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  1. I don't remember seeing any Werewolves you can ride with or without a summoning spell.
  2. Hello! i would like to request a mod that makes all feed system on the player,these three to be exactly ring of namira/ werewolf/ vampire , like feeding with a vampire could count as a werewolf too, progressing both, and vice versa, and if using ring of namira it will count too as a vampire and werewolf fedding, and the same if i'm vampire and feed/bite but is using the ring could count to every feed too, the thing is i'm playing with a mod that allow me to be a hybrid, i understand that these are different forms BUT Am i not the same person?! yes, they are different form to the same person, i really dont get that part that i have to feed in all different forms to levelup them all if i'm all three at same time(humanoid/vampire/werewolf), it would help even if the player is just one at the moment, the count of feeding on status would increase for either, then if the player decide to change race/form, he/she would not lose progress, after all that stupid excuse bethesda gave us that vampire drink blood , werewolf eat hearts, e and namira followers only like dead things is a big bulls***, its all the same, theres blood and meat involved on all this kinds of feeding, i would greatly appreciate as i'm don't know how to use de CK to do this(noob here! sorry), thanks in advance.
  3. I was playing skyrim the other night and playing as a nord vampire/werewolf hybrid thanks to the mod tahts lets you play both at the same time. Although I was thinking what about my characters dragonborn blood surely that should really enhance my vampire and werewolf blood and abilities. So I have some ideas I know It's a long shot for someone to create this but you never know if you dont ask right? Tribrid Transformation - This transformation lets your excess the full power of your bloodlines being vampire, werewolf and dragonborn. I think a cool transformation animation and glowing green eyes with a pupils in the eyes not like the ugly original vampire lords eyes. Even add Dragon wings to the transformation. Keep The transformation as human form but with glowing Green eyes like similar to the green eyes In The Originals series to give you more of an idea. Transformed Powers - Super speed around 200 speedmult - Super Jump around 500 to 800 jumpheightmin. Note maybe add gliding to the jump so you can last long in the air. - Enhanced Senses like smell and night eye - Bat Travel - Make a vampire - Paralyze surround enemies in a certain area - Teleport behind enemie npc Normal Powers/abilities - Vampire Lord - Werewolf Transformation - Seduction - Invincibility - Fear enemies maybe add some vampiric animation to it - Maybe some blood magic spells for the people who like to cast spells Passives - Disease Resistance 100% - Poison Resistances 100% - Unarmed damage increased by 20 - Movement Speed Increased by 20% - Jump Height increased by 200 jumpheight - Relexes dodge chance 20% - Stamina, Magic, Health regen 200% at night time 8pm to 5am - Every neck bitten you gain 1 health 1 magic 1 stamina - Every Dragon soul stolen you gain 1% increase to Movement speed, Jump Height, Unarmed damage and 1 armor rating maximum being between 30 to 50. Weaknesses - Silver damage increases depending on the stage your on like stage 1 your take 25% percent damage then just plus 25% for each stage maxing out at 100% extra damage at stage 4 on the hunger system. - Sun Damage 1 every second at Stage 4 - Fire damage deals the same kind of damage as silver does its depending on the stage you're on. - While in the sun your passive abilities are halved - When transformed into a tribrid npcs attack on sight. Ring Of Enhancement Maybe a mini quest to fight a boss to get a ring that increases all your passives by 10% or just add a ring. You could add maybe a little Dragon, vampre and werewolf faces to the ring. I think the harch weeknesses balance out the gamplay more specially if you play on the hardest mode so It shouldnt really be too overpowering. If anyone is interested in making something like this then great, if not I hope some of the ideas. Help you come up with your own idea's. :) Ryan
  4. The two werewolf body mods i am using are: Tweaked Derrax Male Werewolf Animal Penis Special Edition Female Werewolf SSE I checked the files from both, and they do not seem to be overwriting from each one, but occupy is the location. What occurs in my game depends on what is later in the load list. 1) TDMWAPSE is above FWSSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is more feminine, and i find a werewolf body at Gallows Rock, to find that they are the vanilla body (no changes). 2) FWSSE is above TDMWAPSE. Playing as a female werewolf, I transform and my body is the default form (no changes). Travel to Gallows Rock, the werewolves there, DO have the added equipment. Why is there a conflict between these two mods, if neither one of them directly modifies the other and is it possible to have both of them function as intended at the same time? P.S. Not sure it matters pertaining to this inquiry, but I am not using the MTSE. I am using the Bloodmoon Rising Overhaul, but i had it disabled during the troubleshooting. I have no other mods that touch werewolves.
  5. Coming back from 2 years away from Skyrim and getting set up with my mods, normally I would use females as my char but decided to change it up. In all my playthroughs, I am always a dark/evil kind of person (and always one of the following; Vampire, Werewolf, and Necromancer) and I dont want to comb through pages upon pages to find a handful of hidden presets that are right for me. So I come to the power of the Skyrim community to hopefully help me out... Races wise... I'd say Altmer, Nord, Dunmer, and possibly High Elf. Open to any questions to narrow things down!
  6. Title. This problem has existed for so many years and no bug fix mod has ever touched it.
  7. Basically the title, a mod that allows the companions to turn into werewolves in combat (or is simply compatible with another mod that allows this) and also give them custom skins when they do, similar to how moonlight tales allows the player to have a unique werewolf skin.
  8. Hey all, first forum thread opened (I think). I've been on the Nexus for a while now, enjoying the fruits of the efforts put in by so many for free and occasionally putting my two cents in for bugtesting... But I've been thinking an awful lot lately about the Venom modder resource, my OC Lykaos, and been in a werewolf-y mood in general, and thus decided to come here to try to find a small team to put together something for said OC and possibly Klyntar in general. I don't expect people to do this kind of script-heavy, custom animated work for free, though payment details will need to be hashed out later (patreon, paypal, etc.) depending on availability of both people and resources. Of course, people who are willing to work for free out of sheer boredom are also welcome, though I won't promise I won't insist on paying at least something. :3 The details of the mod and the creature in question will be enclosed in a .txt document, but if that doesn't work out I can put the contents thereof in a comment on the forum. Hope y'all have a wonderful time, and happy holidays~
  9. I had tried a few attempts adding the BBB bones (Bip01 L Op1-Op3 & Bip01 R Op1-Op3) to the werewolf skeleton (skeletonWerewolf.nif) from the Curse of Hircine - Resurrected mod, but always in a bad result (breast stretch into the beyond or a t-posed, can't interact with anything werewolf). Like I figured out how to do BBB support on meshes (clothes/armors/body), so I would know how to do that on the werewolf mesh body, but at the moment I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the skeleton, though those attempts I did however was through the modern Blender not an a old version of Blender. Probably like I did to the OCO Argonian head mesh, I recently edited in a older Blender probably have to do also with the werewolf skeleton? If there's a tutorial of adding BBB bones to skeletons, I haven't found it yet. If I haven't figured it out in the future, I hope someone with more experience of editing bones could try this.
  10. I know there are other mods like More Werewolves But it doesn't quite do it for me. I looked at leveled/spawn list creators and such but I can't seem to wrap my head around them. The concept I had planned was to simply add werebeasts to vanilla Wolf and Bear spawns. After level 10, Wolves and packs of Wolves have a chance of spawning with a werewolf/wolves, with the difficulty/type of werewolf increasing as the players level increases. Same with Bears and Werebears, but at higher levels of course.
  11. Okay, I tried posting this on the Nexus Mods Discord server but no one replied yet, so I am requesting help here. I have tried to combine parts of the meshes from these mods https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16984 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56730, more specifically the head and tail of Asjure's werewolf with the rest of the body of Oblivionlivio21's Underweorld werewolf. The problem is that initially when I tested the mesh, the textures in it were completely broken. When I checked on blender and it said it had multiple UV layers, which Skyrim does not support, I managed to make it not have multiple layers and the mesh simply became invisible in game. Is there any way at all I can make this work?
  12. A mod just to simply revert werewolf form with a botton? I have searched this mod here, but I couldn't found any that just allows you to become human again, so you don't have to wait so long. All mods that allows you to do this have other stuff that I don't want, I think vanilla werewolfs are fun. I know that you can pass time to revert the form, but I already bugged a mission for doin this. I killed someone on werewolf form, but I had to loot him so I waited to revert the form and the body just disapear, so I couldn't end this mission anymore xd. Fortunately it was not so important, so nothing serious happend. If there's an existing mod that can do this, I will appreciate the help! :)
  13. I've been trying to find a mod that adds fade to black effect when transforming into werewolf (and reverting form). I've never liked the transformation animation and would rather just fade to black when I use beast form or ring of hircine and appear already transformed. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
  14. I've been looking for mods to alter the howl audio of the werewolf in Skyrim, but I haven't seen any. I'm curious if anyone is working on one? I've seen them for the normal wolf, but not the werewolf. https://youtu.be/5VgQ0b65FGU 7:15 I'm looking for a sound like this. I love this sound.
  15. I have no idea how to create models or anything like that really but i think it would be nice to have a player only werewolf replacer for people who use skeleton races or the undeath mod. i know someone has done some work on something like this (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/444246) but that seems quite abandoned
  16. Hey guys - desperately searching for this mod. I’d be willing to pay, but unsure how any of this works. Been wanting this for years, and know it’s probably a long shot. I want something similar to this : basically same werewolf model, with added feathers (especially on arms), and a replaced head and feet to closer resemble this. I wouldn’t need any custom sound or animation, just the custom model and texture. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/24/a1/f1/24a1f1e81d8b2cf3bcfc1d48afcd29d1.jpg
  17. I'm not sure if it's hard to make or I just missed one. Basically I want a werewolf has a magic property. Most of overhauls were focused on stats, but how about some flashy one? Maybe their claw could inflict burn or explosion. Maybe, they breath a fire / frost. I managed to "merge" two mods that weren't intended to do this. Here is the example The magical property is up to whoever take this idea :)
  18. Edit: nevermind, I managed to get my script working. Carry on.
  19. I realize its probably a SUPER long shot that it would happen, but I was hoping someone could make a mod (or mods) that allow you to have glowing eyes for the Derrax Male Werewolves mod (animal version) and the Ulfhednar race mod, (or possibly if someone could teach me how to do it myself depending what all that involves). I'm also using the La Femme Lycanna mod, but my character is male and werewolf NPCs are VERY rare as it is (apart from the Companions ones) never mind specifically female ones, so i doubt id even notice not having glowing eyes for the female werewolves. IDEALLY what I'd like is the red eye textures from Fantasy Werewolf Eyes (its either Style 6 or Style 7 i'm using, probably Style 7) for both werewolves and the Ulfhednar race, and have them glow on both werewolves and Ulfhednar the way they do on werewolves if you use the werewolf model with glow maps from Heart Of The Beast for werewolves without using the Derrax mod. For the Ulfhednar race, it might be okay if i was able to select eyes from mods that add glowing eyes but i was unable to figure out how to do that and just copy/paste/renaming the textures and/or meshes of those mods to replace the ones the Ulfhednar are able to select from results in they eyes looking nothing like what they do on vanilla races (with the exception of Argonian and Khajit who don't appear to be able to select those eyes either). I've tried a lot of different things, using all sorts of eye and glowing eye mods, but i cant get either Derrax Male Werewolves or the Ulfhednar to have glowing eyes, either with the Fantasy Werewolf Eyes texture, or textures from mods specifically designed to make eyes glow (Glowing Eyes V4 for example). I am also eternally perplexed as to how a mesh (which is just a shape for something from my understanding) for a body has any bearing at all on whether or not the eye textures glow.
  20. I am trying to make a new werebeast to transform into. I have created the nakedtorso, the skinnaked, the race, the effect and the transformation power and made sure all the parts mentioned are associated with each other but when I use it ingame I still become the default werewolf. I have begun to suspect that it has something to do with a (cringe) script, am I correct?
  21. Good day I had a thought about werewolves, I think they are a bit hunchback-y and was wondering I there is a mod or any other way with nifskope or something to make them a bit more upright? Just the non sprinting, not moving idle is a bit too hunchback-y for my taste.
  22. For many years I've played the game skyrim and came to a countless conclusion about the ability to be a werewolf. And well.. Its Disappointing. Vanilla based Werewolf transformation and skills as a werewolf were always so annoying that I could never truly get into it until I found PC Modding, Now having a few years on the PC and learning different things. I'm still greatly disappointed. So now I wish to speak out and see if I can pull some of our most gifted modders and plot writers together. I wish for us to come together and create one of the best story mods to ever be made. Nothing over top like the amazing work of Bruma or Enderal (Maybe?) I want to create a team dedicated to creating A amazing story based around the world of Lycanthropy. I am not talking about a crappy mod either. I want there to be a voice unique to every NPC, I want the Story to grab people hearts, and brind sadness, Fear, Anger. I'm Looking for Experienced Modders to create a team. There will be alot of work, And a ALOT of Time to be put into this. Please, If Anyone is experienced and have a strong desire to see Werewolves be the most dominate race in all of Tamriel or, Be the Protectors of Tamriel, Contact me. The Story I have is vast, And I believe that the Vampires getting a DLC Around them was unfair, But Also opened story ideas.
  23. I recently downloaded ARLADRIS's Werewolf: The Awakening mod. This mod made various game changes that I did not like, and some that are downright silly and self defeating despite the OVERALL functionality of the mod, which is great. I sent a PM to the mod author asking for help, but am afraid that I may not get a response, and so am turning to the forums just in case. Now, the reason I include "Cleanly" in the title is because when I simply delete the files or disable the mod, my game-save becomes unplayable-- I cannot wait, save, quick- save, or go through doors without a complete game crash, and the game crashes after a certain amount of time regardless. My game has also been relatively unstable since the installation of the mod, which does not conflict with any of the mods I have installed (I checked myself). Anyway, does anyone know how to uninstall the mod without losing my save? The mod author DID NOT include an uninstall section in the TWENTY PAGE README, which was entirely about the mod's features. For any who require a reason for my want to uninstall: As in the first paragraph, it makes changes that do not fit my taste, and weren't covered to such an extent that I'd know before installing and playing for a while. To any who attempt to aid me, thank you very much; I appreciate it. The modification in question is located HERE: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35360/? (if the URL is incorrect, it is because for some reason I couldn't copy- paste it; the internet made me manually type it. Silly internet!)
  24. Ok so as the title says, when I turn into the werewolf form, some enemies will stop attacking me with melee, started noticing with trolls and then falmer that had melee weapons. They would stop attacking me and just run in circles around me, or run away and get to cover as if I was up on top of an object they couldn't reach. I went through and tried different mods but then I just ran the base game and it still happened so I was wondering if anyone has had this problem or has heard of a fix.
  25. I have recently installed the latest version of "Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul" and now I have a problem that occurs upon transforming. When transforming you are supposed do a little howl and look towards the sky but instead of that happening the werewolf ends up frozen in the traditional, arms stretched out position. I have tried re-running FNIS. Uninstalling and reinstalling the mod and running FNIS again, but to no avail. The mod doesn't even seem to appear in the feed when running FNIS. I have tried running LOOT to see if there are any incompatibilities but there are none. I have tried a creating a new game but still no luck. I have also used this mod before but never had this problem then. I'm not using Mod Organizer (I would if I knew how) Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you want my load order you'll have to tell me how to copy and paste it because I couldn't figure out how (sorry for being such a noob) :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
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