join the Stormcloack Rebellion and fight for a free Skyrim! Fight for what you believe is right, or don’t fight at all. This mod idea is composed of an idea I had about something Skyrim was missing and will include them. · A dynamic and fluid economy where the actions the player makes can affect the economy o Skyrim is under a civil war § Embargos will be emplaced affecting pricing and availability of certain materials and items · Selling or buying large quantities of the same item/material will effectively reduce the price of said item (if selling; will create a surplus of said item) or effectively raising the price of said item (if buying; will create a need of said item) o Items that will help the war effort (Weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, soul gems, and all the materials required to craft them) will be more expensive in certain holds (If a hold is neutral it will not have an effect on pricing of said materials, but if it has a side in the war then the prices will be increased) · Embargos can be lifted depending on the situation (surrendering, ect) § Treaties between holds to provide resources towards the war effort for a given faction § Dragons being introduced will have a drastic effect on the ecosystem of Skyrim § Battles between factions will have an effect on the ecosystem as well (especially if a faction were to bother with the mages up north) · Combat and Magic Overhaul · Civil War Overhaul o Battles for certain holds are dynamic even if the Dragonborn does not side with a faction o Guilds can be hired by factions to assist in the war effort § Guilds will assist with defending the capital if it is being attacked (Minus the Dark Brotherhood) · Character Creation Overhaul o Birth Signs (for example those born under the sign of the will receive 10 points of armor rating and 5% magic resistance; a 5% reduction to the standing stone itself) o Standing Stones are the same but will stack additively with birth signs (if they are the same) Anyways guys just comment below on what you think of my idea and any tips you guys might have will be a huge help. Thanks ~Mineymonkey
  22. Hello all, my name is Ryan Farrell (or Serifaz is fine). I don't know if I am posting this in the wrong section. I did not see a recruitment section so I posted it here. I am working with a group of people to create a skyrim online client and server. We have a goal to create a proper mmorpg environment of skyrim. This includes a revamped character creation system that will save character data to a database so people will not loose there information after uninstalling or whatever game problems may arise. This will be a closed src project Because we figure that this will detour people from helping. we are paying for development to be made. The server will pull in no profit from its users, no donations or payments of any kind. We have a lot planned for this project I will not discuss it all here. But if you are interested we are paying by milestones (Not hourly). We do not pay for work that has not been done. So no down payments at all. Depending on what is developed you will be paid more or less depending on the project. If you have any questions please contact me on skype Skype = Serifaz2 Positions needed AS2 developer familiar with skse communication with flash and flash with the game. SKSE Plugin developer familiar with c++ that can create a plugin to communicate with flash and a c++ server. Here is an example of what we would like to create first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31HzASJQlag
  23. Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS) Downloads - WARS - Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite - PEACE - Project Extend And Change Everything - War and Peace - WARS-PEACE Compatibility Patch - The War Room - WARS Compatibility Patches - Peace In Our Time - PEACE Compatibility Patches M1911 - WARS Standalone Weapon (M1911-WSW) Download: M1911-WSW Thompson SMG Replacer (TSR) Download: Thompson SMG Replacer TSR features the Thompson SMG as a replacer for the vanilla SMG, split off into a standalone mod. Similarly, M1911-WSW splits the M1911 pistol off into a standalone mod, but as a new weapon. Note: Everything below this point in the post - and everything in the second post - is considered outdated legacy information now. Refer to the Nexus pages above for up-to-date info. The world you knew has gone mad. Not the guns, though; they're just as you remember them. Well... it would be nice to say that, but Fallout 4 features firearms that are mostly made-up; not based on real-world weapons. "Fantasy Firearms", I call them. I generally like the way they look aesthetically... but they don't make much sense as actual firearms. Many are comically over-sized. Some have lots of excess junk on them that doesn't do anything, while others lack the detail required to convince as weapons rather than toys. In short, I prefer the approach Obsidian took to firearms in Fallout New Vegas: they're mostly based on real-world weapons. Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS) adds a range of new real-world weapons to Fallout 4. Some of them replace those vanilla fantasy firearms, while others are purely new additions and meant to complement the somewhat sparse arsenal of firearms in the base game. Not all vanilla firearms are replaced. Only some of the "Guns" - no Energy weapons are replaced. However the lacklustre firearms are just the most obvious, most visible face on a deeper issue in Fallout 4. Its combat mechanics overall are somewhat simplistic; more "arcade-shooter video-game" than "immersive sim". It seems like Borderlands was a strong influence on combat design in Fallout 4 - and I like Borderlands too! However I prefer STALKER... and Fallout New Vegas. So while WARS starts by replacing existing weapons and adding new ones, it doesn't end there. It also overhauls weapon behaviour and combat mechanics generally, aiming to create a more interesting, believable, consistent and immersive combat and survival experience in Fallout 4. See the Mod Features section below for more details on exactly what WARS does. Just to be up-front, however; WARS is an overhaul, and I don't use that term lightly. It's designed to make far-reaching changes to weapons and combat in FO4. Existing mods that add new weapons will usually require a compatibility patch to play nicely with WARS. Note that WARS has a sister mod in Project Extend And Change Everything (PEACE). WAR(S) and PEACE, you see? Where WARS is an overhaul targeting Fallout 4's weaponry and combat mechanics, PEACE is an overhaul targeting everything else that I think needed attention. The two mods can be used separately, but they are designed to be used together. WARS is built on the hard work of a number of people (i.e. it uses several modder's resources), but with additional work on these assets to hopefully maintain a high level of quality and consistency across the mod. I'm also incorporating my own from-scratch assets into WARS as needed. Additionally, Hitman47101 is kindly contributing animations for the weapons in this mod, which I'm pretty excited about. Here's the all-important list of weapons I'm aiming to include in WARS: Rough Weapon List (More detail in second post) Screenshots and Videos
  24. Working on a smaller teeth choice for male orcs. Also have my own character's head morph in there. PIC: http://imgur.com/a/Nw5sS
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