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  1. I'm on Skyrim se 1.5.97, i just need three lines to pop up in down left corner of screen when i press a key, i have 3 keys that need this behaviour, when i press "Lt" 1,2,3 should pop up, pressing "Rt" 4,5,6 should pop up and pressing "B" 7,8,9 should pop up, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 should be customised in an ini.
  2. Im creating a mod that is going to add a small meter on the game HUD... the only issue is, i can't extend the required SKI_MeterWidget script because it doesn't exist! Ive downloaded the SDK from here (https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki) and it doesnt contain the script either... so where am i supposed to get this damn thing at? Please help EDIT: Ive been trying to use this tutorial: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/Mardoxx_Sandbox
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