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  1. What are all the mods you can find or think of for fallout 3 to make it more holiday/December themed? I modded fallout 3,4, new Vegas and Skyrim to make them as Halloweeny and spooky as possible. I did this because I to make a few playthrough videos on YouTube because I love being festive and celebrating the holidays especially Halloween. I want to do the same thing for Christmas and the December holidays. When I was done modding fallout 3 for Halloween it had 60 mods installed. I could barely find 27 holiday/Christmas mods for fallout 3 and a lot of them are holiday mods at a big stretch. So I'm just wondering if you can please help me find a few more. Anything I could have overlooked that could in any way give fallout 3 a more holiday/December/Christmas feel. I'm not picky at all, just anything that gives FO3 a more wintery, Christmasy or any other December holiday feel. Any winter mods or vaguely winter esque mods I could have overlooked would be good too. I would love to find any mods to give FO3 any more of a winter holiday feel or anything like that. I also just want to make the most wintery and Decembery FO3 mod collection I can. I made some really spooky Halloween mod collections for fallout 3,4 New Vegas and Skyrim. Thank you for any help at all you can provide.
  2. i like regular fallout as much as the next guy but i like changing the way the game looks, its almost like fallout is new again, one way i like to do it is by using the winter overhauls,frost or the winter wonderland mod, but im also a glutton for punishment and id like my character to feel the chill of night the hypothermia the damage id like to plan carefully on what i carry a torch? whisky? can i keep going should i camp and get have a warm stew? id like to see some frost on my pip boy, but hey its just an idea to revitalize fallout4.
  3. So, I've just spent several hours on editing textures for this game. I've never done anything like this before, and have had absolutely zero experience before I started, and even now still barely know anything about it. I'm not really good at it, mostly because I wasn't working very accurately because I didn't want to put a lot of effort into it because I didn't know how good it would look like. So I just messed around and then went to see how the game looks like. It doesn't look that great, my main problem was that I didn't know which textures connect to which, and which textures are inside and which outside, which should be covered by snow and which should not be. I'm not asking for help here or so, I don't think I have the patience nor the experience to keep this little project of mine going, I just wanted to show it off so my effort wasn't for nothing. Or maybe it will serve as inspiration for a more gifted modder than me. Enjoy. :laugh:
  4. I have been using Climates of Tamriel for a while now but decided to try the winter edition. I installed the winter edition bsa and esp and organized with loot, the winter edition is the lowest of the cot plugins, yet when i go to play to try it out.....nothing happens.....the base cot is working, but nothing that the winter edition is supposed to do does not happen....from what it looks like is its supposed to make it snow all over skyrim not just the northern half, yet whiterun is still pale greenish yellow and everything is EXACTLY the same. The normal cot is all that runs, no winter edition. Main page gives no info or anything and half of the main complaints are people who have no idea how to install mods period. Anyone have any idea how to get it to work? Or is it a load order issue? all my lighting and other mods are all listed as compatible by the cot mod page. No other mods besides them.
  5. Hey, so I got to looking at the Nexus for some winterized stuff and was pretty happy about all the retextures everybody has done for a winter camo. Except something was missing...I couldn't find any winterized Ranger armour. Any chance someone could make a hi-res winterized ranger armour out there? The Vet. by the way. Ain't nobody going to be wearing filthy patrol armour. Ew... YOU WILL MAKE ME A HAPPY LIL SMURF! DO IT FOR YOUR TASTE BUDS! ~LSCultist
  6. edit: oh wow my topic title was brutally cut off. whoops. http://paranerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Skyrim-Christmas.jpg We're about a month away from the event so lets get this show on the road, okay? Saturalia - Christmas In Skyrim by Deandra and Musicman247 presents, carolers, and a quest, oh my! Christmas Lanterns by MannyGT pretty lights all over! The Merry Snowberry - Holiday Decorations and Food by Jokerine trees, food, presents, right where you want them! Its Christmas in Skyrim by me dem trees. Christmas Advent Calendar by T3rRoR_SoLdi3R surprises galore! Christmas Bikini -CBBE- Holiday Special by LoverBR um... ho ho ho? Seasons of Skyrim Project - Summer and Winter by AceeQ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! UPDATE: Merry Christmas! by Jerba (steam workshop) gotta look the part! More suggestions welcome!
  7. For the longest time I had this idea for a mid-sized ice cave abode system made purely out of ice, snow, icecicles and perhaps a small percentage of stalhrim as well. It would be no doubtly be a unique and freezing home fit for lonely cryomancers and extreme Frostfall survivalist soloers alike that possess a high skill rank in Wayfarer. But since my CreationKit know-how is more than limited, I require the help of the community to do this for me. Location: Somewhere within the coldest and iciest parts of the Forgotten Vale. Features: Uses the IceCastle statics from the Dragonborn DLC (ice doors, ice torches, glacier ice walls, ice throne, ect.) No fireplaces, fire torches, kitchen fire, oven, smelter, or forge. Spouse, companion and children unfriendly. ( They would freeze to death there anyway, realistically speaking.) No placeables, chests, weapon plagues, dagger racks, mannequins, or furnitures made from stone, wood or metal. Although, a small number of ice variants of such things would be more than welcome. Snowberry fields or gardens in order to survive the harsh cold. Perhaps an icy underground river with a well hidden, lightless and dangerous Forgotten Vale-style cavern at its end.
  8. This http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1148297-seasons-on-skyrim-not-always-winter/
  9. so I've done some looking around the internet and noticed that there are almost no white walker mods for Skyrim. so I want to change that and implement the White Walkers into the north of the Skyrim world. so basically what I was thinking was what if ash spawn and or draugr received a remodel and retexture (mainly a retexture) to make them a pale blue/white with darker blue for the indentations and even add long white hair to them (I'll link a picture of them further down for those of you who don't know) or perhaps even if giants were shrunk down and retextures and made to behave like ash spawn? for the animation, in the series the white walkers rise from the ground when ever someone approaches (similar to that of the ash spawn) so I was thinking that the animation wouldn't need to much tweaking. and last but not least white walkers can only be killed to ways, by fire or what the series calls "dragon glass" which makes them explode/disintegrate, so perhaps the white walkers could be immune to everything but fire/fire enchantments and ebony weapons? I give anyone permission to use this idea to try and make this mod a reality as long as I am given credit for the idea somewhere in the mod description and I am messaged by you first. Cheers :smile:
  10. The only mod I've found that attempts to give us all of the Eddie Winter holotapes to quickly complete the quest Long Time Coming from Nick Valentine does not work... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16493/? I'm hoping someone would be willing to create a (hopefully quick and easy-ish) mod to allow us to grab up those holotape quest items real quick and be finished with Nick's quest. It'd be even better if they actually deleted them from the game world as well so we don't end up with multiples. Thanks for checking out my request. :happy:
  11. I want a mod that retextures cities because i got a mod that makes the outside of skyrim everywhere but cities winter because im playing with frostfall and always snow mod but cities look wierd i found a mod for whiterun but thats it :(
  12. Could so use somebody to make model and make this into a mod. We can use some winter clothing so we can properly wear something that'd make sense to wear in a winter land instead of these shorts and/or t-shirts.
  13. [Mod Request] Dynamic Seasons For instance, the part of year when snow starts falling both increases and decreases. As well as, the time of year when snow begins to fall, and when it stops. Adding in fall and spring would be fantastic as well, however that probably would involve adding new art assets and thus be a lot more work... Fall, would have red/orange/yellow leaves one the ground. Spring the grass would be green, instead of the browning that occurs with grasses in Summer.
  14. TL;DR: New versions of Dragon Priest masks combined with hoods from Winter Is Coming, Cloaks of Skyrim, and/or Frostfall hoods for unified aesthetics and benefits of exposure protection and the Dragon Priest masks' inherent enchantments. So there I was.. I was traversing the harsh cold heights of Solstheim in my wintry Frostfall clothing -- armored fur hood, winter travel cloak, lined gloves, trekking boots -- the works. I stumble into a barrow hoping to find refuge from the cold. I made camp in a cistern. After warming up I decided to venture farther into the tomb. I eventually ran into a Dragon Priest, Dukaan, and vanquished him. I picked up his mask as a token of my victory. Being the best piece of heavy armor I now owned, I equipped it over my heavy armor frostfall hood, unequipping the previous hood. Now that I had no exposure protection I equipped a different hood that equipped along with my new helmet. Now I had a heavy piece of armor on my head with a Frost Resistance enchantment to boot, along with a hood that gave me a 15% exposure protection; invaluable in the harsh conditions of Skyrim and Solstheim. Here's where things get ugly. I noticed the clipping of the Dragon Priest mask and the fur hood I'm wearing... Oh the humanity! What I propose is some new Dragon Priest mask versions for Skyrim and DLC which combine Dragon Priest masks with hoods from various hypothermia and immersion mods like Winter is Coming, Cloaks of Skyrim, and Frostfall. The main goal is to have the enchantments and aesthetics of the unique Dragon Priest masks to have the look and feel and the exposure protection benefit of Frostfall. I am new to modeling. In fact, I only decided to start learning shortly after this little journey. It would take me a while to get to the point of doing the model work, but I think I could do the scripting stuff for the Frostfall exposure protection on them. Thanks in advance for anyone who reads this or considers it. :D
  15. How do i make skyrim Winter. I've tried COT but that doesn't work and enhanced landscapes seems a little too complicated to use, anyone else got other ideas?
  16. ​My name is SaturnVII and I've been around for quite some time. With that aside, I'll place this in the discussion subforum as opposed to the requests, to see if there is a kind of want for this sort of overhaul. To avoid a text wall, I'll attempt to keep it short. In Skyrim, we had a number of mods that converted the map into a cold, dark, freezing hell. Frostfall, the Climates of Tamriel winter overhaul, and with that we also received some unique survival elements. I intend to see if there is a want on the forums and in the community for this sort of modification to see if some talented individual would find it worth their time to pursue the project. End result, something similar to a game like The Long Dark perhaps. In short: Survival Aspects (Hypothermia, wetness factors, camping, fire building, clothing warmth) Authentic Winter (Snowed over Commonwealth, weather changes, snow depth, frozen rivers and lakes) Winter Clothing (Thicker clothes, more ushankas, long coats, snow shoes, scarves, gloves, etc) Other hardcore aspects such as eating, drinking, sleeping should perhaps be covered by a separate addon for modularity. Ostensibly, feel free to discuss, debate, suggest, all the works.
  17. Can anyone help make a mod of pig able to find truffle in winter?
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